
1.  Favorite afternoon snack….  Avocado


2.  Favorite tweet I’ve received recently…  Thank you Bart for your vote of confidence, but you kicked my butt.


3.  Favorite new item that I pinned to Pinterest this week…


4. Favorite company I’m teaming up with to do a giveaway…  Road ID!  Stay tuned for contest to begin on Monday!

5.  Favorite sporting event of the week…  On Sunday I followed Emma’s tweets about how her hubby was doing in the IronMan Coeur D’Alene, and Sunday night got to read the Race Recap.  He did great, by the way!


6.  Favorite photo my hubby took at the beach…


7.  Favorite new purchase… Target florescent pink shirt for only $14.99!  Check out the fancy shirring on the back.


8.  Favorite first draft of my running poster…  Believe me, I’ve got a long way to go, but I put this together on one of my iPhone apps.  Bloggers, what apps or programs do you use to add words to your pictures?


9.  Favorite “worker outer”…  Words can’t describe how cute she is!


10.  Favorite matching running socks and shoes…  This was totally unplanned, but don’t my Asics and Feetures look nice together?


  • Questions:
  • What are your Friday favorites?
  • What apps or programs do you use to add words to your pictures?
  • What are your plans for the weekend?