Living a life fulfilled – Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is irritable (suggested by Holly)….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.
Irritable – becoming angry or annoyed easily
~ Merriam-Webster
As Bill’s boss once said years ago, “Computers are the best make-work thing ever invented.” When they’re working, life is good; but when there’s a glitch, it can be downright irritating.
Malfunctioning technology can annoy the heck out of me, but a couple of specific instances come to mind immediately. Remember my whole Fitbit (affiliate link) saga from earlier this summer? I replaced it after the glue holding the wrist strap to the device started coming apart when I ran in the rain. One not to throw away an item that otherwise still worked perfectly, I pulled out the Gorilla Glue and repaired my original tracking device. Once repaired to my high standards of looking fashionable with white glue oozing out of every seam, I continued to wear it for the next three months.
Enter last night… I decided that I couldn’t show up at the Club Industry Show in Chicago on Wednesday with that mess around my wrist and pulled out my new Fitbit. The longer I worked at getting that Fitbit to sync, the more irritable I became. This morning, as I sit at Washington Regan National Airport wrapping up this post, my Fitbit is still telling me that it’s “connecting to tracker.” If I lose those 10,000 steps I took this morning before 6:30 AM, I will become extremely irritable – I’m in a Workweek Hustle, don’t you know!
(Added Tuesday evening) Well how about that? Just about twenty-four hours and about six tries later, my new Fitbit charge is now synced with the app on my phone. I have absolutely no idea why it wasn’t working because it seemed like I did the exact same thing every time. We’ll mark it up to operator error – just because!
While I’m whining about things that make me become irritable… The email notifications to my blog subscribers no longer seem to be working. A couple of my friends brought the problem to my attention when they stopped getting email notifications of my new posts and assumed that I hadn’t posted anything to my blog in the past few weeks. I’m self-hosted with WordPress and have yet to figure out what’s wrong. I suspect that the glitch occurred when I updated WordPress a few weeks ago. Fellow bloggers, if you have any advice, please comment below!
These are but two examples of how this generally happy runner girl becomes irritable, but you know what? I’ve figured out the perfect cure for irritability – I go for a run!
What makes you irritable?
Grab My Button!
Next Wednesday’s Word: Opportunist
Oh no!! Going for a run is the best cure!!
Oh gosh….technology totally irritates me!!!!! Granted, I’m very much an artsy-farsty color-outside-the-lines kind of gal. I really try to embrace technology, but it bites my artsy-fartsy buttocks(almost) every time. Therefore, I do not allow myself to be dependent on it (avoidance works for me).
Your blood pressure probably thanks you for not allowing yourself to be addicted to technology!
I hate when technology fails you.
We get so dependent on it.
My phone went dead on a run yesterday. Pissed me off.
Yep, that’s the kind of thing that can really irritate me. I expect my stuff to work, and when it doesn’t…
If I wrote about what makes me irritable, I’d have a book. I’m becoming a cranky old lady!
Technology glitches? We have had nothing but that at work the last couple of weeks. Ugh.
Cranky old lady – LOL
Technolgy is great; until it isn’t.
I get very irritable when I’m fasting, like today (Yom Kippur). Yet I’m still going to run – finally a truly fasted run, LOL!
Yes, I remember that fasting made me irritable, but I’ve only had to do it a couple of times before my colonoscopies. The fun never stops after hitting fifty! LOL Good for you for putting a positive spin on your fasted run. 🙂
Don’t be so quick to blame “operator error!” It could very well be the little fairies inside the technology, you know. I am glad that your Fitbit had a happy ending. And I’ll confess that I gave up on my tracker because of technology frustration.
Little fairies? I didn’t even think of that and I bet you’re right! 😀
Ohhh, computers are so awesome, but when the screen starts spinning and won’t load …ugh!!!
i also had my garmin work during a race once, I was really bummed i couldn’t see my splits lol I mean I have a finish time, but I lamented over those splits a few days.
Thanks for the prompt I whined like crazy! LOL
Oh cool – I can’t wait to read your whining!
As expected, my Garmin didn’t work accurately this past weekend due to the tunnels/bridges. It makes it harder since we’ve become so dependent on them. Fitbit can definitely be irritating. I gave up after my second one died. I miss the sleep info the most. Thanks for the linkup!
Sleep tracking was the original reason I got my first Fitbit, but I quickly became obsessed with my steps as well…