There’s nothing a runner hates, but loves to talk about more, than an injury…
Where do I begin, and which injury do I discuss? And were they really injuries? I’ll keep it brief, or at least as brief as a runner can when discussing an injury…
It started on the Thursday morning after our MRTT Christmas Lights run. I’d hoped to run ten miles that morning since I’d be traveling on Saturday to my mom’s house and miss our group long run. I’d run three easy miles the night before, but didn’t think they would prohibit me from running ten miles just ten hours later. Three miles into the early morning run, I started feeling pretty bad nerve pain in my calf – a residual effect of sciatic nerve pain from a minor back injury years ago. I stopped running at five miles, and took over a week off to recover.
After a successful five-mile run with the Cruisers nine days later, I hoped I was fine and that the little niggle was behind me. On Monday I decided to go out for a run, but cut it short and came home to finish by walking on my treadmill – just being cautious. With muddy running shoes, I slipped on my other Brooks (Glycerins, same model) that I wear pretty much any time I’m not running. They have custom orthotics as well and keep my feet quite happy – except apparently not when walking fast on a treadmill for four miles…
Tuesday I woke up with intermittent nerve pain in my right forefoot. I have a Morton’s neuroma which used to drive me nuts, but hasn’t bothered me much since I got my orthotics made. I think that even though both pairs were fitted by the same doctor and made by the same company, the metatarsal bump in one is a little different than the other, and I simply aggravated my neuroma.
I decided to take it easy and stick with run/walking for a few days. I ended up running the first and last mile of my 5.25-mile run/walk on Tuesday, and played around with my GoPro at my turn-around point. I’m sure landing on my foot after a jump didn’t bother my neuroma at all…

The rain was back on Wednesday so I stayed inside and lifted weights and then hopped on my spin bike for five quick miles. Bill got home from work as I finished up my ride, and the next thing I knew, I was cuddled up next to him on the basement sofa sound asleep.

One of my MRTT running friends got a GoPro for Christmas and asked if I’d give her some tips on using it. We met on Thursday morning for her tutorial and I taught her a few tricks about camera placement, etc. More importantly, she showed me a couple of very valuable tips. I love it when I set out to teach someone something and learn from them! The following picture was my favorite capture of the morning – notice that I’m still in shorts on NYE.

We jumped for joy celebrating our successful session, and headed to Starbucks to talk about photo editing.

On New Year’s Eve, Bill and I stayed home, watched college football bowl games, and enjoyed Mexican martinis. We had hoped to catch the star rise in Chicago for Chicago’s first ever New Year’s Eve celebration, so we had to stay up until midnight central time. Unfortunately, we were only able to see it streaming online, and admire the pictures Joseph and Julie sent to us from their friend’s apartment.

Saturday morning I joined my Cruiser friends for a trial run, not sure if I’d be able to go very far because of my foot. We arrived and headed out for our run just as some of my MRTT friends were coming in from their run. Being the mayor of Runnersville (more on that in a separate post), I got a selfie before we all went on our way.
I ran three miles with my Cruiser friends and then ran three more solo with zero foot pain. I really think walking on the treadmill in different shoes was the cause…

Sunday didn’t involve any great activity on my part, but I enjoyed watching the Virginia Tech wresting team in a match against George Mason University. Having had two sons wrestle through high school, it’s a sport that I enjoy watching. It also doesn’t hurt that the Hokies are ranked #5 in the nation and provided us with some great wrestling action.

And just for fun, I have to share this! =PR= Races is using this picture of my friends Amanda and Erin from last year’s For The Love Of It 10K for their banner for this year’s race. My MRTT friends thought it was all cool and all, until…

I pointed out that PRR had cropped me out of the picture! Not feeling the love, PRR, not feeling the love. HaHaHa!!!

