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Feeling Grateful This Thanksgiving

My heart is full! Joseph, Julie, Daniel, and Jess arrived at our house yesterday evening, and once again our home is filled with the energy of youth. As children grow up and leave the nest, holidays become all the sweeter with their return visits home. I had no idea that having adult children would be so fun, […]


Where do you start when recapping a incredibly fun weekend you’d been planning for eleven months? I’m going to start where it all began… At a Christmas party last December, the fact that I would be turning sixty this November came up, and I suggested inviting my running friends to our family beach house for […]


After pounding the pavement hard last Sunday for just over two hours in my half marathon, I decided to let my body rest this week and didn’t run again until yesterday. With a 5K a week for the next three weeks, I’m going to let that suffice as my speedwork and enjoy easy conversation pace […]


Four years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself…    Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays!  At my age I celebrate the […]


And just like that, I completed week 16 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon which means that my target race was this weekend! More on that later… Scheduled for my final track workout was 6 x 400-meter repeats at a 7:18 goal pace with 400 recoveries, bookended […]


Five Tips For Brightening Up Your Running Pictures

After getting inquiries on how I take the running pictures I post to Instagram and use in my blog, I started a five-post series on taking quality running photos. Today’s tip will include tips for brightening up your running pictures. In case you missed the three previous posts or would like a refresher, please check out the following […]


Hilly Track Repeats And A Gorgeous Sunrise: OBX Half Marathon Training (Week Fifteen)

This past week completed week 15 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon which means that the race is one week from today! I’m certainly inspired as I write today’s post while watching the New York City Marathon. Shalane Flanagan just won the women’s division with a time […]


What’s That? I Really Did Drink A Cup Of Coffee?

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]


The Necessity Of Being Disciplined: Six Tips For Finding Success

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Race Linkup: October 2017 Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


This past week completed week 14 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. We weren’t traveling for a game (more on that later) so I didn’t have to move around any of my workout days like I had to last week. Between injuries and other friends already finished […]


Hills, Gravel, And Crescent Moon Laps:  OBX Half Marathon Training (Week Thirteen)

This past week completed week 13 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. Since we were traveling to visit my mom Wednesday evening through Saturday morning before heading to the Virginia Tech football game on Saturday afternoon, I mixed up my runs a bit so I wouldn’t compromise […]


The Race I Didn’t Run:  2017 Army Ten-Miler Race Recap

These days, I don’t usually sign up for a race too far in advance, and this year’s Army Ten-Miler is a perfect example of why that’s a good thing. Surprisingly, after all the races I’ve run, I never signed up for the Army Ten-Miler even though it was a staple race for many of my […]


Reunited And It Feels So Good:  OBX Half Marathon Training (Week Twelve)

This past week completed week 12 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. The week was to be all about getting back out on the trail as I eased back into running while getting a feel for how my leg was healing. Spoiler alert, my leg felt great […]


Four Tips For Creating Colorful Running Pictures

After getting inquiries on how I take the running pictures I post to Instagram and use in my blog, I started a five-post series on taking quality running photos. Today’s tip will include suggestions for creating colorful running pictures. In case you missed the two previous posts or would like a refresher, please check out the following links: […]


Easing Back Into OBX Half Marathon Training (Week Eleven)

This past week completed week 11 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. The week was all about getting back out on the trail taking walks and working toward increasing the range of motion in my knee after last week’s surgery. I don’t think I’ve mentioned that the […]


Clear Margins, Comment Purgatory, And Fall Decorations

Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup!  Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in […]


The Struggle Is As Real As You Make It

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


A Short Pause In My OBX Half Marathon Training (Week Ten)

This past week completed week 10 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. It was only a partial week of training because of Monday’s scheduled surgery on my knee, but not really my knee, just the rebellious skin above the knee. So I’d miss one less workout, I […]


Runfessions Of A Temporarily Sidelined Runner

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  Sometimes I can be cheap… My knees started bothering me about four months ago and I couldn’t understand why they would both start bothering me at once. My shoes were ready to be replaced so I thought […]