It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too. This week, the DC Trifecta chose Five Ways To Share The Running/Fitness Love as this week’s theme…..

“All You Need Is
And A Nice Long
~ Unknown
I feel like I’m a pretty good ambassador for running. Non-runners might not get it, but they certainly understand my love for the sport and passion for spreading the love. When I see people that I haven’t seen for a while, one of the first questions they’ll ask is if I’m still running. They might not necessarily want the details of my latest races, but they are kind enough to ask if I’m still able to enjoy the sport I love.
It’s a lot easier to spread the love – any kind of love – these days than it was even ten years ago. I used to just talk about running and host the occasional running seminar at the gym, but these days it’s easy to share from the comfort of my home. Or the running trail. Or the gym… Sharing the love is as simple as having my iPhone handy.
So what are my suggestions for sharing the running love?
1. Start a Running Group – I’ve been a part of an active running group since 2000, and even though my runners paid me to be their coach for the first six years, I eventually chose to stop coaching and make the group more social. For the history of the Cruisers, and how we came to be, you can read more at My Team/Cruisers.
If starting a running group interests you, you can start from scratch, or go to running organization for information on how to start a chapter in your area. Both Run Runners Clubs of America and Moms RUN This Town are two great places to start. Who knows, there might be a struggling group already formed that needs someone like you to breath some fresh air into it.
2. Volunteer in Your Community – You can put as much time, or as little time as you want when you volunteer. Offer to volunteer at races if your time is limited. If you have more available time, volunteer as a coach at Girls on the Run or the local AAU track club. You can be the head coach, an assistant, or someone behind the scenes. We all have qualities that are greatly appreciated by these types of organizations.
3. Write a Running Blog – When Julie told me about some of the running blogs she read, I knew immediately that I wanted to start my own – and it took me about two seconds to come up with the name. My license plate had previously been Deb Runs, and I knew it was time to resurrect the name.

4. Become Active on Social Media – If you don’t already have Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts, set them up. Have creative and interesting content, then share, share, share. Remember that sharing the love goes two ways. Interact with the running community, and follow other runners and running organizations.
5. Start or Follow Running-Specific Online Groups – Even if you don’t have a blog, write up short race recaps and share on Facebook or Google+ running groups. If you don’t see groups in your geographic area, or your area of interest, start your own. Post about great new running accessories you’ve stumbled upon, or tell everyone about the running group you’ve just formed. Others will appreciate the information, and come back for more.
Whatever avenue you choose for sharing your running love, be yourself and have fun. Your love of the sport will be obvious, and contagious!
- Questions:
- What are you most passionate about?
- How do you share the love?
- Are you racing this weekend?
Hi Deb, no races this weekend. Yourself ? Love your license plate !
I think you’ve covered everything! Love your license plates. My “Got2Run4Me” was inspired by license plates too. 😉
Fabulous tips! I’m not racing, but will attempt my first half marathon distance run on Sunday. With pain in my hip, I sense I will not be running that whole distance, but we’ll see how it feels in two days!
Courtney, I can relate. I am running my first half marathon next Saturday and I’ve been having bad PF pain in my foot the last few weeks so I took these last two weeks of training off to let it heal. I might end up walking alot of my half as well. However, at least we’re out there!! Congrats on taking the Half Marathon leap!
Hope your half marathon distance training run went well today, and that your hip held up without too much pain!
These are great ways to SHARE the love!!! I love using the blogging for sure, I think it’s my favorite!!
Thanks! Blogging ranks up there at the top for me, too!
Oh, my gosh, Deb…I LOVE your license plate! What a great idea! I definitely enjoy volunteering as a way to share the running love; I appreciate that you included working with groups like GOTR. We have a really strong group here and the girls are always so thrilled to finish their season and race! Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks, Tara! I’ll be volunteering at my first water stop this coming Saturday, and I’m really looking forward to it. 🙂
I am really hoping to get involved with Girls on the Run for the fall. I’m so impressed by the organization and I’d love to have the chance to share my love of running w/a local gal 🙂
I’ve not volunteered as a coach, but I’ve been a buddy-runner at races before. It’s a lot of fun!
All great tips for sharing the love of running! I love all the hoop and excitement on social media and the product sharing and the cheering, it is contagious!
It’s hard not to get excited about running when you see some of the amazing running pictures that people post!
All great tips Deb – I love your license plate!
Love the license plate!! I started a chapter of MRTT to share the running love!
Awesome! How many years has it been since you started your chapter?
I love blogging, and I”ve had so many non-runners tell me that my blog makes them want to run!
That’s one of the best rewards, isn’t it?
blogging has been great for sharing the running/fitness love! I love your license plate 🙂
Thanks, Mar!
Blogging is a great way to interact and learn from other runners – and so I don’t bore my family too much with my running talk!
I also highly recommend a running group. I always thought I was a solo runner, and I still am mostly, but joining a group for my long Sunday runs has been a game-changer!
Marathon training runs are so much more tolerable when done with a group. In fact, I always look forward to my Saturday morning runs!
Your license plate is great 🙂 I have grown to love Instagram, such a fun way to connect and cheer lead others. Obviously, I love blog reading and sharing that way as well 🙂 It’s great you facilitate the running group! I haven’t done so well connecting with real life runner friends locally.
What’s your Instagram handle so I can follow you?
karenrunsva 🙂
Awesome 😉