This past week completed week 14 of my 16-week Run Less Run Faster (affiliate link) training cycle for my OBX Half Marathon. We weren’t traveling for a game (more on that later) so I didn’t have to move around any of my workout days like I had to last week.
Between injuries and other friends already finished with their fall training cycle, Tiffany and I have been the only two meeting at the track on Tuesday mornings for the last couple of weeks. Scheduled for my track workout was 2 x 1200 repeats at a 7:35 goal pace and 4 x 800 repeats at a 7:27 pace with 2-minute recoveries between each repeat, bookended by a 1-mile warm-up and 1-mile cool-down. I hit my 1200’s at 7:27 and 7:23 paces, and then hit my 800’s at 7:19, 7:49, 7:11, and 7:17 paces. Can you tell during which repeat I had to leave the track and run uphill to the porta potty? 😀
My training plan for Thursday’s tempo run was, again, pretty straight forward – run a 1-mile warm-up, then 5 miles at an 8:28 goal tempo pace, and finish it up with a 1-mile cool-down. I hit my tempo miles at 8:30, 8:17, 8:22, 8:33, and 8:27. The extra day of rest helped me hit very closely to my goal paces, unlike last week’s tempo run when I only had 24 hours of rest and ran each mile at about 20-30 seconds over goal pace.
On the way to the trail, I saw the mostly white skunk foraging in our neighborhood. I’ve seen him one other time. We also regularly see a similar looking skunk along the W&OD Trail where we often run. Even though these mostly white skunks have black feet, we’ve named them all Albiny for albino.
My Saturday long run called for 12 miles at a 10:28 average pace which I was really looking forward to because I had plans to meet Beth. We’ve run hundreds of miles together over many years of marathon training, but hadn’t run together in several months due to both of our busy traveling schedules.
It was 46° when we started running, but because of a forecast of wind, I wore my thin Brooks shell (affiliate link). I hadn’t even run a mile when I got way too hot, took off my jacket, rolled it up into its little self-pouch, and carried it on the back of my right hand (you can barely see it in the picture below). Just before I took this picture, a biker came flying by and shouted, “Oh my God, you must be freezing.” I held up my little jacket ball and replied that I’d gotten too hot, but he was zipping by so fast that I doubt he heard me.
We finished our run at a 10:06 pace with both of us feeling quite good. Beth needed to take off for home, but I stuck around for a little while playing with my GoPro (affiliate link). The leaves were too pretty not to capture a fall running picture, and since most of my runs are in the early morning hours before sunrise, that’s become increasingly hard to do. I will admit that I occasionally go back out later in the day to reenact a run. 😉
Last weekend we made the decision not to drive back to Blacksburg this weekend for the game, and instead, try to sell our tickets. From our warm and dry basement family room we watched the rain get heavier as the game progressed, and we patted ourselves on our backs for making the smart decision to stay home. After the game was over, the players played slip ‘n slide on the soggy field and I captured this picture to show just how miserable the conditions had gotten.
In case you missed it on the blog, you didn’t miss anything because I was sooooo busy that didn’t get another post written, and I totally forgot to join in on the Runfession fun. I’ll catch you up over coffee on Saturday about all the non-running stuff that kept me incredibly busy all week.
Looking ahead to this coming week, tomorrow I’ll post my October Race Linkup. Please feel free to join me and let your friends know which races they can find you running this fall. Also, on Wednesday please be sure to join me for my monthly Wednesday Word linkup where this month’s word is discipline. And as I mentioned, I plan to join in on the fun with Deborah and Coco at the Ultimate Coffee Update.
In addition to the runs I mentioned above, here’s a run-down of the other workouts I completed this past week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Which is your favorite season?
- Have you ever canceled big plans which in hindsight ended up being a really good decision?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Sounds like a great week of training! those leaves sure are pretty, aren’t they?
I’m not sure I really have a favorite season — but I do have an unfavorite season, and that would be winter.
I can’t bring to mind canceling any big plans that turned out well, but I know there have been many times I’ve felt we dodged a bullet, for one reason or another.
Some of the leaves in our back yard literally popped with color Friday overnight, and then Sunday’s nor’easter blew them away. 🙁
The older I get, the less I like winter. I used to love it…
Never loved winter. Ever. Now explain to me why I’ve spent 39 years (the majority of my life) in places where winter is harsh!
You’ve got some pretty colors by you! We didnt’ do so well in that department this year!
