Anyone running a marathon can be treated to some unsavory sights. Sure, you might see a line of guys standing oddly close to trees as if inspecting the bark for insect infestation, but you’re not going to really see anything unless you stop and run over to the tree for a closer look. If a female runner has the same urge to pee, you might be treated to an eyeful unless she knows how to pee standing up.

Is That A Bare Behind?
Case in point… At the beginning of the 1998 Boston Marathon I saw my first bare-butted woman on the side of the road somewhere along the first mile. She stopped, pulled down her pants and peed as if she was out in the middle of the forest with no one around. The same thing happened during the final miles of the 2001 Big Sur Marathon.
A Frightful Encounter Leaving Me Laughing Hysterically
I’m not innocent of this practice by any means, especially during my marathoning days; however, modesty always prevailed and I found a tree or wooded area well off the trail where I could hide. On occasion, I even stepped into the woods just before a marathon started to empty my bladder one last time. One time in particular was especially eventful…
I walked down a very steep hill, squatted next to a couple of other women, took care of business, stood, and turned to climb back up the hill toward the throngs of runners waiting for the starting gun.
As I started to climb, I looked up only to find myself eye-to-eye with two penises. Yes, you read that correctly – not one, but two penises. Two guys were just getting ready to pee as I stepped right in front of them. Since I was standing downhill, I was truly at eye level to their one-eyed trouser worms. I did the only thing I could think of, I yelled, “Hold the fire,” and scurried back up the hill laughing hysterically!
Had I known how to pee standing up, I wouldn’t have had to venture so far into the woods and would have avoided that embarrassing incident. To circumvent exposing our bare behinds to the world, and to save time from having to escape beyond the first tree line of a race, my friend Terri and I perfected the art of peeing standing up. We’ve even shared this particular skill set with our other female Cruiser friends; and today, I’m sharing it with you! Here goes…
How To Pee Standing Up: A Step-By-Step Guide For Women Runners
Step 1. Wear shorts – Let’s face it, our anatomy is quite different than our male running partners, and as you’ll see in step 3, it’s pretty much impossible for us to pee standing up unless we’re wearing shorts.
Step 2. Build a good flow – If you just have to dribble a little bit, don’t even attempt this feat. Wait until you will have a steady flow, or you’ll end up peeing all over your shorts and down your leg, and add a new unpleasant odor to your already sweaty nasty self.
Step 3. Stand in a wide squat position – Standing with your legs wide apart, toes pointed outward, and knees bent will give you the widest target on the ground to aim for without hitting your legs or feet.
Step 4. Pull shorts to one side – While standing in the wide squat position, use two fingers on one hand to pull your shorts and shorts lining to that side. To decrease your odds of peeing on your shoe, side lunge slightly toward the side of the hand you’re using.
Know Your Leaves
And of course, should you decide to wipe when you’ve completed the task, make sure to use a non-poisonous leaf!
- Questions:
- What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve seen while on a run?
- Has nature ever called during a race when you were nowhere near a porta potty?
- Have you tried peeing using this method?
Seriously I can’t tell you how many times I’ve peed on my shoes! I am waiting to get my hands on the new trap door skirt sports skirt in a few weeks so I can test all this out
They’re really coming out with a trap-door skirt? Awesome! 😀
Yes! I ordered one as part of the Kickstarter campaign and got it today… IT WORKS!! Way better than the shorts + deep lunge technique! Hopefully this will be a regular product for Skirt Sports! The Gotta Go running skort!
That’s so cool! Thanks for the feedback.
I have peed on my shoes too!! And I am interested in hearing about the skirt sports skirt too ^^^
The struggle is real! 😀
Like Deborah, I’m waiting for my new trapdoor skirt. I have to admit, I don’t pee well outside of a bathroom. Having given birth, this may have caused some leakage during races in the past…
That trap-door skirt sounds pretty intriguing! Growing up on a farm allowed me to learn skill like peeing outside at a very early age. 🙂
What??? I gotta look into that one.
Ha! This is hilarious. I’ve had a few “in the woods” encounters myself 🙂 excellent tutorial!
Thanks, Courtney! When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go! Sometimes getting the job done is more important than risk of the dilemma we might put ourselves in!
Omg that is too funny what you encountered! I Don’t think I could ever go out in the woods, let alone standing up. I saw a guy go in the woods at marathon wkend at Disney and he was in a squatting position. So I thk he was doing a little more than peeing…..haha.
A guy squatting? No doubt you’re correct! 😀
So true and hilarious!! I had a couple of those moments before Chicago and MCM this year 🙂
Does Chicago have any wooded areas to sneak off to before the race starts? I’m running the Chicago Spring Half and I’m a little worried about the bathroom situations.
Ha, ha, this is great !
