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Five years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself…    Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays!  At my age I celebrate the […]


The Perfect Start To A Saturday:  Running With Friends , Hot Chocolate, And Banana Bread

After an amazingly fun week with Pablo, we took him home to his dad and mom on Sunday afternoon. He was happy to be home and made the cutest happy whining sounds when he realized we’d pulled up in front of his house! We weren’t too sad to return Pablo because he’ll be returning this […]


Meeting Nikki Kimball While watching ultra running documentaries about a month ago, I was introduced to Nikki Kimball, an American ultra marathoner. Not only did she pick a doozy for her first 100-miler, but she finished as first female at that 2004 Western States 100 – no small feat. She was also the winning female at […]


Wednesday Word Wrap Up

No, you’re not mistaken, I ended Wednesday Word last month with the word fizzle as my linkup slowly fizzled out. Today’s post is a wrap up – my little way of keeping my posts together in a well-organized place as I delete the linkups tab from my website.   For two and a half years […]


Sometime yesterday afternoon I misplaced my workout log. I remember picking it up from my desk and carrying it down to the basement yesterday afternoon where I planned to work on my weekly run-down while watching college football, and that was the last I saw of it – until a few minutes ago. I spent […]


Pablo’s Visit, World Records, And Almond Squirts

It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that hot chocolate season is upon us and I love adding some almond flavoring to my hot cocoa! I […]


Inspired By The Greats To Run On The Appalachian Trail

This post contain an affiliate link… A few weekends ago, Bill and I curled up on our basement sofa and watched a couple of ultramarathon documentaries on Netflix. We were inspired to make time to run on the Appalachian Trail to McAfee Knob on our recent trip to Southwestern Virginia and left our home bright […]


Race Linkup:  October 2018 Edition

Welcome to what is most likely my final Race Linkup, a monthly linkup that has opened on the last Monday of every month beginning in December 2016. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. I’d love to have you join, and […]


Trail Running At Its Best In Southwestern Virginia

After a glorious two-day workweek, Bill and I headed out of town super early Wednesday morning for the mountains of Southwestern Virginia. As much as we love where we live, it’s always refreshing to return to our old stomping grounds on the Virginia Tech campus and the surrounding area. A visit to the farm to see […]


Fight Or Flight And A Pulled Glute

At about 5:40 on Thursday morning while I was running loops on my little neighborhood half-mile circle, I noticed an unfamiliar car. It was a large dark colored older car and I could smell exhaust fumes. Normally, I only see a white Range Rover and a small silver nondescript SUV leaving my neighborhood during my […]


Five Years Later And It Still Doesn’t Seem Real

Some days it seems like it’s been forever since my dad passed away, and at other times it seems like it was just yesterday that I last hugged him goodbye before driving home from his hospital room. Today is the five-year anniversary of his death and in tribute to my amazing dad, here’s a rerun of […]


Fall Brings In Speedier Paces

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.   Running I’ve been running long enough to understand how much the weather and the time of day I run affects my pace. I was forced to run in the afternoon twice this past week, once due to my schedule and once due to forecasted storms the following morning […]


Family First, Then The Blog

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. I have a rule: family first, always, and this weekend was no exception! Unless I’ve had a chance to mostly pre-write my Sunday post, it might not get done if my kids are in town. So here’s my weekly rundown, better late than never… On Sunday, Bill and I […]


It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that in July I had a real coffee date with the Ultimate Coffee Date’s fabulous hosts Deborah and Coco. During […]


And Just Like That, Wednesday Word Sort Of Fizzled Out…

  Fizzle To fail or end feebly especially after a promising start —often used with out ~ Merriam-Webster   I promise that this month’s word wasn’t picked in January with this in mind. It just sort of happened… Wednesday Word started off gangbusters with fifteen to twenty other bloggers linking weekly. After trying to stay on top of […]


After Weeks Of Mist And Rain, Finally Some Fall-Like Weather!

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Heavy rain all day long on Sunday kept Bill and me off our bikes. Bill hit the basement for a ride on our spin bike, (affiliate link) but I spent the afternoon chilling, doing laundry, and working on my blog. Just like running on our treadmill (affiliate link), I find riding […]


2003 LAWS Run For Shelter Half Marathon Race Recap

Fifteen years ago today I lined up with my Cruiser friends to run the 9th Annual LAWS Run For Shelter Half Marathon in Leesburg, Virginia. Proceeds from the race went to help support the Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS), a shelter that has been in place for thirty-four years serving the needs of Loudoun County. […]


Runfessions Of A Shy Glasses Wearer And A Naive Biker

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done!   I runfess:  We were supposed to go to […]


Race Linkup:  September 2018 Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


Please Help Me Name My Bike

Last Sunday Bill and I headed out for a 40-mile ride to the end of the W&OD Trail and back. It was my second ride on my new bike, and the first real ride while clipping in. I was extremely cautious at first, but eventually felt comfortable enough to stay clipped in for the duration. […]