I have to admit I’ve never seen an albino skunk–and if I have, I wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from an oppossum!
Much of our fall color got blown away with Sunday’s nor’easter. 🙁
In case you’re ever in a pinch and need to be able to tell the difference between a white skunk and an opossum, skunks have long hair and opossums have short hair. Also, in my humble opinion, skunks are kind of cute and opossums are quite possibly the ugliest of God’s creatures. LOL
I’m hoping to race next weekend…I have a 10K on Saturday or a 5-miler on Sunday. The Saturday race is my first choice (better bling and a more desirable distance). We almost went to the Iowa-Minnesota game last night, but decided on Friday not to deal with getting tickets. The game was freezing cold (low 30’s and windy), and it was quite comfortable lounging on the couch under a blanket, eating chili instead 😉
Good luck on whichever race you decide to run this weekend! Have fun!
I often think I smell a skunk when working in my front yard, but I’ve never seen it. If he lives out there, he is excellent at hiding. I certainly have never seen a mostly white one. Great job on the speed intervals this week! Thanks for linking!
I smell where a skunk has been between our house and our next-door neighbor’s house, but I’ve never seen him. I’ve also seen where he’s dug in our gardens and yard looking for grubs. I wonder if the skunk pictured (which I saw about a quarter mile away) is the same one.
I have never seen a white skunk! How unique. I did the wicked 10k which is a local Halloween race this weekend. So fun!
Halloween races are fun and I love seeing all of the costumes! Did you dress up?
Great job with your training! Eeks! you are getting so close to race day!
Fall by far is my favorite running season. I feel like we had an extended summer and we are heading right in to winter. Today it was 40 degrees and raining…you would have thought I was bundled up for a 30 degree winter run lol.
HaHa! It’s hard to remember how many layers of clothing we need when we have to start dressing for colder weather again after a hot summer.
Looks like another great week of training for you. I am loving these temps! I had no idea there was such a thing as white skunks-who knew? Looking forward to seeing you for the Wednesday Word and the coffee date. have a great week
I can’t really find anything online about white skunks. I’m thinking about calling up the local extension agents to see what they have to say…
Those fall leaves look amazing! Love that combination of colours! Yes, I raced this weekend – a 15 km Trail Race that was actually 17.6 km long! So poorly organised but so glad I did it as that’s the longest distance I have ever run!
It’s not nice to make runners run farther than they expect to on race day, especially by that much.
Reading your RLRF workouts brings back great memories. I followed that plan religiously and it made me a different runner. Many of those workouts are etched in my brain. White skunk? How cool! That looks like it was the perfect game to miss!
I wish I’d know about RLRF back in the later years of my marathon running days. I think it might have been wise for me to run fewer miles rather than 40-50 year round for so long.
Oh wow what a great decision to not go to that rain soaker of a game! A mostly white skunk, wow and you’ve seem 2 of them. I know we have them, around me but honestly unless they are road kill I don’t see too many alive. I think on our road, the dogs may keep them away.
That’s probably a very good point that the dogs would keep the wild animals at bay. Dogs are not allowed to be off-leash in our community unless they’re with their human and under control or inside a fence.
I think fall might be my favorite season 🙂 the leaves are gorgeous and the running weather is so wonderful.
Albino skunk- interesting! Our neighborhood in Minneapolis actually has a whole lot of albino squirrels. People say they are a good luck omen, so I’m always excited to spot one. They stand out quite a bit in the fall against all the fall foliage.
I like that! I’m going to consider our white skunk to be good luck, unless he sprays me… 😀
Albino skunks have to be rather rare …and you guys see two of them regularly! That’s interesting. Wonder if they’re from the same ‘family’!
Good call on the game! Honestly, we used to attend several games a year but I’ve gotten to where I actually prefer watching from the comfort of my couch. No bathroom lines, free food and drinks and no obnoxious fans anywhere around!! 🙂
The two spots that I see the white skunks are about two miles apart. I have no idea what the roving range for a skunk is, so I have no idea if it might be the same one.
I agree with all of the reasons you point out for not going to games. We used to go to all of them, but now we usually sell our tickets to at least half of the games. It’s exhausting traveling that much – it’s a four-hour drive and we almost always stay two nights. I’d rather stay home and just hit the games when the majority of our friends will be there.
[…] my weekly workouts here on the blog for the world to see, I have little problem staying disciplined, and for that, I […]