After enjoying too much indulgent foot, and way too many cocktails, it’s time to pack up the holidays for the next eleven months and get back to my old habits; you know, the good ones I’m constantly writing about. Well, except for Friday night cocktails, I do have my standards, so those will stick around!
Weekly Recap:
- Weights: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
- Runs: Saturday – 6 miles (Total: 6 miles)
- Run/Walk: Monday – 4 miles, Tuesday – 5.25 miles
- Walks: Thursday – 2 miles
- Bike: Wednesday – 5 miles
- Stretching: Sporadically
- Average Steps Per Day: 13,745
- Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 7:30
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Have a great week!
- Questions:
- How did you celebrate NYE?
- How difficult is it for you to listen to your body? Ever have any crazy little injuries that come and go?
- Did you race this weekend, or do a NYE or NYD race?
I can’t believe you got cropped out of that picture!
Ugh to the injuries. I’m hoping my PF calms down. And today while I was biking, my ITB started yacking at me. Oh no. After such a great year of running, I sure hope the wheels aren’t coming off…
Ugh to the ITBand pain. Hope it’s not much of a flare-up, and it feels better next time out.
I hope your “injury” is nothing, Debbie! And I had to laugh out loud at that picture. It was just too much pretty for one photo 🙂
HaHa – thanks! Guess that’ll teach me not to wear a sparkle skirt! 😀
Oooh, wish I could have joined for the GoPro session. I’m still learning, myself. I hope your foot feels better. That is a real bummer. Seems like the mild temps depart this week. We’re supposed to be in the teens overnight Monday night. Yikes!! Fun while it lasted, though!
Next time you’re in the area, come run with us and we’ll play with our GoPros!
I need a GoPro session! I’m still only using it for video, no pics. Darn those stupid neuromas! I think mine hurts worse when I walk than when I run. I’m doing a series of alcohol injects…in my FOOT that is. HA HA. I’m hoping it solves the problem. I’m not going to lie though, my foot is sore for a few days. I like the picture better with you in it. Just sayin’. I appreciate you linking with us Deb.
Come to Virginia and we can run together and play with our GoPros!
You know, my neuroma had hardly bothered me for ages, so I was quite surprised when it popped back up. It’s been doing pretty well this week, though! Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Boo to injuries. Hope you heal up fast!
I got a basic 1st edition gopro too, haven’t yet figured out the best ways to get action shots.
If your GoPro has bluetooth, I recommend using the GoPro app. You can shoot in video and choose the best frame, or shoot in bursts pick your favorite shot. Good luck!
My injury has messed with my mind continually since it happened. I have tried to get better lately abut being easy. I admit when I started running right after the injury I was impatient and probably lucky I didn’t snap my bone again.
I did some run/walking today experimenting with ways to lessen the impact on my leg for long runs. I sure hope you feel better soon! I have been battling PF and it is not fun.
It is going to get really cold this week! It will feel strange after all this warm weather lol
Great job on the cross training 🙂
I need to give up my cocktails too lol my head was fuzzy this a.m.
Here’s to healing and no new injuries in 2016! And I agree, this cold weather is a rude awakening!
I would have loved to be in your GoPro session. I haven’t had much of an opportunity to play with mine yet. My runs have been kinda rushed the past few days. I wish I had thought to take it with me through Bellingrath Gardens. I’m glad your foot felt better by the weekend. Hopefully it was just a combination of the shoes and treadmill and nothing more serious.
Come to Virginia, and we can go for a run and have some GoPro fun! The hardest part is to get used to always having the GoPro with you – or at least when you’re doing active things.
Glad your foot is feeling better, and hope the calf pain stays away! Happy 2016 to you – here’s to an injury free year!
Agreed! Here’s to a healthy and injury free 2016!
All’ s well that ends well, right? Except being cut out of that photo — not cool!
Obviously there wasn’t a lot of celebrating going on here this weekend, but I did race New Year’s Day. My one race streak still alive . . .
You certainly had a rough start to your year. Hope you’re feeling a little better…
What they cropped you out?! I just signed up for that race so hopefully I will get a chance to see you there. Love the gopro pics. Are you in video mode or picture mode?
I don’t plan to run that race this year, but perhaps I’ll sign up for it last minute if the weather’s going to be decent.
For the pictures in this post, I shot in burst mode – 30 shots in 3 seconds.
Sorry to hear about your injuries! Sounds like it was the different shoes. Ah, that wasn’t very nice to be cropped out of the photo. Nice job on your week!
I really do think it was the shoes because my foot’s been behaving pretty well the last few days. 🙂
I had a very non-traditional NYE this year….spent in a quiet hotel room with family while on vacation in California, awaiting the Rose Bowl (and all its festivities) the next (early) morning. Yes to the crazy little injuries that come and go…hello? Piriformis Syndrome (total pain in the azz)….just when you think it’s finally cleared up and vacated the body…BAM! down for the count! Oh well, I guess we all need something to keep us humble, huh. And, YES to the racing! While on vacay in Cali, I did a 15K NYE morning (along with several other Iowa Hawk fans), and also a 5K on Jan. 2nd……now I just need an additional three days this week to do nothing but blog about it…. 😉
