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Cramming It All in While I Can In typical Debbie fashion, I intentionally planned out a busy week of workouts in anticipation of being sidelined for up to two weeks after a scheduled surgical procedure on Friday morning. Expecting warnings of not pulling my stitches with my active lifestyle, I ran, I lifted weights, and […]


And That’s a Wrap on Summer Vacations After a week at the farm with my Mom, Bill and I spent four whirlwind days at the beach before calling it quits on our summer getaways until after the baby arrives. Normally, we spend the third week of July visiting my mom and at least a week […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Squeezing Workouts into a Visit at the Farm Bill and I spent the week visiting my mom, but carved in a little time most days for working out. It was a whirlwind trip (Monday to Friday) so we really only had three days full days to workout while […]


We’re Back, Baby I walked out of the 55+ community gym on March 12, 2020, and as a non-resident, I wasn’t cleared to return until two weeks ago. Once the clubhouse opened up to normal hours and without temperature checks, hourly closings for cleanings, etc., management wanted to get it back to normal as quickly […]


Leading Up to the Break The days leading up to our trip to Florida were jam packed with workouts in anticipation of a few down days while on vacation. Usually our vacations are either spent at the farm or at our family beach house when we have time to enjoy the ease of relaxing hikes, […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Taking a Little R&R We rarely travel over the Memorial Day weekend, but this year is an exception, and a good one at that. As I type on Sunday morning, it’s 49° and rainy at home and 79° and sunny here in Fort Meyers, Florida. I’ll be popping […]


Weekly RunDown: May 16 – 22 / Sleep’s Slipping Already

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Sleep Goal: Pandemic Level I am starting to see more clients as more and more have passed their two weeks post-vaccination period. In fact, last week I had two potential clients reach out for consultations. As my work load builds back to pre-pandemic levels my early mornings are […]


Weekly RunDown: May 9 – 15 / Riding My Third Metric Century Distance

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   First “Official” Metric Century in the Books I focused on making sure my workouts leading up to our Tour de Madison Metric Century were front ended on the week so I’d have a couple of days rest toward the end of the week. It was a great strategy […]


Weekly RunDown:  May 2 – 8 / Happy Mother’s Day!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Mother’s Day Lessons Mother’s Day has me reminiscing about my childhood and the excitement my brother and I would have as we presented our mom with our little homemade gifts. One year, though, Dad suggested we wash the breakfast and supper dishes for Mom on Mother’s Day. He […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Embracing the 5K During recent years my weekday runs were usually 5 miles unless I was doing speed work or going on my long run. In fact, I’d joke that any run less than 5 miles didn’t deserve a shower. Fast forward to the present and 3 miles […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Better Late Than Never Last year I got out of the habit of stretching and practicing yoga because both bothered my back, and as a result, getting back into stretching on a regular basis became my goal for 2021. My weekly goal has been to try to spread […]


Weekly RunDown: April 11 – 17 / First Live Race in Seventeen Months

A Plan is Just a Plan Last week as I planned my workouts leading up to my LIVE race on Saturday morning, I thought hard about what workouts I might want to skip so my legs would be fresh – I’m starting to notice my recovery after workouts takes longer as I’m getting older. I […]


Here We Go Again Even though we didn’t host Easter on Sunday, I had plenty enough Easter candy filling my cute bowls and baskets to feed a small army – candies wrapped to look like Easter eggs, M&M’s in spring pastels, and the mandatory chocolate Easter bunny… It’s funny, I have complete self control and […]


Weekly RunDown: March 28 – April 3 / Happy Easter!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Happy Easter To those celebrating Easter, may all the joys and blessings of this beautiful season be with you. May the renewal of life at Easter bring hope, love, good health, happiness, and peace to your family and loved ones. Overview of the Week Before discussing each day’s […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Visiting the Farm I’m visiting the farm for about a week and enjoying the change in scenery. Spring is at about the same point here as at home, or in other words, taking its sweet time in arriving. Usually spring arrives a couple of weeks earlier at home […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   5K Training Plan Under normal circumstances with a race coming up in mid-April, I would be in the midst of a training cycle carefully analyzing each run, how I felt, and whether or not I felt on track for my race. This past year has been anything but […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   The Week of Renewals This is the year for doing all of my renewals for my business which are required biannually. My CPR, First Aid, and AED recertification was held on Monday, and due to Covid, the instructor has been limiting her classes to only two students. I […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Ready for the Lamb Part The first half of the old saying, “If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb” is certainly true this year. Here’s hoping the latter half will come true as well. Seven days into the month of March […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Cardio’ing Virtually Crappy winter weather, injuries galore, and a global pandemic have lead me to working out on my cardio equipment in my basement more this year than in years past. A social butterfly with many running and cycling friends to choose from, I can also hold my […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…   Unintentional Third and Fourth Wheels We watched Pablo over the Valentine weekend while his humans moved from near DC out to the suburbs and much closer to us – insert happy dance! We took Pablo to his new home on Sunday afternoon after they got settled and it […]