It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run!
Listing these five memories didn’t take much thinking, and I rolled these out in a matter of minutes because they are without a doubt my top and favorite race memories.
1. It goes without saying that my first marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon, is my favorite memory. I had very specific goals for that race, and I met them. My number one goal was to finish, and my number two goal was to qualify for Boston. I completed both goals in the pouring rain that day, and I was thrilled!
2. My second favorite race memory was my marathon PR at Steamtown. Two years after my first marathon, I ran a 3:29:04 and haven’t been able to beat that time. I was so overcome with emotion when I met my sub-3:30 goal that I cried. And then I called Bill and my Dad. I also finished third in the masters division that day.
3. My 2010 Boston Marathon is my third favorite race memory. The Cruisers had a road trip to Boston and even got upgraded to the Presidential suite at the Hyatt. It was a amazing weekend that I will never forget!
4. The JFK 50-Mile Ultramarathon ranks as my fourth favorite race memory. Running for 10:50 straight is something you’ll never forget. I ran with my best racing friend and mentor Miles, and enjoyed the benefits of an amazing crew. Without them, I couldn’t have done it!
5. Without a doubt, Bill’s first marathon in 2000 at Marathon In The Parks ranks high as one of my favorite race memories. That day we added a whole new level of fun to our marriage. I can’t even begin to guess the thousands of of miles we’ve run together since that day!
- Questions:
- If you’re a runner, what are your favorite running memories?
- What fun things are on your weekend agenda?
- Who’s racing this weekend?
Congrats on all of those running accomplishments! Someday I’d like to make it to Boston and maybe to run a 50 mile race, too.
Run a 50-miler if you get the opportunity! It’s a experience of a lifetime!
How awesome! My husband doesn’t run, but he’s got me riding with him, and we love that time together.
That’s great!
Wow qualifying for Boston on your first try! Impressive!
These are awesome! I linked up today too, but you’ll have to go over and see mine. I left off probably the most important memory (MCM last year) but I wanted to focus on the roots of where my running started 🙂
Popping over now!
so cool that you qualified for boston in your first marathon!
Thanks, I was pretty stoked!
Wow you have so great accomplishments! My husband will be running his first race with me the Marine Corp 10K this Oct and I am so excited.
You’ll love running a race with your husband! Even if you don’t run the actual race together, it’s so fun hanging out together before hand, and then celebrating together afterward. Have fun!
YOU are amazing! What awesome feats and memories. I love that you run with your husband, that’s true bonding!
Thanks! We love running together, even if he doesn’t chat as much as my female friends do when we run! 🙂
Wow! A 3:29 marathon and an Ultra?! You rock!
Thanks! 🙂
Running Boston is definitely my most special memory! I hear steamtown is a really good course to BQ at. My uncle BQ there too.
Congrats on running Boston! I ran Steamtown five times, and BQ’ed there four times; so yes, if you learn how to race downhills, it’s a great, fast course.
Awesome! Running provides so many great memories it is hard to narrow it down to just five!
Some of my favourite memories are relatively minor interactions with other runners – words of encouragement, laughing about our predicament, etc – they always bring a smile to my face when I recall them!
Back before I running most races with my friends, I often made race-day friends… people I’d meet before or during the race, run part of it with, and then never see them again. You just gave me a great idea for a post! Thank you! 🙂
Fantastic accomplishments. The 50 miler is amazing as well as hitting your objectives. What a sense of satisfaction you must feel ! Keep it up !
this is awesome! I can’t imagine running multiples marathons! Training for this one is kicking my tail! 😉 lol…
Thanks, Mar; and thanks for the linkup!
i love this debbie! you are so awesome — i can’t believe your BQ’ed at your first marathon. that is incredible. and i love that you turned your husband on the marathons. 🙂
Thanks, Courtney! And as always, thanks for the linkup!
Such great memories!! Way to rock and roll it 🙂
HaHa, thanks, Esther! 🙂
I love all your race photos!! I wish I had ones from my first few races.
I’ve always loved taking pictures, and I’m so grateful to have these from my old races. Just good ole’ dumb luck on my part!
I hope Marine Corps Marathon this fall becomes one of my favorite race memories 🙂 I don’t know what my top five are, but running my PR half in Richmond in 2012 is definitely on the list, as is my very first half marathon in 2007 in Nashville.
I hope so, too! 🙂
[…] while back when commenting on my post, Five Favorite Race Memories, Sherry at Run To The Mountains said, “Awesome! Running provides so many great memories it is […]