I have no trouble peeing in the woods. I drank a lot of beer in college and I learned to pee really fast… as in under 10 seconds. A skill which is very useful now that I am a runner.
Last weekend I was in the woods and I thought it was clear but a couple people walked by. Oh well, that’s life !
I’m impressed – that’s a good life skill to have! 🙂
Great story! I have never tried to do this. I admittedly pee in my tri suit all the time but running is different.
I’d never thought about how/when/where triathletes “go.”
What a funny story about what you encountered in the woods. I always see men off to the side of the road peeing during races, but rarely women. At the Boston marathon last year, I never noticed anyone off to the side of the road, but perhaps I just missed them due to my excitement!
When I started writing this post I couldn’t believe that I’d never shared that story on my blog, so I decided that this was the best time ever to share it!
Can’t wait that I’ve ever taken a pee in public while on a run…but now I know how to get it done. I couldn’t help but laugh at “pee forcefully”!
You’ve gotta pee like you mean it! 😀
I have never been able to master this move. I used to try all the time when we started running at the trail by my old house. I always got pee all over myself so I gave up in favor of hustling to the nearest gas station restroom.
Gotta admit, you penis in face story is pretty funny.
Glad you enjoyed my crazy story! It was definitely one of the most “interesting” experiences I’ve encountered during a race.
I’m pretty sure I would be a shoe pee-er. That stream seems…um…lopsided after three large babies – ya know? Luckily, I’ve never had to go in a race. Believe it or not. However, I just jinxed myself and will surely have to try this next weekend. So thanks for the information!
Whoops – hope you didn’t just jinx yourself! Have fun this weekend. 🙂
OMG! I am still laughing! I have never had this problem running but when we went to Italy last fall- I was a hot mess! I had on cute long palazzo pants and there was only a hole in the floor! Yup- pee’d on my pants leg & on my shoes! I just quietly walked back to the table and ordered a glass of wine like a champ! 🙂 I will remember these tips!
I can’t believe how lucky I was to always find restrooms complete with toilets while in Italy. I was warned that I might find holes in the floor, but never came across one. Wine fixes everything, right? 🙂
LOL great tips! I often find myself having to use the loo when there is none in sight! I try to be modest= behind a tree, dumpster, whatever. If it’s during a race and I’m trying to PR, I will NOT wait in line for the port o john. I go behind it!
Same here – I’ve been known to go behind a porta potty before, too. 😉
This is freaking AWESOME!!!
Yes to Stand in a wide squat position …I would add SUPER wide…nothing like pee on the ankles-lol!!
But it’s all going to splatter all over the place! Ha! Love this.
It’s not so bad on the grass or leaves. We were just “demoing” on the trail. 🙂
Omgosh this is hysterical! My three year old said to me the other day, “Mom I’ll just pee in the woods like you do on our runs,” at the checkout line at Target this past weekend….whoops!
HaHaHa, that’s awesome! 😀
that is hilarious, but i have to admit I would be afraid to try it
Thanks – glad I made you laugh! With practice, it can be done quite well. 🙂
This is a handy skill to have, even if you aren’t a runner! I bought this product called Stand Up and Pee P-Mate as a gag gift last year, but I bought an extra one to keep in the car. You never know when you may need it!
It’s good to always be prepared!
OMG, this is hilarious. Can I tell you I have never had to pull over and pee before? I’m not sure if my bladder is just used to it now or what, but it’s never been an issue, lol.
I drink so much water before and during my run that there’s no way I could complete a long run without stopping at least once, even when I was your age. 😉
Hello Deb, Sounds great! I’m waiting for my new trapdoor skirt. I like to learn peeing skill and marathon to improve my health & fitness. Thanks for sharing this most amazing blog.
Thanks for sharing, haha 🙂 You had me laughing out loud at those two guys who had to hold their fire. I’ve found that the perfect stand-up pee position is a sumo squat, as you described. I think the funniest incident I’ve had is the time I had Hank out on a walk when he was still fairly young. All of a sudden, I really needed to go. I found a spot and proceeded to pee just as I would when I’m out on a run (thankfully I had shorts on). Hank just kind of stood there off to the side, which was good. The funny thing was after I was done he felt the need to walk over and “pee on top” by cocking his leg on the tree that I had just peed next to. A true bonding moment, haha 🙂
I think Scout was just showing you early on that he was the boss by marking “over” your territory! 😀
[…] one with nature and find a tree or bush to hide behind. You also might want to practice my how to pee standing up technique in case you have to go in a less secluded area. If you’re running in suburbia or […]
[…] Tuesday – How To Pee Standing Up: A Step-By-Step Guide For Women Runners […]
[…] about our favorite memories of running with Terri! Terri remembered that I taught her how to pee while standing up; however, I thought we’d perfected the art together! […]