I know the feeling… I always seem to have something big happening right after a race which keeps me from posting my race recap in a timely manner. Looking forward to reading your recaps!
Attending the Rose Bowl and all of its festivities sounds like a lot of fun. Sorry that your team didn’t win, though. 🙁
I love all the go pro pics, I need one! We had dinner at a friends house for NYE – fun dinner and good wine 🙂 We were promptly in bed right after 12- exciting I know! I hope this week is going well and your feet are feeling better. I am surprised I haven’t had any issues. I cram my feet in high heels for 10+ hours each day and have no troubles with running shoes 🙂 Have a great week!
Sounds like you had a nice and relaxing NYE! I miss my high heels – I hardly wear them anymore… 🙁
Love that you got a go pro!! I am jealous! Cheers to a pain free run!!
My hubby gave me my GoPro for my birthday last year. Best. Gift. Ever! 😀
Sign me up for your GoPro classes!!!! lol you take amazing pictures with it! That is so not cool on cropping you out of the picture! Boo! I do think shoes as in the wrong shoes have so much to do with our feet and leg problems. I ran just 3-4 miles in a wore out pair and I guess it could all be in my head but I swear that is when my issues flared back up!!! I had an amazing NYE in New Orleans, Here’s to a New Year!!
Come on up to Virginia and I’ll teach you all I know about taking fun GoPro pictures! 🙂
Love those pictures from the gopro. I want one of those pretty bad lol.
Thanks! My GoPro was a birthday gift from my husband last year, and it’s been one of the most fun gifts ever!
I would love to know your GoPro tips! My husband and I bought one a few years ago and rarely use it. Kinda feels like we wasted our money :-\
How did you celebrate NYE?
-We stayed t home…the last few years hubs and I have felt pretty old.
How difficult is it for you to listen to your body? Ever have any crazy little injuries that come and go?
-I feel you on the injuries. Ever since I trained for my ultra, it has been one thing after the other. It is extremely difficult for me to just listen and take a rest. After the ultra was over, I barely wanted to sit still for a week…but ended up taking nearly a month off. Still have aches and pains since. 🙁
Did you race this weekend, or do a NYE or NYD race?
-I don’t have any races until March. Doing the Rock n Roll DC Marathon.
So many people are asking for GoPro tips that I think I need to write a GoPro tutorial post. Stay tuned!
Which ultra did you run? I ran JFK 50-Miler years ago, and my husband and I ran the National Marathon two times before Rock ‘N’ Roll bought them out and made it the Rock ‘N’ Roll DC Marathon. My husband had to run the inaugural Rock ‘N’ Roll DC without me because I got injured and couldn’t run it even though I’d signed up. That injury ended my marathoning days.
I ran the JFK 50! I live right between the start and finish line so it was kinda necessary that I did the race.
uuuugh Injuries….glad you are feeling a little better. Sending positive and healing vibes from MD.
I am LOVING the GO Pro freaking cool!!!
Listening to my body…yeah about that…a work in progress for sure. I am more likely to go to the Dr and then decide if I will listen to his advice-lol!
I spent NYE at my sisiter’s for out annual game night. The kids dominated in Jenga!
I ran on NY day at the MCRRC New Year 5k (also my bday)
Happy New Year and Chees to 2016!
Thanks, I am feeling somewhat better. I ran today and my foot didn’t bother me at all! 🙂
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was great, and that you had a fun race!
How dare they crop you out of that photo?! So sorry that you’ve been dealing with this calf/foot issue! I could use a few GoPro tips too. I can’t seem to get action shots that don’t come out blurry! Yours are always so clear, mine? ALL blurry….
I know, right? 😀
Always make sure you have good light when taking pictures with your GoPro -the sunnier, the better! That’s why I don’t use my GoPro on our super early morning runs.
Ahhh, good tip, thanks!! And do you always just use burst mode and use a remote?
Almost always, but Bill shoots in video and pulls the best still frame from the video. I plan to give that a try soon, but haven’t yet. That will give you the best results because you don’t miss any of the action. Even though burst mode captures 30 images in 3 seconds, it doesn’t capture every movement.
Hope your foot is feeling better !
It is, thanks!
Ugh injuries are so frustrating! I’m glad the foot one didn’t last long, and you pinpointed the cause.
I love your martini glass picture. That could seriously be the front of a Christmas card. On the inside it could say something like “Cheers to a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” or something (I could do better if I spent more time thinking about it 😉 )
I can’t believe PR cut you out of the photo! You should totally send them an email with the original photo attached and say Hey! What the heck!? Don’t you know I’m a very popular Virginia/DC area blogger!
HaHa! PR has shared a few of my posts on their FB and Twitter, so I can forgive them! 🙂