Today’s Picture This Country Roads Run is run along the beautiful country roads near where I grew up. Whenever I go back to visit, I enjoy a very different type of run than my normal runs. The runs there are much hillier, and I get chased by the occasional dog; something I’m not used to on the W&OD Trail!
When I’m running in the country, most of my run is usually on narrow twisty turny paved roads, but part of it is on gravel roads…
Here I’m approaching a narrow blind curve…
Just before I run along the North Fork of the Holston River for a while…
And then I run along some beautiful corn fields…
Until I reach the meadows and the hay fields…
And then I see the old swinging bridge that I posted pictures of when I wrote about Running With a Salamander, a Groundhog, and a Lot of Cattle. In fact it was on that run that I came up with the idea for my Picture This Run series!
On days that I’m going for a longer run, I climb this mile-long hill and it kicks my butt! The view and run back down is so worth it though!
On other days, it might be very foggy as I head out and run past hay bales stacked along the road…
But then the sun will peak out and illuminate the road in a special way…
As I approach the river it gets foggier, and the sun tries even harder to shine on me and my country roads run…
- Questions:
- What’s your favorite Picture This Run?
- Have you ever run on twisty turny hilly roads?
- Have you ever been chased by a dog when running?
If I leave from my house for a run, I encounter very similar scenes! In fact, I think my Hilly Hellacious post is the first time you visited my site, and you commented on the similarities! As tough as the hills can be, they scenery is worth the extra effort!
You are correct. I don’t remember whose blog you commented on that caused me to find you, but I’m sure glad I did! 🙂
You’d probably like this post too, featuring some of my favorite travel runs! There are two beach runs and one run through the woods to a castle!
Was chased by a heel biter once! Not fun! These pictures make me want to go out on the trails in Richmond!
I was too busy trying not to get bitten to take a picture of the little dog that always tries to bite my heels on my country roads run!
Beautiful. We don’t really have roads like that here, so no. No experience with them at all.
I have never been chased by a dog, but I have encountered some dogs in the neighborhood (I turn and walk slowly away). Mr PugRunner was chased by a dog in his first 5k, though.
Bummer for Mr. PugRunner! I would hate to be chased by a dog IN A RACE. Ugh!
Beautiful pictures 🙂 This reminds me of where I grew up out in western Loudoun!
Stacey, are you still running in Northern Virginia?
Absolutely beautiful!!! I don’t run on a lot of country roads, but after seeing these, I really hope I get to sometime!
As much as I love my country roads runs, I’ll give them up for some of your trail runs and hikes! 🙂
Beautiful views! I run on twisty, hilly roads all of the time when I run on the roads around our house instead of driving to the trail. I have to be careful and listen for approaching cars as I approach blind curves. And like you, I have to be aware of loose dogs! As you know, I get chased by loose dogs a few times a week. Luckily most are friendly and when I learn that one is not friendly I usually stop going that way.
Meagan, I always think of you when I write about running near my parents’ house! The little dog that chases me is very near their house and I always have to run past him. I need to get a picture of him someday. Of course the second I turn around, he stops yapping at my heels and runs in the opposite direction!
[…] Deb Runs has a post about her runs in the country. Beautiful scenery! […]