As I type, the Cruisers and my MRTT chapter are trying to find a place to meet for our group run on Saturday morning. With 34 inches of snow over the weekend, crews are having a hard enough time getting the streets plowed. Understandably, recreational trails are at the bottom of the list for HOA employees trying to assist in opening sidewalks so school can resume next week.
My Ragnar teammate Debi, posted this picture to Facebook yesterday. At least a small part of the W&OD Trail has been plowed, but I’m afraid this is just a short section in front of one of the local schools. Many students living nearby use the trail for their walk to and from school, and I suspect the trail is clear for only a half mile or so next to the school.

Without knowing whether or not we’re going to be able to get out for a group run on Saturday, I thought I’d suggest some ways we can complete a cardio workout even when Mother Nature throws us a curveball.
1. Probably not most people’s first choice, but shoveling is a great cardio workout, not to mention a great upper body workout. I actually enjoy shoveling snow. It’s one of those jobs where you see the results of your hard work immediately.

2. If you have cross-country skis or snowshoes (affiliate link), dust them off and take them for a spin around your neighborhood before the snow plows arrive. Once your streets are clear, explore local parks and unplowed recreational trails for a delightful adventure.
3. If you have a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical, put them to use. Exercising indoors might not be your first choice, but sometimes it’s the only option, especially while the blizzard in bearing down on you. Mix up your workout by adding intervals to keep yourself distracted and entertained.
4. Try to find a clear path or plowed road with plenty of room on the side if the runzies are getting to you and you can’t stay indoors another second. If you’re running along a road, be sure that you can be easily seen and that there’s plenty of room for you to step to the side if a car drives by.

5. If the roads and trails are still covered with snow too deep to run on, you’re stuck without cardio equipment, you don’t have snowshoes or skis, and the shoveling is complete, do calisthenics. Make up a fun workout including burpees, jumping jacks, push-ups, squat jumps, planks, etc. If you have small children, get them involved. They’ll love it!
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Today I’m joining the DC Trifecta’s Friday Five Linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Please stop by these DC area bloggers’ blogs to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are also participating in the linkup.

