~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…
It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done!
I runfess: I took a 21-minute call from a potential client at the halfway point of a run. He kept apologizing, but I’d told him that he could call any time after 10 AM and it certainly wasn’t his fault that I’d procrastinated all morning and headed out for my run later than planned. The blooming forsythia is a telltale sign that I’ve had this sitting as a draft for a couple of months. This run happened to be my first five-miler as I rehabbed from my injury so I did’t mind the rest one bit!
Since I was standing in the woods in the shade, other trail users probably thought I’d just made an emergency pit stop! LOL
I runfess: While driving to visit my mom almost two months ago, it was raining so hard that we only stopped twice to stretch our legs on the six-hour drive. By the time we got to mom’s house I got out of the car acting like a little old lady. I decided to skip my Saturday morning run even though I woke up feeling just fine. Perfect running weather added insult to injury when we woke to a sunny and gorgeous 49° morning that would have been perfect for a country roads run!
I runfess: That in the previous runfession situation, I was secretly happy that I couldn’t run because there had been several bear sightings very close to my mom’s house in the previous few days.
I runfess: While packing for a trip to the beach about a month ago and anticipating running on the sand, I pulled out an old pair of running shoes so I wouldn’t get sand in my current shoes. My knees weren’t thrilled with wearing old shoes, but my floors back home were when I didn’t bring sandy shoes into our house!
I runfess: I left the four previous runfessions in just as a reminder to myself as to how long it’s been since I joined in on the fun (January 24th was my last trip to the party). I usually have a draft going and add things as I think of them, but didn’t have enough to hit publish. Bloggers, how do you write these types of posts?
I runfess: I haven’t run since Saturday, June 15th when I had the most amazing run! The temperature was 51° and I felt incredibly good. I ran 6.2 miles at an average pace of 9:36, my fastest since my winter injury. I awoke the morning after that fabulous run with lots of pain in my right SI joint. It had bothered me two weeks prior, but a week off from running had me feeling quit good and I felt fine when I resumed my morning runs. With vacation, I’ve taken the last two weeks off from running and I’m a little nervous about starting up again this coming week.
I runfess: Old people and runners love to talk about their illnesses and injuries. LOL
I runfess: I really, really want to run in an Independence Day race on Thursday, but should I…
I gymfess: My client and I observed a gentleman playing solitaire on the screen of a recumbent bike. We commented to each other that he appeared so engrossed in his game that he wasn’t paying attention to pedaling – he was going about 26 RPM’s. It wasn’t until he moved to a treadmill that we realized that he had most likely been pedaling as fast as he could. My client was quick to point out that he was there exercising alone and that she needed me for motivation. We’re both inspired by this gentleman as he works his way back from an apparent injury or illness and we learned not to make any assumptions on any other gym goers.
I bikefess: We took our bikes with us to the beach and I was amazed at how much more stuff I had to remember to take along – different shorts (padded), different shoes (clip ins), different water bottles (not handheld), a helmet, a different Garmin… Oh wait, I forgot to pack my bike Garmin (affiliate link) and had to use my running Garmin (affiliate link).
I bikefess: I’ve not been on my bike since our beach ride. Once we get home from our Southern Utah vacation, we plan to start our Sunday rides back up. We have five Cruisers wanting to join us!
I bikefess: Many of the Cruisers, who once hated bikers because of how rude many of them were to us on the trail, have gone to the dark side and are now avid bikers! LOL
I runfess: I still haven’t made anything from my Run Fast. Eat Slow (affiliate link) cookbook by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky; and I’m going to keep runfessing this until I embarrass myself to the point of making something… anything! Apparently, I’m not easily embarrassed.
There you have it, my most recent runfessions. Ahhh yes, it feels good to get another set off of my chest. See you next month in the runfessional.
- Questions:
- When you travel, do you take along your running, biking, or other workout clothing and items?
- Are you running in an Independence Day race?
- What are your runfessions?
Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
Older runners do love to talk about all of their ailments while running. I seem to recall you usually do the 4th of July PR race. We are having our annual run into Gtown for breakfast. Looks like hot one!
Ugh, I dread going back to the humidity!
There’s also a 5K trail run in Great Falls that I’m thinking about running this year. I haven’t signed up for anything yet so we’ll see…
I love reading Runfessions but almost never get it together to post. They usually leak into the run down.
I always pack running stuff. I’ve even taken to leaving a set of running clothes at mom’s so Idon’t have to.
No July 4th race here. There is one and I might, but I’m not feeling it
Yes, sometimes my Runfessions and Weekly RunDown have some of the same info. Like Kim says, I like for my Runfessions to be funny, but I missed this time for sure.
I usually have no problems coming up with Runfessions…the challenge is finding that balance of making them more humorous than negative LOL I’m doing a new-to-me 4th of July race this year with the hubby and my main running friend, Barb 😉
Enjoy your race on Thursday!
I always pack running and gym stuff but never bike stuff when I travel. I’m eyeing a 4th of July race but I’ve been running so little I’m so not trained for anything…I know I should not let that stop me.
Thanks for joining us again!
Last year when we went to Moab (one of the top mountain biking locations in the USA), I packed basic biking gear because I knew we’d be taking private lessons. This year,I wasn’t sure we’d find time to fit it in so I skipped taking anything. I was surprised I didn’t get sore from not wearing my padded shorts, though.
Thanks for having me back! 😀