On Wednesday I talked about Broken Resolutions and promised to let you know how I did on my 2015 goals. As you can see, I didn’t do very well!

So what happened?
- Consistent Weight Training To Prevent Injuries – 20 points – This is going to be a post on its own in a few weeks, but for now, I’d say that I got back into the swing of things and I’ve been pretty good the last half of the year so I gave myself a check.
2. Run 2015 kilometers (1,252 miles) – 0 points – I thought this would be a no brainer since I’d run 1,129 miles in 2014. I didn’t take into consideration an injury that would keep me off the trail the whole month of January, and another injury that would keep my running to a minimum the last two weeks of December. Yes, this was out of my control, but running 813.93 miles was no where near my goal of 1,252. I am learning to listen to my body, so perhaps I should give myself partial credit…
3. Create A Monthly Destination Run – 0 points – This just didn’t happen simply because I got lazy!
4. Go On More Trail Runs – 25 points – During the spring I joined =PR= Racing for all four of their spring trail runs and then ran Ragnar WV in June. I even gave myself five bonus points for running in all that mud in WV.
5. Learn How To Use My GoPro For Documenting Runs – 20 points – If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve been very good at doing this!
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Today I’m joining the DC Trifecta’s Friday Five Linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Please stop by these DC area bloggers’ blogs to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are also participating in the linkup.

- Questions:
- Did you set any goals for 2015? If so, how did you do?
- How are you celebrating the new year?
- Are you racing this weekend?
Hmm, I think you need to grade yourself on a curve, or at least give yourself some credit for those 800+ miles! Happy New Year!
I like the way you think! 😉
Happy New Year!
I like the idea of monthly destination runs! I need to learn how to use my go pro maybe you should do a how to post 🙂 Do you use it in video mode or picture mode for most of your shots?
I’ve been shooting in bursts of 30 pictures in 3 seconds so far, but yesterday I learned an easier trick for capturing a single frame from video so I’ll probably start shooting in video now, too.
Happy New Year!
Don’t beat yourself up over the mileage goal. Instead, focus on the fact that you ran over 800 miles despite the injury! I’m not setting specific mileage or time goals for 2016 because it can be so out of my control…I’m instead focusing on what I can control. Nice work and happy new year!
Actually, I’m just keeping it honest. Even though I’m extremely competitive with myself, and somewhat bummed that I didn’t make my mileage goal, it didn’t get me down at all. It is what it is! 🙂
Happy New Year, Jess!
You still got in some great mileage despite your injuries, so congrats on that! I look forward to your post about weight training…I know I need to do it but I don’t know how to get a routine going.
Yes I did, but I’m just trying to keep it honest since I didn’t meet my goal. Believe me, I’m not beating myself up over it. 🙂
Happy New Year, Janelle!
that’s the thing about fitness goals, you can only control so much! I think you did well and should celebrate the miles you did complete. Everyone has a GoPro now! you should totally do a how-to post 🙂
Oh yeah, I’m happy with every single one of those miles – just being honest that I didn’t meet my mileage goal. 🙂
Happy New Year, Mar!
I think you had a great year! You need to give yourself a break. And a pat on the back!
Thanks, Wendy! You guys are all being so sweet about me not beating myself up over the mileage. I’m just stating a fact that I didn’t meet my mileage goal, and frankly, I’m quite pleased that I ran over 800 miles and at a pretty decent pace. I probably should have made that clear in my post. 😉
Happy New Year!
I’d say completing any miles counts for some credit. And I think the patience of surviving injuries should also be bonus points!
Bonus points for surviving injuries and getting back on the trail – I like that!
Happy New Year!
i’m with everyone who requested the go pro tutorial post! i don’t have one but i’d read it with interest and pin it in case i ever get one! i hope to see you at more races in 2016! happy new year, friend!
I had no idea until reading today’s comments how much every one would like a GoPro tutorial post. I’ll have to work on that!
Happy New Year, Courtney! 😀
I love the bonus points for Ragnar WV – that’s no joke!
I think some of those goals for 2015 should be weighted more than others. So I think you got at least a B- in my book! What are your 2016 goals??
I like the way you think! My 2016 goals are going to be a little “different.”
Happy New Year!
You know I love your Go Pro pics! I only used them for Chicago, but need to bring them on a run and channel Deb 😉 I like the idea of the monthly destination run, I need to change up my routes. Happy New Year!
Definitely start using your GoPro! It’s fun after getting over the learning curve. If I can figure it out, you can! 😀
Would love some tips on the GoPro! I’m still trying to figure mine out and how to make the most of it!!
Wow, I’ve gotten a lot of interest in a GoPro tutorial. Sounds like something I need to consider!
Technically 65% is a D…just kidding!
Your GO PRo documentation has been pretty cool…totally makes me want one!!
Well thank goodness for 2016….here’s to setting new goals and crushing it!!
You got this!
Hmmm, a 69% or lower in high school was an F, but I honestly can’t remember what was an F in college. I’m thinking my 2016 goals are going to be more fun oriented; and yes, I haven’t finished writing them down! 😀
Over 800 miles sounds pretty good to me – I’d give yourself more credit for that one. Injuries did me in on my 2015 goals – really looking forward to starting fresh for the new year.! Here’s to a great 2016!
Here’s to a healthy, fit, and injury free 2016 for both of us!