- Questions:
- What are your go-to options for getting your cardio in when the weather doesn’t cooperate?
- Have you ever cross-country skied or tried snowshoes?
- Are you racing this weekend?
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yup it’s been tough going around here this week. The moms are starting to go crazy without their runs aren’t they? I had lots of fun with my snow shoes and now I am ready for my trail to come back.! Are you doing the 10k next week in Reston?
I’m not doing the 10K, but I’m running the Run Your Heart Out 5K the following week in Fairfax. Any chance you’re running it?
I love cross country skiing! It’s a great workout and it’s so much fun. I’m actually heading out to Colorado right now to go snow shoeing. I’ve never done that before, but I’m pretty excited. Thanks for the tips! Hopefully there isn’t too much more snow this winter.
My husband and I cross-country skied every weekend when we lived in Utah. I haven’t tried snowshoeing, but I’m ordering some for our next big snowstorm!
Have fun in Colorado!
I did a ton of shoveling and a couple of runs. I have lots of options, including an exercise bike in my house, but I have to admit I chose the lazy route a few times…
Same here – I declared Saturday a complete rest and relaxation day, and just enjoyed watching the snow fall. 🙂
Wow! I”m not used to that much snow. Cool shoveling pic! If the weather isn’t cooperating, I’d probably use the treadmill.
Thanks! I thought, “As much time as I’m spending shoveling, I need to get a picture.”
I was really happy that for the most part I’ve been able to improvise my runs. I hope y’all find a good spot for this weekend!
That’s good that you’ve been able to get your runs in. I’ve love your IG pics! We ran on a larger side street that’s about a mile long, and were able to get eight miles in!
I’ve never tried snowshoeing, but my sister who lives in Jackson Hole, WY absolutely loves that activity. Shoveling is a great activity for cardio, but thankfully we moved away from snow country, so here in the south it is not an option. I do miss snowfall and the beauty, but not the aftermath!
You’re right – the aftermath isn’t as exciting as the anticipation and the while the snow is coming down! I still haven’t ordered my snowshoes…
I’m glad I have a treadmill and I was on it during the snow storm. So much better than shoveling snow:) I’d like to try snow shoeing sometime though.
This afternoon I tried to go out for a short walk to see what the condition of the trail behind my house is like. The snow was crusty on top, but I kept sinking down to my shins with each step. I wish I’d ordered my snowshoes last week like I planned to!
I love the positive attitude Deb! I had to resort to shoveling and the treadmill to get workouts in on the snowy days.
Thanks! Hope you’re back to running outside!
I definitely got a great few days of cardio (and strength training really) by shoveling snow! I think it’s taken me all week to recover, lol. Hope you are able to get out there this weekend – it’ll be 60 on Sunday!
The Cruisers and I got eight miles in outside today – yippee! Hope you got outside, too!
Lots of shoveling and snowshoeing for me this past week. Sadly, we are mostly melted now in NY. I wish there was still some good snow out there. I guess I will just have to wait to go out and play until the next big storm!
Do you recommend a particular brand or type of snowshoe? I still haven’t ordered a pair…
Shoveling snow is an AMAZING workout. I don’t think I give it enough credit, until I have to do it every winter. 🙂 I’m glad that God gave us bodies and strength to stay active and enjoy His world. 🙂
Isn’t it easy to forget how well shoveling snow works the core? I thank the Lord every day for our beautiful world!
Never done xcountry skiing or snowshoeing.
Usually by now we have so few options –this year has been a gift and I explore a new area today that usually would be all snowed in.
But I do have both a treadmill and now an exercise bike, too.
And exercise DVDs, which are another good option!
El Niño has us all mixed up!
I used to have a Rodney Yee yoga tape that I loved. I need to get it on DVD…
Shoveling snow is very satisfying in that way, but boy does it leave me sore the next day! You must have been in snow-shoveling heaven this past weekend and week. I want to try snowshoeing so bad! It seems like the perfect way to still get out on the trails when they’re snow-covered and I know it’s a great cross training workout. I just have no idea where to even begin with it- how do I do it? Can I rent them somewhere? I need to figure this stuff out 🙂
I think I am just going to take a leap of faith and order a pair on Amazon (probably the pair I linked to – they seemed pretty nice). I’ll let you know what I think once I try them.
Shoveling is a GREAT workout but I gotta say, after all the news reports year after year about people having heart attacks shoveling snow, I actually opt NOT to shovel. It scares me! Run 13 mile? No problem. Shovel snow? Heck no.
HaHa! I have to admit that I thought about the whole shoveling snow and heart attack thing once or twice this past week. I hope that since I weight train regularly and I’m in such good cardiovascular shape, I’m not as vulnerable as a couch potato would be. Isn’t that part of the reason we work so hard at staying in shape – to be able to handle the day-to-day stresses we put our bodies through?
Shhhhhhh, don’t tell anyone – I’m hoping for a snowstorm sometime after Valentine’s Day! 😀
Okay, I won’t! A part of me wants another big storm, and a part of me is ready for spring. I think the spring part is winning…
These are really great tips! Shoveling is a killer workout after a storm. I realized I enjoy doing cardio indoors either with a Youtube video or Nike Training app.
Thanks! I keep saying that I’m going to pull up a good YouTube spin video, but then I never do…
Ok, we need to talk GoPro, seriously. I don’t know if I have my settings wrong or what, but I can not get crisp photos like the ones you are getting!
Come out and visit for a lesson! I had another little GoPro tutorial with a friend yesterday afternoon.
I have shoveled snow many times and it is a great workout for sure. I’m also prepared with a home gym just in case I can’t get out. These are great tips, thanks for sharing!
I was so grateful to have a home gym during the snow storm so I didn’t have to worry about missing my workouts. I bet you don’t get snowed in too much these days in Sherman Oaks, CA, though! 😉