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Happy Mother’s Day Here’s to a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms reading my blog! A huge shoutout goes to my own mom for being such a great influence on me and teaching me to strive to always be the best that I could be. It was through her example, that I […]


A Bump in the Road In last week’s RunDown, I mentioned how great it felt to finally be back to a place where my workouts left me feeling tired and sweaty. On Tuesday’s blog post, I discussed my plan for following the principles of overload and adaptation to reign myself in from doing too much […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Building Up Steam In last week’s RunDown, I mentioned that I’d run intervals totaling four glorious minutes during Saturday’s three-mile walk on my treadmill (affiliate link). It was my first test to see if I was ready to start gradually building back up to running. I felt great […]


Four Glorious and Exhausting Minutes

Six Weeks Later and I Finally Ran Those Promised Intervals My physical therapist promised on March 2nd that we were going to give running a try during my next session. She said we would keep it easy and incorporate a few run intervals into my walk on the treadmill. Unfortunately, two days later I was […]


A Twist on Easter, but Still a Time of Hope and Joy

Setting My Sights for a Saturday Run After weeks of physical therapy I have been feeling almost back to normal and my foot numbness has been all but non-existent the last few weeks. Saturday was going to be my big day! I was going to squeeze a few short run intervals into my walk, but […]


Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link…   Getting Back to Gardening I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed gardening, but as I’ve gotten older (and lazier), I’ve farmed more and more of it out. Because I do have more spare time on my hands this year, I chose to do all of the pruning. Not only would […]


Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link…   Spring Brings Rain and Flowers On Monday afternoon after the rain had stopped, I took a short walk around my neighborhood. I felt as if I’d turned a corner (with the flu) on Sunday, but didn’t want to overdo it with any sort of strenuous workout. I […]


Spring Flowers, a Missed Visit, and a Surreal Experience

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   The Visit that Didn’t Happen Pablo was supposed to spend the weekend with us, but with the cancelation of the Asheville Half Marathon, his humans stayed home… and so did he.   Social distancing had Pablo doing what so many others were doing, watching Netflix on his laptop… […]


Budding Runners, Getting Back into a Routine, and Social Distancing

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Volunteering with Running with the Stars On Wednesday afternoon I volunteered to be a guest speaker for Running with the Stars at one of our local elementary schools. I talked to the children about the importance of cross training for runners, introduced them to the names of the […]


The Run that Got Postponed and a Not-so-Perfect Pull-up

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Flowers Always Brighten the Day As I mentioned on Thursday, I’ve been lying low with the flu since Wednesday. Thankfully, I’d gotten the flu vaccine in the fall so I had a lighter case. On Saturday afternoon our doorbell rang and this beautiful floral bouquet was delivered. I […]


Getting Antsy Being Patient

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   We’ve Got Your Back 5K Last week I discussed dreaming about my first race back after this annoying back injury/numb foot issue that I’ve been working around since late December. I threw out a mid-April race as a possibility for my comeback, but this weekend I discovered the […]


Dreaming About My Spring Racing Schedule

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   All Set to Sign Up for a Race While perusing Facebook yesterday I ran across a friend’s post sharing a discount for the upcoming Fiesta 5K, a race I ran two years ago and loved, but had to miss last year because we were in NYC for the […]


Keeping Up with Physical Therapy

This post contains affiliate links…   Annual Italian Dinner Party Our annual Italian Dinner Party was last night, and as always, it was a tremendous amount of fun. I took Friday off from work which meant Monday through Thursday was much busier than normal with my Friday clients and class rescheduled to earlier in the […]


Taking One Step Forward and Two Steps Backward with My Favorite Exercise

This post contains affiliate links…   Physical Therapy Continues I continued physical therapy this past week with sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My therapist introduced squats, leg curls, and lateral leg raises back into my routine – one exercise at each visit. I’m supposed to avoid lifting heavy objects and I am still focusing […]


This post contains affiliate links…   On the Road to Recovery After a follow up appointment with my doctor on Tuesday, we determined that I felt enough better that I could skip the second spinal injection and start physical therapy immediately. I opted to go with a new-to-me physical therapist who specializes in spines and […]


On the Road to Recovery? Fingers Crossed!

I’m going to keep this week’s rundown super short…   Following up on Injury Recovery I got my first spinal injection on Tuesday and by Friday my foot was no longer tingly and numb. I’m not feeling totally back to normal, but feel that I’m finally headed in the right direction. Whether or not I’ll […]


All the Excuses

Even Personal Trainers Can Have “all the Excuses” This past week’s workouts were less than stellar and taking a cue from some of my clients, I came up with “all the excuses” for why I couldn’t workout. I’ve long known that my chances are far better at getting my run in if I get up […]


A Week Without Running…

This post contains affiliate links…   New Years Resolutions Means New Clients With the New Year/New Me focus all over social media, it’s not surprising that getting fit and losing weight is a top New Year’s resolution for many people. As a result, I had three new clients this past week. New clients always take […]


This post contains affiliate links…   Brittany Runs a Marathon Versus the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Silicon Valley On Friday afternoon, I wrapped things up with my last client at 4 PM. Bill got home from work shortly after me and asked if I just wanted to chill for the rest of the day. After […]


Family Christmas Celebrations Bill, our sons, daughter-in-law, and I spent last weekend visiting my mom on the farm. After the craziness of the last few weeks, it was nice to kick back and relax with family for a few days. We arrived home around 3 PM on Monday and after unpacking, I hit up the […]