After pounding the pavement hard last Sunday for just over two hours in my half marathon, I decided to let my body rest this week and didn’t run again until yesterday. With a 5K a week for the next three weeks, I’m going to let that suffice as my speedwork and enjoy easy conversation pace runs on my other days. It will be nice to be able to chat with my girlfriends on our early morning runs instead of nodding at each other as we pass on the track or running trail while pushing hard during repeats and tempo runs.
My workout week started with my fall target race on Sunday, the OBX Half Marathon, where six of my running girlfriends joined us at the beach house for a long weekend. I still haven’t even started my recap – so many pictures to go through – so I’ll only share this picture and say that I didn’t hit my goal of PR’ing. For the most part, I ran a good race and if I hadn’t had to stop for a 2-3 minute porta potty break just after mile 10 (stupid GI tract), I would have easily broken two hours and placed in my age group.

Photo credit: Bill
After the race, my friends and I stopped at a nearby grill for burgers. There’s something about a delicious burger that hits the spot for me after a hard race.
After lunch four of our friends drove back home to Virginia and two others stayed over with us. Since the wild horses had been rather elusive and hadn’t ventured near the house, we went out in search of them and found these three grazing just south of our house.

Photo credit: Bill
On Monday morning, the last of our beach house guests departed, but before Bill and I headed home we winterized the house and then said goodbye to the Outer Banks for the next six or so months. It was raining hard and Bill got drenched while putting on the hurricane shutters, but I stayed dry finishing up the inside chores.
Tuesday was my birthday and after training morning clients I headed out for a walk and then went shopping/returning stuff as I continue with our bedroom redecoration. I ended the day with dinner with Bill, our son Daniel, and his girlfriend Jess. It was a lovely birthday!
Friday evening we kicked back with my special concoction, blueberry martinis, and totally relaxed while watching HGTV.
Saturday morning I hit the running trail alone for an easy 6-miler. It was my first run since Sunday’s race and everything felt good. I think my newly-turned 60-year-old body was grateful for almost a week’s rest since my race.
In case you missed it on the blog, this past week I posted:
Looking ahead to this coming week, with hosting a post-race brunch and Thanksgiving dinner, what I’m able to post is anyone’s guess, but I’d love to at least write a recap about my Friday night birthday party with my running peeps. If I find time to write my race recap it will be a small miracle!
In addition to the race and my Saturday morning run, here’s a run-down of the other workouts I completed this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 6 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- What are your Thanksgiving plans?
- Are you running in a turkey trot? If so, is it on Thanksgiving Day?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

I’m not turkey trotting this year, trying to get a little more rest for the marathon in a couple of weeks. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on your OBX half!
Thanks so much! Rest up for your marathon.
Seems like a lot of us needed some extra tlc this week! But what a fun reason to need it. Having a beach house seems like such fun (even if it’s work).
I’m hosting my family. 7 + the two of us. So far the weather looks ok (although still damn cold) & I do plan to do a turkey trot on Thanksgiving. Since it’s almost 2 hours for my family, I just have time to squeeze it in & it makes me feel better. 🙂
I’m glad you’ll have time to squeeze in your turkey trot. I’m lucky because many of my dinner guests also run the same turkey trot and then come back to our house for post-race refreshments so they understand why I schedule dinner for later in the day! 😀
Nope, no one runs. My nephew is a runner, but not a racer, besides, they have about a 2 hour drive to get here, which means dinner is early (which is fine by me) because it’s also a 2 hour drive back for them & my sister works in retail & will be crazy busy this week.
Squeezing in the turkey trot is a little stressful, but ultimately, it helps!
Congrats on your half. Damn tummy–that has ruined many a race for me. But I’ve gotten so slow that I guess it doesn’t even matter anymore. Right? We’ll see…I’ve got a post-TG turkey trot aka half marathon!
I’m sure you completely understand my frustrations – stupid, stupid GI issues!
No to racing this weekend, but yes to hosting Thanksgiving and to running a turkey trot in the morning 😉
We’ve got this!
Congrats on your half marathon. I know you had fun with your girlfriends! Our local turkey trot was this weekend. There is no race on Thanksgiving but we have an Iron Bowl themed 5k next weekend. I plan to use it as my speed work as well. Thanks for linking!
Thanks, Holly! Good luck at the Iron Bowl 5K!
It looked you had a fantastic time down there! Until next year my birthday buddy 🙂
We did! Until next year… 😀
Congrats on your race and thumbs up to the post race food!
Thanks, and I see you’re a fellow post-race-beef-craver!
That blueberry martini looks delicious! Happy Birthday! While I was down in OBX we did the horse tour on Saturday and it was freezing an hardly saw any horse. I took this week off from running as well. But towards the end of the week I did a few easy miles.
I bet your tour drove right by our house! I think the wind had the horses over on the sound side where they were more protected.
I’m still undecided whether I’ll attend our local Turkey Day 8k. I’m hosting Thanksgiving as well and not sure I’ll be able to squeeze in a race that morning.
I understand your frustration with the OBX finish time, Major Hubs finished his half this past weekend in 2:02 and if the race course had been measured correctly, he would have PR’d with a sub 2 as well. It’s frustrating when it’s due to something out of your control and GI issues are most definitely out of your control!!
Happy Thanksgiving Deb!
Congrats on your Half.
I only run on Thanksgiving – a 10k and for fun a 5k after. Then I eat all the food.
I used to go out and run seven miles before my 5K so I’d get ten in for the days. These days I settle for the 5K. Have fun and enjoy your race and run afterward!
I get it. I never run before my races. If I have to run, it’s after and SLOW!!-