Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly (monthly starting January 4, 2017) linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is giving… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

To cause one to have or receive;
To enter wholeheartedly into an activity
~ Merriam-Webster
Of the twenty-one definitions of give, I settled on “to cause one to have or receive” and “to enter wholeheartedly into an activity” because together, those two definitions describe my life-long relationship with running.
Running has given me a joy I never dreamt possible the first time I laced up running shoes. I was an eighth grader when a couple of my friends and I talked our physical education teacher into forming a girls track team. My little high school of about 360 students (grades seven through twelve, mind you) had only two girl’s sports – basketball and cheerleading and we thought a girls track team was in order.
During my years of running track I discovered not only a love for running, but a love for being part of a team and a team leader. As part of two relay teams, track wasn’t just an individual sport for me, but an opportunity to be a part of something bigger – a chance to be one of a group of girls with similar interests.
Perhaps I’m the only one from that little track team in the valley to have made a career out of her love for running. Perhaps I’m the only one who even still runs. If so, I’m sad for what they’re missing.
Over the years, I’ve given running my all. I’ve trained hard, I’ve logged long miles, and I’ve pushed myself hard during countless laps around the track. Yes, I’ve given training my all, but that’s small in comparison to what running has given me. I’ve coached runners to their first 5K, their first marathon, and even their first Boston qualifier; and it’s the relationships with those runners and others I’ve met along the way that has given me the most from my sport…
It’s being a part of two running groups and the numerous close relationships I’ve made as a result…
It’s being able to write about running and finding a community online who share my passion…
It’s bumping into old friends or making new friends at races…
It’s the ability to give back to my sport through volunteering…
I’m glad back in the eight grade that I gave running a shot. It’s truly given me a lifetime of enjoyment!
What hobby or activity have you given your all, and what did you receive in return?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Peace
I definitely give my furkids my all! That’s an activity, right? I have given my all to many things over the years — running & yoga probably the most activity-wise.
Furkids, yoga, running – three great activities!
This is great!!
I too ran track and would have to agree the life lessons learned as an individual and as a teammate and leader has help me through life.
I am beginning to realize that I really do miss running with a group. Running by myself doesn’t give me any joy and is making running not as much fun.
Thank you! I hope you can find more running friends in 2017!
I’m so type A–I pretty much give myself to everything I do! Good or bad? I get so much in return. Be it my family, my job, running–life is full of rewards, if you work for them.
Totally agree that giving running a shot has given me SO much in return. I love the running community and I also love that running pushes me out of my comfort zone
That’s great that you’ve gotten the same out of running! Merry Christmas!
Total agreement with all of this. I didn’t discover running until after college. Not having much for natural athletic ability (or coordination, grace or speed), running certainly was never a sport I considered “for me.” It has taken me awhile to embrace MY way of running….I don’t have the speed I covet, but I do have pretty damn good endurance…..and it’s the endurance that has gotten to more finish lines than speed alone.
Good for you for finding running when you did!
Beautiful post and lovely photo! ;o)
Yes, thank you for your help and inspiration in getting this week’s Wednesday Word picture together! xoxo
I completely agree that running gives so much back in return! Great post, Deb!
Thank you, Anne!