It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too. This week the DC Trifecta chose Five Things I Love as the theme…
“Fall in love
With as many things as possible.”
~ Unknown
I would be remiss not to start off by wishing the DC Trifecta, made up of Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia, a very happy two-year anniversary of hosting this little linkup! Friday Five has grown by leaps and bounds with last week’s linkup drawing 52 bloggers. Thank you ladies for creating a fun and entertaining community that comes together each Friday!

1. I love the sense of community that blogging brings. I’ve met some pretty amazing like-minded people since starting my blog. There are a couple of local ladies I look forward to meeting, Mar being one of them!
2. I love that I have a journal of the last almost three years of my day-to-day running and other life adventures that I can look back on. Even more, I love my race recaps tab, and that I can go back at any time and relive one of my races, especially the marathons from my throwback series.
3. I love that I can share my love of fitness and running, and that I have an organized place for my visitors to stop by; and hopefully, be inspired or learn something new.
4. I love how blogging holds me accountable – seriously, it does. Now that my runs are public, I definitely push myself more and train harder than I had in the last few years prior to blogging when I had gotten complacent. Rather than embracing my new age groups and training harder, I was satisfied with resting on my laurels and making every run a fun easy run.
5. I love that I am constantly inspired by other bloggers. In fact, I had been asked about five years in a row to run Ragnar DC on my friend Chuck’s team, but each year I declined. It wasn’t until I started reading race recaps on other blogs that I saw how fun a relay race could be.
Don’t forget to stop by the other participating bloggers’ little corners of the internet to see what they love, too!

- Questions:
- What do you love?
- If you blog, what do you love about the blogging community?
- Are you racing this weekend?
Thanks, Deb! One of my favorite things about blogging has been getting to know awesome women like you! 🙂
Right back atcha! Good luck on Sunday at the MCM!
Great list !
I love the positive energy that comes from the blogging community. A lot of people of course want to put their best face forward, but it really does help to always see that glass half full. There is so much negative energy in the world that I never see on the blogs I follow. They keep me motivated and accountable.
Have a great day!
Thanks, Karen! I do try to keep my blog positive while trying to keep it authentic at the same time. If I have an injury or something like that I’ll talk about it, but I’m not going to say anything bad about someone or talk about something that’s none of my business.
Have a great weekend!
Most of my family, except the younger generation, absolutely don’t get the fast friends you can make online.
Their loss!
Most of my friends who are my age don’t get it either… Agreed – their loss!
Nice reflections! I feel the same on a lot of these points. My blog started as more of an online journal, but then participating in the community held the unexpected benefit of meeting so many virtual friends that constantly inspire and motivate me. And I learned some things along the way about how to organize and index my blog so I can easily find old race reports when I want to reference them. Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Kelli! It amazes me how often I reference my race recaps tab – so handy!
Have a great weekend!
You nailed so many reasons why I love blogging. It’s amazing how motivated and inspired I am by other bloggers, and what deep friendships we can form.
Thanks, and you are on my list of DC area bloggers I want to meet! 🙂
I also love the blogging community for the friendships I have made and especially once you meet these people in real life! Having a journal for running races and day to day training has been important to me too and it can be really helpful when looking back over certain training cycles. I’m not racing this weekend, but hope to be a great spectator at the Marine Corps Marathon!
Isn’t it fun meeting someone after reading their blog for a while? I’ve enjoyed that very much over the last few years.
Blogging does hold you accountable and also provide you with the best cheer leaders ever!
Yes, excellent point!
Have a great weekend!
I so enjoy your blog, Deb. It’s like a little visit. 🙂
Awww, thanks, Anne! Good luck on Sunday!!! I’ll be stalking your tweets! 😀
When we first started blogging we never thought we would meet such great people to connect with. It really is a great fitness community.
Getting to know the other bloggers in the fitness blogging community was definitely a wonderful surprise!
Have a great weekend!
I absolutely love the community of bloggers that I have found and the accountability. I am not sure I would be where I am today if it weren’t for blogging and I wouldn’t get to find other great blogs such as yours 🙂
Thanks, Sandra! Looking forward to popping over to check out your blog soon.
Have a great weekend!
I love the blogging community. When I started blogging it was more just to keep myself accountable in my training but then I found this whole other virtual world of people that shared the same interest / passion as I did so which has been amazing. I’ve met so many wonderful people because of Social Media.
That’s it – here in the blogging community we are able to meet so many people who share the same interests!
Have a great weekend!
wait, we haven’t met before??? gosh, we must change that!!!
Nope! You would have thought that by now we would have been at the same race at some point.
Thanks for the linkup!
I couldn’t agree more!!
I started blogging in March just to get some thoughts out off my head and love the connections I have made and the support from the blogging community as a whole!!
You just started blogging in March? I feel like I’ve known you so much longer! 🙂
I started blogging to mainly document my races. I was staring to forget. But wow, it’s become so much more. Amazing friends! Awesome support!
I agree, it’s pretty great, and I love getting to know amazing women like you!
One of my favorite things about blogging is getting to know other bloggers. And I love the linkups that stretch my brain. Ahem, Wednesday Word, I’m talking to you!
It’s been fun getting to know you this past year, too! So glad you enjoy Wednesday Word!