Over the years I’ve seen my share of signs at races, and some are far more memorable than others. Some, I captured with my camera, and others are burned into my brain – poster board color and all. Luckily my two favorite signs were the simplest; and therefore, easiest to re-create since I didn’t want to slow down for a picture when I saw them.
1. Re-created from the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon…
While running through Georgetown in the Marine Corps Marathon, I saw a guy holding this sign. I laughed out loud and gave him a high five as I ran by. This was before I started carrying my camera with me during races, so I didn’t get to capture a picture of the sign or clever sign-maker. I have since seen the same thing written on other signs, but it’s never tickled me the same way as it did that day in Georgetown.

2. Re-created from the 2013 Hokie Half Marathon…
As my friends and I ran onto the parking lot of the New River Valley Mall during the early part of the Hokie Half Marathon, we saw someone holding the following sign. I was already past it when it dawned on me that I should have taken a picture, but I chose not to turn back around.

3. From the 2011 Richmond Marathon…
This sign made me smile and since Bill and I were running the Richmond Marathon for fun, and not racing it, I stopped to take a picture. I’ve since used this expression on a client or two – good-naturedly, of course.

4. From the 2014 Loudoun Half Marathon…
While running along a long, lonely section of the Loudoun Half Marathon, I came across this sign. The high school girls working the water stop cracked up when I stopped to take a picture, smiled, and gave them a thumbs up.

5. From the 2011 Richmond Marathon…
Another sign at the Richmond Marathon that I felt worthy of snapping a picture of was this one. At that point in my final marathon, the police could have easily caught me!

I really appreciate it when spectators take the time to make signs and bring them to races to hold up for the runners to see! These fun posters definitely distract me as I run by and bring a smile to my face.
The jury’s still out on whether they make me run faster, or slow down to take pictures. But you know what? It doesn’t matter because I’m laughing, and it’s always good to laugh.
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Today I’m joining the Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too.
Obviously this week the DC Trifecta’s topic was Five Best Race Signs…

- Questions:
- What’s the funniest or most inspirational race sign you’ve seen?
- Have you ever made a sign to hold up during a race?
- Are you racing this weekend?
I love race signs, too. When I ran the Philly Marathon a sign that made me laugh was “For a good time call 555-1234. For a better time, run faster”. My daughters made great signs, too. One had Nemo. on it with the caption “Just keep running” and another said, “Humpty Dumpty had wall issues, too”. Seeing my girls with these signs gave me a huge boost late in the race.
Seeing your daughters with signs must have put a huge pep in your step!
It certainly did :)!
I like the underwear one- ha! Who can keep a straight face with that one?
It was great, and it was the first time I’d seen that one. The first time always brings the biggest laugh! 😀
Hahaha! I’m loving this week’s topic! Making me giggle so much thru the day 🙂 I love the underwear one… Not that I have done many races, but I sure have seen that one around.
Every sign to me is inspirational. The fact that people have taken the time and made the effort to make the signs… big big thank you to those people. Unfortunately I have not made any signs myself, but I I will make it a point to do that in the next race I’m not running…
Happy Running!
I agree – today’s prompt was excellent! I’ve never made a race sign either, and need to fix that, too!
Never made a sign, but indefinitely enjoy them. I’ve only spectated one race (bad Judy).
I am racing Sunday, hopefully.
Good luck on Sunday! I’ve not spectated more than a handful of races either. 🙁
These are great!
My favorite: run like Kanye is trying to steal your medal-lol!
I never stop to take sign pic- probably should.
Running a low key 5k with MCRRC in Bethesda on Sunday.
Um, I don’t think it’s going to be low keyed on Sunday because you’re going to be pushing just like your track lead suggested! Go, Tamieka, go! 🙂
You picked some great signs, all that I have seen and smiled at during races. The Don’t Poop Your Pants sign scares me though, because that would be a runners worst nightmare and I know a couple runners who have had the problem.
Oh that’s a real problem for sure, and is probably why I found it amusing – especially since my tummy was feeling fine that day. 🙂
Those are some pretty great ones – the “jogger” would get me going!
Me, too! Not a fan of being called a jogger!
I know I have seen funny signs but just couldn’t remember them!
And that’s why I take so many pictures during races; otherwise, I wouldn’t remember anything! 😉
Anything that puts a smile on my face during a race is a-ok! I love the power button signs–I touch them all and yes, I do get a power boost!
I’ve never seen the power button sign. Must be a Midwest thing!
Sometimes signs really make me laugh.
Last year when I ran the half in Richmond there were two ladies at mile 2 with signs that said, You are almost there!
I laughed, but thought they were crazy.
If those ladies had been holding those signs around mile sixteen it wouldn’t have been so funny though – just cruel.
i’m hoping to take some sign pictures at my two half marathons this month! great list 🙂
I have a bunch of MRTT friends running the Richmond full and half. Say hi if you see them, and good luck and have fun! 🙂
Oh man, “Don’t Poop Your Pants” never gets old! Haha
Hahaha these are great!! My favorite is “Run like someone just called you a jogger!” That would definitely motivate me!!! 🙂
Have an awesome weekend!
Definitely! Thanks, and you have a great weekend, too!
I appreciate the really creative signs. I certainly couldn’t come up with this stuff! I think mine would be a boring “GO!”
Same here! Thank goodness for creative people!
I saw one this weekend at NY that said “I’ve seen mile 20. There’s no wall” It made me smile and laugh a little, until I hit mile 24.
I’ve not seen that one – of course I haven’t run a marathon since 2011.
I like seeing the blown up pictures of people’s faces. It’s like a bunch of bobble heads cheering me on. I’m just glad I’ve never been on one.
The big pics crack me up, too.
When running my first and only marathon, my friends, Rich and Julie came down to cheer my friend and I on – they made some hilarious signs that were appreciated by all! At mile 1, they had a sign that said “We cheer for the Virgins (meaning first time marathoners). The funniest one was at mile 20 or so they had a huge sign that said “Naked Hot Tubbing Ahead”. People cracked up!”
Those are great signs and memories! 🙂
Haha, I always like the one “Run like you stole something”!
During the recent Marine Corps Marathon in DC I saw a sign mid way through the race that said something like “Don’t worry, if you fall down and are having a hard time getting up I’ll put your Garmin on Pause Mode.”
That’s a sign that would have left us scratching our heads back when we ran so many marathons together! We would have wondered what a Garmin was!
BTW, congrats on your 35th marathon! What great friends you had running it with you!
I have seen all of these too! I also enjoy seeing, “run now, wine/beer later” and “run faster, ice cream truck ahead” 🙂
I’ve never seen the ice cream truck sign, but that would definitely make me run faster! I LOVE ice cream!
Having never run anything longer than a 5K, I didn’t even know these funny signs existed! I love them. If I ever go to a race as a spectator I am making one of these. Although I think my son would not appreciate me holding up the underwear one during a cross country meet…
Agreed, I doubt that your son would appreciate your humor! 😉
Another favorite from the Hokie Half: Seems Like A Lot Of Work For A Banana!
Oh yeah! That’s a great one, too!