Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is encourage….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Encourage – to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope;
to attempt to persuade
~ Merriam-Webster
I think we’re born to encourage. When you look at the some of the synonyms for the word encourage, you see words that are common in the actions of a toddler. They do these things naturally, not for show, not because they think they’re supposed to, but because encouraging others makes them happy.
I have found runners to be the same way. Runners are absolutely amazing when it comes to encouraging their fellow runners. As a member of our 965-member-strong MRTT chapter, I am overwhelmed at times watching the encouragement spread among our chapter members.
When a new member posts a question about finding a new training plan, several favorites are posted to her attention in no time. When another member posts a picture of her new baby in its running stroller, comments come in immediately with offers to run/walk with her as she builds back up to her pre-pregnancy strength. When someone posts about needing to find a sports doctor for a nagging injury, not only are names of doctors sent her way, but also words of concern and encouragement.
In this crazy world we live in, it really is rewarding to see so much encouragement and such a genuine desire to see our fellow humans do well. I encourage you to share the runner’s love, by practicing any or all of the following methods of encouragement:
- Offer up recommendations of your trusted physical therapist or chiropractor to your injured friends
- Send words of encouragement to disheartened friends who might be having a rough patch with their running
- Congratulate on PR’s and age group wins
- Remind others of their strengths when they’re having an off day
- Welcome new runners into your fold
- Make posters for races to encourage complete strangers
- Notice and comment on new distances accomplished
- Smile and say,”Good job” or “Good morning” when meeting another runner on the trail
- Give high fives to runners going by if you’re stopped to hydrate or refuel
- Compliment others on their good running form
Follow your heart! If you would like to be acknowledged, guided, or encouraged in certain aspects of your running, chances are your fellow runners would, too!
When do you find you’re most likely to hand out encouragement, or need encouragement?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Freedom
I love encouraging not only seasoned runners as they reach new goals, but I especially LOVE encouraging the newbies. I”ve told the story before…but last fall I was planted near the finish line of a marathon. It wasn’t the “fast, experienced” runners that caught my eye, it was the first-time marathoners that had me in tears. They were the ones high-5’ing all the spectators, and taking it all in. They took nothing for granted. I guess they actually were encouraging me to remember my own humble beginnings in my running shoes 😉
There’s nothing like the “first time” for everything – especially running a marathon! Good for you for giving back to the running community!
So cute about toddlers! Little kids really can be encouraging especially when they are learning about empathy and return the love and care that’s been shown to them. My MRTT group is SO encouraging in all aspects of life. It overwhelms my facebook feed with positivity!
I have been overwhelmed with the support our MRTT members show one another. It’s so amazingly refreshing!
I’m generally very self motivated, but everyone likes to be acknowledged & cheered on!
Great list, Deb.
Thanks, Judy
So true!
My MRTT group is the same way. I love it.
I find I am encouraging every day especially my kids. Being that they are still young and learning and trying new thigs, the need to be encouraging happens daily.
I am also encouraging to my girlfriend who is on her fitness/ weight loss journey. I encourage her to keep pushing and giving her best effort.
Great WW as usual fit right into happen ins in my life right now.
I love how our Wednesday Word seems to fit into some many people’s lives so often! 🙂 Keep encouraging your friend. She probably appreciates it even more than you realize!
We had a similar take this week! I’m encouraged when others find something nice to say.
Yes, same here! 🙂
I’ve found that my running has improved and I’ve reached for those seemingly unattainable goals due to all the encouragement I’ve received from other runners! Our online community (blogging, facebook) is truly amazing. It’s really been a wonderful experience.
I agree! My online running community is made up some of the most encouraging people I know! You included! 🙂
I love how your Mrtt group is so encouraging to one another.
I try to acknowledge other runners on my trail with a wave or a head nod but most time they never respond back…lol. That’s OK, they must be in a zone and I respect that.
Yes, I feel very lucky to be in such a great group with so many fabulously encouraging women. 🙂
I am so impressed by how the MRRT-ers support one another. At the Historic Half this weekend, a couple of MRRT members stood at the top of Hospital Hill and ran up with their fellow Moms. They’d get the mama to the top and run down to get another. All while wearing wings. Incredible!
Oh wow, that much have been so inspiring to watch! I did that up and down the hill at the end of the MCM back when I coached for the National AIDS Marathon group, but I was much younger then! 😉
This is exactly what my post is about. I have met so many amazing people through running. We are so supportive of each others goals. I just love it!
It really is the best, isn’t it? 😀
It never fails to amaze me how encouraging the MRTT community has been. I don’t know what I did before I met them
I know, right? At least I had the Cruisers before I met my MRTT friends; although they’re less active on FB; and therefore, not as encouraging online.
I’ve often found that by encouraging others, I in turn feel even better so it’s a win win!!! <3
Exactly! I couldn’t agree more.
Being able to encourage others is such a great gift. I absolutely love it when I am able to help someone learn to believe in themselves and achieve their goals.
Agreed! Encouraging others is such a great gift to both parties.
Love that your MRTT chapter is so big and encouraging…we currently have an itty bitty 44 member team in NJ but def trying to build our team:)
It is fabulous being a part of such a large group of women so willing to encourage each other. Here’s to your chapter growing!