Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is quality….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Quality – how good or bad something is;
a characteristic or feature that someone or something has;
a high level of value or excellence
~ Merriam-Webster
Like most people I value quality over quantity, but there was a brief period of time when I didn’t adhere to that principle…
Shortly after running my first marathon and ultramarathon, I was offered a job as one of the coaches for the AIDS Marathon Training Program. By the time I met with my runners for the first time, I had completed an additional marathon bringing my total to three. Yet with a degree in physical education, a position as a fitness professional, and three successful races behind me, I felt that I wouldn’t be taken seriously without more marathon experience under my belt.
I proceeded to run marathons with a fervent need to catch up, and that very next year I ran four marathons. I continued that trend for many more years, and even ran three marathons in four weeks, three different years.
In the process, though, I gave up something – I gave up quality training. I went from quality long runs, well planned out speed sessions, and following a proper rest schedule, to running just for the sake of running. My goal became running as many marathons as my busy life as a mom would allow, rather than training to do my best at each race. My times started slipping, but I didn’t mind. I was having a blast running with friends and collecting finisher medals.

Had I chosen quality over quantity, my training plan would have been much more organized, more defined, and I would have followed that plan closely. I would have set a time goal for my race, worked hard to finish each training run in the time frame planned, and given my body the required rest and recovery time it needed to train at that level.
If I had it to do over again, what would I do? I’m not sure, but I do know that I have no regrets, and there’s not a single marathon that I regret running. At times, I question how I might have been able to preform had I dreamed big and trained smarter.
The one thing I do know is that I never burned out, and running marathons never seemed like a chore; so perhaps, in just this one example quantity over quality wasn’t so bad after all.
Do you feel that most of your workouts are quality workouts?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Optimism
I agree that quality isn’t always the choice that works for me. It sounds like you had fun and didn’t get injured so that’s a huge win. I try to make all of my workouts worthwhile, but some are more so than others!
Exactly! Now that I’m older and get injured more easily, recovery is so important. There’s no way my body could handle that number of miles these days.
It seems we all came up with a similar subject!
It’s soooooo tempting to cram in all the races. But I think you have your answer — you have no regrets, so it worked for you.
I know, and it’s fun to read everyone’s individual take on quality vs quantity. And you’re correct, I have no regrets! 🙂
yes so tempting to run as many races as you can. It’s easy for me to over commit and do too much. I am focusing on quality. I really enjoyed thinking about this one this week. Thanks for the linkup
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed this week’s word.
I’ve always been about quality over quantity. I simply can’t do all the running–physically and logistically!
The first two years of marathoning, I was all about training with quality workouts and specific goals. I easily met those goals, and then I just wanted more – more time on the trails with my friends, more races, more medals, more destination races… My body didn’t complain about the mileage, so I kept going!
When I’m training for something, all of my runs are quality ones. As a low-mileage runner, they have to be. However, now that my focus is on strength, THOSE workouts are quality while my runs are kind of base miles and for “fun”. Thanks for the linkup.
You’re so welcome; and I’m glad you joined in one the linkup fun! These days my training runs focus on quality since my body only allows me to cover so many miles…
Quantity over quality always for me!
There are times when I am working out and I feel that the quality of the workout is just not right..I will actually stop my workout. I feel like if I am not able to give it my all, I am not going to go through the motions just to count it as a workout.
I am resting this week after my football tournament because I know that the quality of the workouts would be CRAP and I don’t want to do that to myself or my body. It needs the rest (I played 6 games in 2 1/2 days) and I will use this week to rest and recover and be ready for some good quality workouts next week!
Wow – six games in two days is a lot! Congrats! I’m sure your body needed plenty of rest.
Agree 100%, I’ll take a quality workout over quantity any day. Although running for the sake of running does happen. But lately things have been clicking and I feel the improvement which gives me good indication that I’m having quality workouts.
Don’t you love it when your runs “click?” I agree 100% – that’s a sign of quality workouts!
I did the same thing as a half marathoner. I don’t regret any of them, but it did get to the point of just adding races for the sake of increasing numbers. We’ll see what 2016 holds using a more Quality approach. Thanks for the link!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the racing excitement; especially when you have running friends to go with or see at the race!
I think it’s awesome you did all that running and enjoyed it with no agenda!! Love your page!
Thanks so much, Gina! It was certainly fun!
Last year, I definitely made a conscious effort to make every run a quality run, no matter what the pace and it made a difference in my attitude and my rate of injury!
I hear you on the injury thing. Back then I rarely got injured, so it was hardly on my radar. These days, it’s tops! Good for you for striving for quality runs, and I’m glad they’re making a difference.
I’m definitely more of a “quality” gal LOL I have done some streaks (none longer than 40 days), but I do NOT endorse daily running….for me it does get to be too much of a numbers thing and that is not the reason I choose to run. That said, I do like doing streaks for brief periods of time…just to see how the “other half” lives. I know everyone has different genetics, goals, and lifestyles, so I try to respect the ones who are driven by something different than what I know. It would be a boring world if we all did things exactly the same 😉
I’m kind of glad I never heard of running streaks back when I was young, or I’m sure I would have do them. These days I know better because my body just couldn’t handle it. You’re certainly correct about the world being a boring place if we all did things exactly the same!
Woah you ran 3 marathons in 4 weeks?! That is very cool that you enjoyed the process! I have been taking a little break from running this week and it actually feels good! My body needed it!
Indeed! Marathons were always my favorite distance.
Here’s to a well deserved recovery for you!
To me it sounds kind of fun 🙂 Getting to have experiences like three races in four weeks would be a fun thing to check off.
I kind of hoped to have that kind of year in 2016. I guess I will have to start thinking quality because I do not want to be injured all he time.
I do try to do quality work when I weight train, but running seemed to bring out, the more MUST be better in me lol
It’s tough balancing between what the mind wants and what the body can handle. Here’s to getting those little niggles resolved and a healthy rest of the year!
This is how I was the first few years I ran. I just ran and ran and felt so much better when I made my running workouts more focused and with a purpose! Quality is so much better than quantity in so many areas of life, but I think realizing that sometimes comes with experience!!
I can’t say that I have any complaints about running so many marathons in such a short amount of time since I was having a blast along the way. I do enjoy the shorter distances these days, and the completely different approach toward my training. It’s kind of mixed things up for me, and made it quite a ride! It sounds like you’ve found what works for you. Here’s to an outstanding 2016!
I like to try and find a balance between quality and quantity in my running. If I try and make every single run a quality run it sucks all of the fun out of running. But when I shift my focus over to quantity (like during my race palooza year when I ran any and all races I wanted), my pace definitely suffers and it’s hard to get it back. I’m still trying to find that balance, but hopefully I’ll get it figured out! I won’t lie, though, I do kind of aspire to be able to run four marathons in a year or three within four weeks. That would be pretty cool 🙂
Meagan, that’s such a good point. If all runs are quality runs, it really can take the fun out of running. There’s nothing I like more than meeting a friend and just running – like our runs to Molly’s Knob. It’s more about being out there in nature, enjoying good company, and beautiful scenery than meeting some goal pace. Those are the runs we’ll remember forever! 🙂