It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!
This week’s theme is Fitness Inspirations…
1. I am inspired by my clients that make a decision to put their health first, set goals, and then work hard to reach those goals.
2. I am inspired by my many different running friends. Some work hard to run a mile without taking a walk break, others train to run a faster 5K or train to run their first half marathon, and yet others bust their butts to qualify for Boston.
3. I am inspired by leaders in the fitness industry that share their passion and expertise with other fitness professionals through books, videos, seminars, and conferences.
4. I am inspired by elderly people who continue to exercise, even if their 7-minute mile from their youth is now a 20-minute mile while walking.
5. I am inspired by people who reinvent themselves by hard work and perseverance.
- Questions:
- What are your fitness inspirations?
- Do you have one person who has inspired you most?
- Who’s racing this weekend?
i am inspired by you, debbie! julie and i talked for a good 5 minutes while running today about how we bet your clients love you and how you are probably an awesome coach 🙂 thanks for linking up!
Awww, thanks, Courtney (and Julie)! 🙂
I have a lot of inspirations – I wound up with more than 5 and probably could have gone much longer if not for time. I don’t think I could choose the one who inspires me most – that depends on my situation at any given moment. I’m lucky to have so many to draw upon.
Have a great weekend!
Loved your list!
I love seeing photos of people who reinvent themselves-it is so inspiring.
So do I! I love the January copy (I think) of People Magazine that has pictures and stories about people who have lost a lot of weight.
I think my kids are my inspiratin, there are always little eyes watching. I’m doing the Stonewall Jackson 20 miler this weekend as my last long run before MCM!!
Good luck at your race! Have fun!
I think that quote you shared just inspired me! I’ll be running at Disney this weekend!
Awesome! Good luck, and have fun!
Deb, like you, I am totally inspired by folks who are in their 70s and who show up every Saturday to run with our local marathon training group – amazing! I hope we’re out doing that, too, and I think we will be. Thank you so much for sharing your list and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I hope so, and will try my best to stay healthy so I can run forever. 🙂
Oh, I love this! and that last quote is perfect, “you design yourself” so true. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the linkup!
I’m inspired by people who are not “typical looking” runners but who are out there trying to get healthier. Have a great weekend!
Yes, they are inspiring!
What I love about your blog is your work helping others reach their fitness/running goals! Definitely inspiring reading about both your and your client’s pursuits/victories. Have a great weekend! I’ll be in Corning for the Wineglass Half (signed up before NY, so will use this as part of my training run).
Thanks, Jenny. Helping others is my passion!
Have fun at the Wineglass Half. I love races that I use as training runs, and don’t put any pressure on myself!