Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is optimism….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Optimism – a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future;
a feeling or belief that what you hope for will happen
~ Merriam-Webster
I’m a glass half-full kind of girl, full of optimism. I don’t have time for negativity or being a Debbie Downer. Being positive is in my blood…

I’m optimistic that our street will be plowed soon and I won’t have to walk in snow up past my knees!

I’m optimistic because the forecast is for temperature above freezing and sunny days ahead.
I’m optimistic that the snow will melt off of the W&OD Trail and I can join my friends for another chatty run soon.
I’m optimistic because the Cruisers are running together again and we are having so much fun on our Saturday morning runs.
I’m optimistic because I have 836 MRTT runnings friends from which to draw inspiration and encouragement.
I am optimistic that I will have a fun running and racing season.
I’m optimistic that February will pass quickly and spring will surprise us early this year.
I’m optimistic that sand will soon be under this cocktail instead of snow!

Shortly after I writing this post, a tractor with a front-end loader came to our rescue. Unfortunately, the driver left as quickly as he arrived, leaving nothing more than an emergency path down the center of our cul-de-sac. I am still optimistic that he or another plow will return and finish the job later today.
What are you optimistic about?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Heart
Too funny! My picture is almost the same as yours! Our street got plowed yesterday. I’m optimistic that if I leave for work NOW traffic won’t suck. I hope the W &OD is runn-able this weekend.
I saw a picture on FB of a part of the W&OD trail in the process of being plowed! I’m optimistic about being able to enjoy a group run on the trail on Saturday with my friends!
I have heard that so many are still unplowed — that’s terrible! So ironic; we didn’t get snow, but we know how to deal with it!
I’m afraid February brings out the realist in me; it generally has the worst weather of the winter — I should know, I was born in it!
I’m optimistic that Lola has a lot of years with us yet — she’s the same age as Chester, but far healthier.
And I’m optimistic you get out for your runs with your group!
Love how optimistic you are for Lola, and hope she continues to have a long healthy life.
I think there’s a reason February only has 28/29 days!
Love the pictures! Funny! I am optimistic kind of person too, why bother looking for the bad side it takes to much energy! I hope your snow plow comes back too, I can only imagine 🙂
Exactly! BTW, the plow came back and made another single lane. Our neighbors all got together and shoveled our way to meet the plowed lane and freedom!
My blood type is B positive. For real…
Mine too!!
So is mine!
I’m the universal O so I guess I’m all over the place. Seriously? I hope you get plowed out soon!
From above, our cul-de-sac looks like an ant farm with little lanes all over the place where we’ve each cut an opening in the snow from our driveways to the single lane the plow left. It only took us a couple of hours since we’d all already cleared our driveways. Happily, we now have freedom!
I am optimistic that I will stay healthy and run for many years to come!
I’ll second that!
I am more of an optimistic kind of girl most of the time too! hope you are surviving all of this weather
Fortunately, I didn’t have to be anywhere Monday or Tuesday, and was able to reschedule clients so I looked at it as an adventure! My hubby was able to work out of the house, so all was well for both of us. Hope you guys are surviving as well!
This is definitely something I’m struggling with right now, but I think it’s all about perspective. Things could always be worse! Thank you for an optimistic post today! :o)
Love your optimism about the snow!
I’m optimistic that this is going to be a great running year, no matter what.
Awesome! Me, too!
I hope you get plowed out soon! I’m optimistic about my running – I’ve been running pain free for the last little while and I feel like I’ve finally turned the corner! woohoo!
That’s great! Hope you continue to run strong and pain free!
I always tell my boyfriend I can NEVER live where it snows regularly. I’m not a cold weather kind of girl AT ALL! I get cold far too easily. I’m in Cali and it’s too cold for me here sometimes and that’s hardly cold I bet to most people like yourself. I hope the weather warms up sooner than later :] Thanks for sharing the optimism!
Sounds like you need to move somewhere near the equator where it’s warm all of the time! With the exception of this blizzard, we have a relatively mild winter. I was able to run in shorts most of November and December – something that’s normally rare around here.
I am also optimistic for an early spring! Once I make it through January, I don’t mind the snow (much) because I know spring is that much closer….
The last few years March has been very cold and slooooow. I’m optimistic that we’ll have a March similar to our December – unseasonably warm.
I’m optimistic that in about 6 weeks, the trees will bud, the birds will sing, the world will turn green and blue, and we will be headed toward Spring! And I won’t have any allergies. Thanks for the link.
You’re welcome! I’m optimistic for a nice long spring rather than winter jumping right into a hot and humid summer.
What great optimism!
Less than 60 days until Spring!
This snowstorm has been something-huh?
So awesome you have such an awesome MRTT group. Our group is building but not very consistent yet.
I am optimistic that this year will be a productive one where I will reach the goals I set for myself.
Yay, I hadn’t thought about it being less than 60 days until spring! I just Googled it, and it’s only 51 days!. Thank you for the cheerful start to my day. 😀
Ha! I love this 🙂 That is too much snow lol
The weather since the storm has been pretty nice 🙂
It’s amazing how much snow has melted already! That’s good because running around my circle is getting old, but at least it’s better than running on the treadmill!
Hah – my blood type actually is B positive (and I’m an optimist) and Barry’s is B negative (and he tends to be a pessimist). I hadn’t thought about that, though!
I hope that y’all have seen a plow by now and that you’re able to get out for a group run this weekend!
Mine, too!
There’s still only a one lane wide plowed area through my neighborhood, but the main roads are fine.