This week was full of ups and downs, both figuratively and literally. The ups and downs on Saturday were rather fun though!
- Monday
- Strength Train – 1 hour
- Walk – 3.4 miles
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link) – Yoga for Runners
On Monday morning a got a text from Erin asking if I had time to go for a walk. We met just after noon as soon as I finished up with my morning clients. We were so happy to see each other that we jumped for joy!

And did a few other shenanigans along the trail route… A year ago I could barely get into the star plank position, but after working intensely on my core, I can hold a star plank for just over a minute on each side!
- Tuesday
- Intervals – 1-mile warm-up, 4 x 1200 at 7:42, 7:27, 7:38, and 7:22 paces (goal pace was 7:30) with 400 recoveries, 1-mile cool-down
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link) Sun Salutations
- Teeter Hang Ups (affiliate link) Inversion – 15 minutes
After my left hamstring cramped at last week’s track workout, I had a bone to pick with those 1200’s and returned to try to redeem myself and finish the workout without any issues. Mission accomplished, and I left the track feeling confident and light on my feet!

- Wednesday
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link) – Yoga Basics
- Run – 7 miles at 8:27 average pace
- Teeter Inversion – 15 minutes
I heard the on the weather forecast that there was a good chance of severe storms for Thursday morning, so Wednesday afternoon at 2 PM I headed out for a tempo run that was scheduled for Thursday. It was warm, but not humid and I had a fabulous run. Sometimes it just clicks. I carried my pepper spray because Facebook is full of pictures of bears sightings from all over our community. No bears were seen on my run – somewhat to my relief and disappointment.

- Thursday
- Strength Training – 1 hour
- Yoga For Energy
- Teeter Inversion – 15 minutes
You know when you do something stupid and know it almost immediately? Well, that was me on Thursday afternoon when I got home from the grocery store. Instead of making two or three trips from my car to the kitchen with my groceries, I tried to carry them all in one big bulky, heavy trip. As soon as I got into the kitchen, I felt it and knew I’d made a big mistake. My back didn’t hurt, but I felt that horrible sciatic nerve pain run down the back of my right leg.
I put my groceries away and took two Advil in hopes of making the pain stop. It didn’t. I was uncomfortable both standing and sitting, so I headed to our bedroom to hang on my Teeter Hang Ups and then lie down. After napping fitfully for about an hour (so fitfully that my nap didn’t even register on my FitBit), I got up and took two more Advil (I am not advocating taking Advil, but I was desperate). For the rest of the evening I was able to function pretty well and with only moderate pain. I took two more Advil at bedtime and slept quite well.
- Friday
- Walk – 4 miles
- Core Training – 15 minutes
- Yoga For Running
I woke up Friday morning feeling fantastic, but as soon as I started handing weights to my first client I felt the nerve pain return, albeit somewhat less intensely than the day before. I ended up taking two more Advil and those did the trick; and I haven’t needed to take anything since. I skipped lifting weights on Friday and opted for a walk and a short core workout instead.
- Saturday
- Run – 5 miles at an 10:04 pace
- Stand Up Paddleboarding – 1 hour
Saturday morning I headed out for a short easy run with the Cruisers, knowing that if I was bothered by any pain in my leg I could walk instead. Since we kept it slow and easy, I was fine. We got a good laugh with the bikers as they passed while shouting that they’d photobombed our selfie!

After my run on Saturday, I finally had the opportunity to give stand up paddleboarding a try. We had a blast , and let’s just say that I didn’t return as dry as when I headed out (thus my reference to fun ups and downs)! Be sure to check in on Tuesday when I recap our adventures on the Beaverdam Creek Reservoir!

