Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is victory… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor
against odds or difficulties
~ Merriam-Webster

In January 2015, I wrote about working my way back from an injury where I stated, “Injury makes the comeback sweeter.” Apparently that resonated with a lot of people because it’s become one of my most popular pins on Pinterest. What better way to realize a victory than with a successful comeback after the defeat of a sidelining injury.

Perhaps injury is on my mind due to my recent setback and that’s why I’m focusing on finding victory after an injury; or perhaps it’s because injury is such a common thread with us runners. Whatever the case, going into a successful training cycle after an injury is a joyous thing to behold and quite the victory.
Most of us mere running mortals don’t know the victory of breaking the tape at a race, but we do know victory in many other forms if we just stop to recognize those victories, no matter how small…
- Victories Everyday Runners Can Embrace:
- Coming back from injury
- Snagging that elusive PR
- Becoming a morning person so you can meet your friends for runs before work
- Completing a run between thunderstorms
- Finding your favorite discontinued running shoes on sale for 50% off
- Coming back from another injury
- Receiving an email that you were picked in the lottery for your dream marathon
- Finally pulling your over-cut hair into a ponytail
- Seeing a friend on the trail who perks you up when your run is feeling really tough
- Enjoying a fantastic run after a few days of not-so-great runs
- Successfully registering for a race that fills up in an hour
- Finding a running friend when you move to a new town
- Coming back from yet another injury
What are some of your everyday victories?
Grab My Button!

Next Month’s Wednesday Word: Imagination
These days just feeling great on a run is a victory to me! Thanks for the linkup! I had the T’storm victory yesterday. That was a sweet one too.
Yes, both are great victories!
How about a “blogging” victory? You know…being the first to get your recent post linked on a link-up 😉 All of these victories mentioned have been mine at one time or another (well, except for the lottery thing…). Especially the injury comeback!
Sounds like a blogging victory to me! 😉
One of my sweetest PRs was absolutely coming back from an injury. And I’ve definitely “run” into friends unexpectedly sometimes — it’s wonderful!
Of course one of my recent victories was running well in the heat — something that has eluded me for a long, long time. I think the flatness of the course had a lot to do with it — so if I anticipate a hot run, I guess I need to look for a flat course too!
Won’t help me when I get to Kauia, one of these years, but just getting back there is a victory, too.
Your recent half PR in the heat and humidity was a huge victory!!!
I think the biggest victory is being able to run after a serious injury and of course getting PRs in your 60s.
PR’s at our age are definitely huge victories! 😀
I completely forgot about the monthly linkup oops! I like the idea of celebrating everyday victories and not putting too much emphasis on huge goals. Food for thought 🙂
No worries! Just use your “imagination” when writing next month’s WW! 😉
What a great list of victories to consider! Thank you for that!!
Some of my everyday victories:
-waking up to workout in the morning
-getting out the house on time
-packing my lunch
-journaling at night
Thank you, Tamieka! You have your own great list of everyday victories!
I victoriously ordered my beloved running shoes at 50% off last week! Then, I realized I ordered the wrong size. (The agony of defeat!)Sorry I didn’t make the linkup! I’m just so far behind on the Weekly Wrap (and why that bothers me, I don’t know). Congrats on two years!
Thanks Holly! No worries, but of course, you could have rerun last year’s Wednesday Word anniversary poem – it was a keeper!
Definitely the little things that make me feel victorious! My faves on your list …finding your discontinued running shoe, hair finally getting long enough for a pony tail and getting that run in before the rain! Love it!
Thanks, Teresa!
Finding my running shoes half off would be fantastic! I like your list of victories.
Feeling stronger running is a recent victory for me. Doing physical therapy for my knee has definitely helped!!
I do like your recent victory of feeling stronger on your runs! Congrats!
Great list! Completing a run between thunderstorms is a victory to me. It’s quite fearful but awesome.
Have you ever gotten caught out on the trail when a thunderstorm comes up suddenly? I have twice!
Every day that I get to run is a victory. I’ve had so many battles from injury and illness and now IVF (freaking i words) that I am thankful for every. damn. mile!
It’s amazing how those obstacles and setbacks make us so much more appreciative, isn’t it?
[…] early February I was easily running 8:30’s with the girls and now it’s a huge victory (Wednesday’s Word) to run a […]