Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up, too.

Runfession –
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty
of a particular running crime.
As usual, I’m adding a fun little twist by making this a group effort, and this month I invited my Cruiser friends to contribute. Here are our runfessions…
Terri runfesses: I once got passed in the Marine Corps Marathon by another runner who was wearing full firefighter gear including boots and oxygen.
Jerome runfesses: I changed my shoe brand and style during marathon training. Big mistake!
Deb runfesses: My running friends are equally impressed, jealous, and grossed out at my ability to blow snot rockets.
Terri runfesses: If another runner passes me on the last mile of a long run, I secretly swear at them in my head. I have also been known to swear at bikers who get too close when they pass.
Beth runfesses: I almost got passed by a Juggler at mile 24 in Richmond in 2013. I saw him coming up to my left and said out loud (so he could hear as well), “Oh No, I will not get passed by a juggler!” So I pushed myself to run through to the finish and enjoyed all spectators cheering for him those last two miles!
Jerome runfesses: Sometimes I run in the same direction as the traffic.
Beth runfesses: At the Army 10 miler, I’ve placed myself at a much faster pace at the start in order to avoid the crazy dodging that happens if I started at my normal pace – I cannot stand dodging runners/walkers in a crowded race.
Kat runfesses: When I need to blow my nose while running, I find a large leaf and use it for a tissue!
Terri runfesses: While an avid runner with even a few marathons under my belt, I naively wore underpants with my running shorts until someone (Deb) told me that’s what the running shorts liner was for!
Beth runfesses: At a DC Rock-N-Roll marathon with Bill (and possibly Chuck) we sneaked into the VIP bathroom line by pretending to be VIP’s.
Rich runfesses: When running my first marathon (Cleveland), the start was rainy and 37-degrees… and I was wearing a long-sleeve cotton shirt. Not aware of NipGuards or Glide, by the 18th mile I was exhibiting two red blotches through the white shirt. Men spectators that I passed seemed not to notice… but women knew instinctively what had occurred and would grimace and wince as I passed by.
Chuck runfesses: It’s not uncommon for me to to push the last quarter mile or so, with an all-out sprint at the end of a distance run to gain a few positions. I am proud to say, I past a few runners with my speed and I confess I passed a few by scaring them out of my way. Because, it is also not uncommon for me to get sick to my stomach on hot days, when I push too hard. Fellow runners scatter as they hear and see me getting sick, as I have learned to continue running, while barfing my guts out. I did this at the end of one of my legs at Ragnar a few years ago, too.
Jerome runfesses: I ran up and down my little street 5 times to get to a completed mile on my Garmin.
- Questions:
- What are your runfessions?
- Who is racing this weekend?
Oh lordy! These are hilarious! See? Runners are full of stuff they need to vent. Thanks for linking up!
Thank you for providing us with an excuse to vent! 😀
Some good ones in here. I’ve made the change run shoes mistake before. And have also positioned myself in a faster corral to get around the “social” runners in big races.
I’ve decided that most newbie runners don’t realize that there are places for different paces in the starting corral. Heck, I’m about as seasoned a runner as you can get, and at the Firecracker 5K I didn’t even see the pace signs. My friends said they were there, and I just missed them! Oops!
Love these!!! I probably would not have known not to wear underwear with running shorts too lol! I only wear capris not shorts.
My runfession is that I always listen to music when I run, I cannot stay motivated without it!
No races till the 22nd of August for me
We got caught in a heavy downpour and after it stopped raining we all dried off quickly except for Terri and her shorts; and that’s when we realized she wore underwear under her running shorts. 🙂
Too funny ! When you gotta go, you gotta go. I will pretty much pee anywhere…. better than running on a full bladder. I figure “I will never see these people again in my life…”
LOL – same here, and my friends are equally amazed and embarrassed that I will go just about anywhere!
I’m sort of runfessing today too. So fun to fess up!
So funny! Right now I can’t think of anything that compares… I’m sure I’ll think of it as I’m falling asleep tonight. What a great idea to get the Cruisers involved!
It’s definitely more fun and funnier when it’s a group effort!
Oh Jerome, we have all been there! 🙂 And as for Terri’s third runfession… Debbie you are also the one who broke me of wearing underwaer with my running shorts that have a liner in them!
Woot woo!!! Go me!!! 😀
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