Photo credit: Bill
- Sunday
- Walk – 4 miles
- Yoga For Runners
- Teeter Inversion 15 minutes
On Sunday morning I went for a walk with one of my long-time BRF’s. She and her husband will be moving in late July and I certainly will miss her – so will our entire community! She’s one of a kind and I hope that we’ll stay in close touch even though she will be miles away… I’ll miss you, friend!
- Weekly Overview:
- Weight Training: Monday and Thursday
- Running: Tuesday – 6 miles, Wednesday – 7, Sunday 5 (Total: 18 miles)
- Biking: none
- Walking: Monday – 3.4 miles, Friday – 4 miles, and Sunday 3.5 miles (Total: 10.9 miles)
- Yoga: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday
- Teeter Inversion: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday
- Average Steps Per Day: 14,762
- Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 6:32 hours
- Questions:
- What have you tried lately that’s been on your bucket list for a while?
- What wild animals do you have to watch for when out on a run?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Glad you didn’t run into any bears. I only ever seen deer on my run.
I love long walks with friends. Those are the best and I hope to have a few this coming week.
Hope your back is okay and that you have a. Fabulous week!
Thanks! Hope you have a fantastic week, too!
When I’ve vacationed, I’ve had to watch out for bears, elk and bison. This week, I nearly stepped on a dead armadillo while I was running. (I live in Texas.) Now that it’s warmed up, I need to watch out for snakes.
My friend that I SUP’ed previously with lived in Texas and she told me about the water moccasins she had to watch out for when paddleboarding there. Water snakes really creep me out!
Ha that’s why I don’t paddle board! I’ve only tried it once and the only thing I tried doing the entire time was not falling. My friend’s son (he was only 10) was doing handstands, headstands, totally goofing off. I was like ahhh don’t get near me…I’ll fall! I hope you had a fun time on the board though. The only things we have to watch for are rattlesnakes when we are out on the trails. Other than that…nothing very exciting here. Have a wonderful week!!
We were out on the water for about an hour and I only fell twice. I felt pretty comfortable and was even able to look up and around and enjoy the scenery. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!
Kids impress me with what good balance they have. We had our sons on skis by the time they were four and they’d both just shoot down the mountain like little rockets and never fall down.
We have rattlesnakes in Virginia, but it’s rare to see one where I live. We do have the occasional copperhead, though.
Well you already know I’m jealous of your paddle boarding adventure. I’ve got to try it. How odd that your nerve pain can come and go so quickly. I hope it stays away. I don’t have to watch out for much wildlife since I stick to my neighborhood for runs. I may occasionally see a snake. I really like the picture with the picket fence! Nice composition. Thanks for linking with us Deb.
I think that when I lifted those heavy bags and carried them awkwardly, I twisted my back in a way that pinched my nerve ever so slightly. Often when I lift something too heavy, I’ll feel the pain in my leg rather than my back. It’s so weird…
I’m glad you like that picture – thanks!
I hate when you get that familiar aching, I have a nagging spot I will feel in my shoulder. I understand the nerves you feel when it come on! Luckily, it passed by for you.
I usually worry about snakes when I am in the park, no bear sightings there in awhile.
I want to try Paddle boarding. I keep wondering if it going to feel like a work out or relax me?
Love your picket fence shot 🙂
We had such a relaxing time on the lake. It really wasn’t a tough workout (except for the time I fell and had to swim back to my board) and I don’t have any soreness today. Definitely try it if you have the opportunity. I can’t wait to go again!
We saw deer on the W&OD in Vienna today! A mom and her baby! I want to try SUP — can’t wait to hear about your adventure.
I saw a mom and her two babies on the trail on Wednesday afternoon. I jumped when I first saw the movement since I was on bear alert!
Definitely try SUP’ing if you have a chance. It’s a blast!
That’s amazing strength. Can’t side plank like that. Have to rest on my elbows, and not long. Hope you have a good plan when you do see a bear.
Other than making myself as big and fierce as possible, most likely spraying myself with the pepper spray, and probably peeing my pants, I don’t have a plan for what to do if I happen to see a bear. My fingers are crossed that if I do happen to run across one on the trail, he runs by as I happen to have the GoPro rolling and I capture him as he runs past as frightened of me as I am of him. I hope that my GoPro doesn’t capture him having a tasty meal and picking ponytail out of his teeth when he’s finished…
Star plank — that ain’t easy!
I definitely know the feeling of doing something stupid. 🙂 But sometimes you just move wrong & it just tweaks something — which is aggravating — glad to hear you bounced back quickly.
SUP is something I want to try!
I had so much fun paddleboarding, and the opportunity just fell into my lap! I think you’d love it, too.
Soooo sorry about the sciatica. I’ve had that and I empathize! I’m glad that it’s better now. Paddle boarding looks fun (and probably a great core workout too to stay on there!)
I’m recapping my SUP adventure on the blog tomorrow. I may have fallen off a time or two! 😀
Oh, gosh. I am glad you were able to get that sciatic pain under control. Ugh.
Obviously, SUP is one of those bucket list things for me. Next up? Kayaking!
We have pretty much everything here. There have been bear sightings, coyotes, and wild boar. I also have to watch out for snakes, gators, armadillos, and one day, on a farm road, a big gray horse was on my path. He was harmless, but you just never know.
We kayaked on the Chicago River last fall and had so much fun. Prior to that I’d gone on a kayak tour in Florida near Naples with my friends while celebrating my 50th birthday! 🙂 SUP has been on my to do list for ages, too. You’ll love it! I’m recapping my SUP adventures on the blog tomorrow.
It sounds like you have lots of wildlife to watch out for. Be careful! I saw a coyote in our back yard about ten years ago and my neighbor saw it the next day, but no one has seen it since (we see foxes regularly). My mom has lots of bears and coyotes near her.
Possible bear sightings ? Yikes !
Hope your hamstring pull is better….
The bears were all over the place for a couple of weeks, but I haven’t heard anything about them during the past week. And yes, my hamstring is feeling much better. Thanks for asking!
I hiked by myself – it wasn’t a hard one but had a nice view at the end. I want to try SUPing too.
Yes I ran a 10 mile race on Sunday.
Congrats on your race. Hope it was fun!
Seeing the pictures of you on the SUP reminded me I almost bought one of these over a kayak. I still may get one but I’m loving the kayak for now. Wild animals on my run? Well I haven’t seen any while running but we did go gator sight seeing over 2.6 miles up the creek about midnight one night while camping! That was wild!
I wouldn’t feel safe in a kayak if I saw a gator swim by, and I would feel even less safe on a SUP. I’m sure I’d panic and fall into the water. 🙁