It’s official! I signed up for the Grand Teton Half Marathon which means that on June 2nd I will be toeing the starting line at 6,169 feet gasping for air before I even start running… My plan is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and research recipes for adding extra electrolytes into my drinks.
Prior to the Grand Tetons Half, on April 7th I’m running the Hungry Mother 25K, a trail race where I’ll climb 1,000 feet in just under two miles to an altitude of 3,250 feet. Both races will push me out of my current running comfort zone, but since I’m running both for fun, I’m not freaking out.
With the half being my spring focus race, that gives me a twelve-week training cycle. Since I’m not running either race for time, I’m not going to add track workouts into my training plan, but I do plan to add in hill repeats, starting this Tuesday. It would be good idea for me to add in some trail runs, though…
Switching gears to my recap, last Sunday, Bill and I went to visit our son Daniel, his girlfriend Jess, and of course this guy, Pablo. We also got to see Mel and had a quick little reunion of sorts of our 2016 Ragnar DC with four of our six teammates (and our driver) from Van 2.
Tuesday morning I was able to sleep in until 5 AM (LOL) and head out for my run a half hour later than usual. I’ve really been enjoying the sun rising slightly by the end of my runs (rising fully on this later run), but realize that in just one short week we will go back onto Daylight Saving Time and I won’t be seeing the sun on my early morning runs for many more weeks.
Wednesday’s run was solo and in the dark so I didn’t bother to try to take any pictures. It was a good conversation paced run, and no, I didn’t talk to myself.
Saturday morning was still very windy from our four-day windstorm so I opted to go out a little later and closer to 11 AM when the high wind warning was lifted. It really wasn’t too bad until around mile seven when I turned westward and felt the full brunt of the wind in my face. Shortly after that, I came upon this downed tree. I had purposely chosen to run on the paths along the parkways rather than on the wooded trails through our neighborhood to avoid having a tree come crashing on my head.
My runner’s math was actually working and I calculated that I needed to tack on about a half mile to my route in order to finish at twelve miles by the time I got home. I decided to run along the path behind a restaurant which leads to their pretty red barn and herb gardens, but didn’t get very far before finding the path flooded… I backtracked, added a loop down and back on a side street, and finished my run at home at 12.02 miles!
Once home, I had just enough time to catch my breath before a client stopped by to start some early planning for this fall’s Marine Corps Marathon. He’s 33 weeks out so he has plenty of time to build a strong base before starting a 20-week training cycle. I love clients who plan ahead! And, I can’t tell you how fun it was to help him set goals and plan out his training cycle. If I’m not able to run marathons without risking more back problems, at least I can live vicariously through my clients and friends!
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- Monday – Race Linkup: February 2018 Edition
- Thursday – Wind, Sailing Furniture, New Shoes, And More
Looking ahead to this coming week, on Wednesday please be sure to join me for my monthly Wednesday Word linkup where this month’s word is brash. Hopefully later this week, I’ll wrap up my next post for Spotlight On Local Athletes, this time featuring Ray Pugsley, local runner and co-owner of Potomac River Running Store.
In addition to what I mentioned above, here’s a complete run-down of my workouts in my home gym from this past week…

- Questions:
- What’s your preferred length of time for a training cycle?
- Do you have any racecations planned this year?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
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I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking The Long Way Home for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I won’t lie–the idea of running a race at altitude scares me. Do you have mountains near you where you can train? How do you acclimate to altitude when you’re from a flat area? I’m really interested in your training for this half.
Thanks for linking!
That peak in my upcoming trail race is about as high altitude as I run, and I usually only run there once a year. We’re pretty close to sea level here (I think somewhere around 300 feet). It’s around 2,500 feet at the farm, but I only run there every few months…
Yeah this wind & rain was crazy. Adorable puppy!
Thanks! I think he’s adorable, but I’m biased. 😀
You have some great races planned!
I haven’t been able to run my entire route on the island because of the rising water. I bet there may be a few trees down too!
I hope you’re able to run on your island running trail again soon. It’s snowing/sleeting off and on today – here we go again…
Woohoo Sounds like you have picked out some great races for this year! I love doing race-cations. This year we are going to Ohio a couple times and maybe Chicago. Your client is really smart! Personally training length depends on fitness level when going in to it….I can swing shorter when I’m in good shape already.
You make a very good point about fitness level determining the length of your training cycle. I certainly used that to determine the length of my training cycles back when I ran marathons.
I actually just committed to a racecation this week…CannonBall Marathon in Greensboro, NC. My training for marathons varies, but as long as I’m already in half marathon shape, typically an additional 10-12 weeks is sufficient (and usually 3 of those weeks includes the taper).
Oh, your racecation sounds fun!
Great job this week! I think the weather, especially the wind, made it hard for a lot of runners to get in their runs this week, but you did a great job!
My runner’s math is horrible sometimes so kudos to you!
I was quite shocked with my runner’s math, that’s why I mentioned it. LOL 😉
I am just not motivated to run at o’dark thirty. Seriously, I don’t get you people! Even my group is meeting too early for me — at 8 am, LOL. Cause it’s still winter here & it’s COLD.
I have often majorly failed at runner’s math — often leaving too much on the way back so I ended up walking far too long in the heat or cold.
I like having a long training cycle. You just never know what life’s going to throw at you!
Because of my skin cancer history it’s really best for me to get my runs in while it’s still dark or before the sun gets too high. Even if that weren’t the case, I would still prefer to run early before work and since I see clients starting at 7:30 AM (6:30 AM on my non running days) I need to run early. #wherestheshockedfaceemojiwhenineedit
I do try to run early on in the afternoon, but sometimes I end up running in the middle of the day, too. Then again, during winter, there is seriously no skin except my face (where I do use sunscreen) exposed under all the gazillion layers!
I’ll be lining up that same weekend at 10,700 feet — gasping for breath — to run a marathon. I have run at high altitude few times and it wasn’t as bad as I expected. The downhill definitely helps. Pablo is so dang cute. Thanks for linking!
Oh wow, I have nothing to fear or complain about then!
Thanks, I think Pablo is absolutely adorable, but I’m biased. 😀
Great week of training! So cool that you’re running the Tetons half…that will be beautiful I’m sure! I’m jealous!
Such a cute little dog..that face 🙂
It’s not too late to register for the Grand Tetons Half and join me!
Pablo is super cute! Great week of training, Deb! And nice job with your runner’s math. I’m usually pretty terrible with that. 😀
Same here! I actually shocked myself with my runner’s math. 😉