Hey Everyone! As you know from yesterday’s post, Deb and Bill are currently away on vacation. While they relax, I will attempt to intrigue you with a post of my own. I hope you enjoy! 🙂
Yesterday, I went running with one of my own BRFs, Becky (the picture below is old, but it is a picture of us after we ran on the beach so I figured it was perfect for the vacation theme)!
While running we talked about some of the goals we had for ourselves (mainly because I wanted to talk about my running aspirations so I forced her to talk about them with me – what are friends for?). This whole conversation got me thinking about how important setting goals can be. That being said, I thought I would dedicate this post to talking about a few things that really help me establish and achieve my goals.
The most important aspect of goal setting for me is being specific. For instance wanting to drink more water is a great aspiration, but it is also very vague. Committing yourself to drinking 89 ounces of water a day (sound familiar?) is easier to measure and thus is much more attainable. The more specific you make your goals, the easier it is for you to determine whether or not you have accomplished them!
Another thing that helps me reach my aspirations is writing them down and posting them in places where I will see them. Since I typically turn the light on in my room at least two or three times a day, I have a list of goals attached to my light switch.
Recently, I have started writing my goals down in a new place: on my running shoes. Seeing my half marathon goal time as I am working on a speed workout or conquering a distance run really helps me dig a little deeper and push myself to become a better runner. Plus, a girl on my track team in high school did it and she was really fast!
Finally, TELL OTHERS about your goals!! Before I ran my first half marathon a couple of months ago, I told a lot of people (my Mom, Becky, Dad, Kelly, sister, Joseph, and anyone else who would listen) that I was going to do it. This made me accountable – I had to train and run the race because I had told everyone I was going to. Further, it gave me a network of individuals who were excited for me and who motivated me to focus and go the distance.
These are the goal setting tips that work for me, hopefully they are helpful to you!
- Questions:
- Do you have any goal setting tips to add?
- What are some of your current goals?
I love your post, Julie; and thanks for being a guest writer. You’re the best!
Thanks for letting me reply!! I had a ton of fun writing it 🙂
Haha, I meant: Thanks for letting me guest write!!!
Great job on the post Julie!! I have 2 goals right now. One being to run my very first full marathon in October. Two is to run under 27 minutes in an upcoming 5k! If I beat that time then it would be my fastest 5k ever!!
A full marathon is quite a goal!! I have yet to do one of those, but I’m sure it will be a future goal of mine!! Also, I’m sure you will be able to break 27 minutes in your upcoming 5k! Good luck in your training (not that you need it)!!!
Hi Julie! So cool that you are guest posting while Deb is at the beach 🙂 I totally agree with you on goals- they have to be specific, you have to remind yourself of them (love the shoe idea and the reasoning behind it… a girl on my track team did it and she was fast, haha), and you have to tell others so that you are accountable! I think it also helps to make a plan on how you are going to achieve a goal. If you have a main goal, like breaking 2 hours in the half, you can make a bunch of mini-goals along the way to help you get there.
My current goal is to complete my first full marathon in November! I would also like to break 2 hours in the half marathon. I was shooting for it last November in Richmond, and finished in 2:01:00. An 8 minute PR but so close to my goal!
I totally agree with your idea to make a plan and have mini goals!! I have a half-marathon training plan sitting on my desk that tells me how fast/far to run each day. It motivates me to both keep up with my training and do the necessary speed work. Plus it always feels good to accomplish a goal, even if it is a mini one!
Even though you did not break 2 hours in your half marathon in November, an 8 minute PR is something to be SO proud of!! That is amazing!! I am sure that you will break 2 hours in your next one!!!!
Also, I have full confidence in you and know you will be able to complete the marathon in November!
What race are you training for??
Time to get your blog going Julie! This is a great post!!! I can’t wait until we run a half marathon under 2 hours!!!!
Hahaha I am starting to love blogging. “Julie in the Blue.” We will do it someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait, can’t wait!
What a great post, Julie! Writing your goal on your shoe has to be a great motivator! 🙂
Thanks for filling in for Deb!