Around 6:30 this morning Bill woke me up and said he could smell smoke. I sleepily mumbled that our neighborhood fireworks were last night and we could probably smell the residual odor from that wafting through our open windows. Luckily he got up to inspect and shouted for me to get out of bed because our downstairs was filled with smoke…
We didn’t see any flames anywhere as we quickly inspected the house while calling 911. Since the fire department is located behind our house and just through the woods, we could hear sirens wailing as they drove around to get to our house. Three fire trucks, two ambulances, and a pickup truck (I think) descended upon our cul-de-sac… Edited to add: We later learned that two more firetrucks were parked up the street just out of sight.
Upon arrival the firefighters went right to work quickly hooking their hose up to the hydrant, while other hatchet-carrying firefighters came inside, and others looked around outside for anything smoldering. I showed them where the electrical panel is located in the basement, and soon they were asking questions about what electrical appliances might have been running.
In the end, they discovered that the dishwasher motor had ignited and smoldered. I had set it up on delay to run after we went to bed (as I almost always do), and during the final rinse cycle it failed. Surprisingly, the smoke detectors didn’t go off even though it seems that anytime I turn either of my ovens on above 425°, the foyer smoke detector blares in complaint.
I unloaded the dishwasher so the firemen could pull it out and confirm that it was the problem, and sure enough, it was. As my hilarious husband said of this picture, “How many firemen does it take to fix a dishwasher? None. They just throw it out the door!” As of now, the naughty dishwasher is in timeout in the garage until it can be hauled off.
The Ashburn Volunteer Fire Department firefighters were amazing. They swarmed the house checking every nook and cranny, even the attic. We invited them back for our annual Memorial Day weekend barbecue we’re hosting this afternoon. Yes, the party will still go on as planned and we’ll have plenty of interesting conversation. We are beyond thankful that the smoke was coming from something as minor as a flamed out dishwasher motor, and we are counting our blessings!
Annnnd since this supposed to be a weekly wrap of my workouts… If you remember, I overdid it with my gardening last weekend and aggravated my SI joint. As a result, I spent the week doing bridges, cat/cows, knee-to-chest hugs, hanging on my inversion board (affiliate link), easing up on my weights during my lifting sessions, icing, and not running – as you can see I didn’t run at all this past week!
In case you missed it, on Friday I posted my monthly Runfessions. Tomorrow I’ll be posting my Race Linkup where the goal is for everyone to see who else will be at races so we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and readers.
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- What has startled you out of bed recently?
- What are your Memorial Day weekend plans?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!
Oh wow, that is really scary! I don’t set my dishwasher on delay, but I do start it before I go to bed (luckily Mr. Judy goes to bed after me).
And that is totally weird that your smoke detectors didn’t go off. Ours go off any time I sear fish (which does get the house smoky).
I’m so glad that it wasn’t worse, but I’m sure it’s a pain with your party.
Thanks, Judy! Fortunately, we’d done most of the party prep in advance so it didn’t mess us up too much.
My goodness that is a scary story! I’m glad you caught it in time! This is scaring me because our dishwasher was built in with the house when we bought it 13 years ago and back then the house was already 5 years old. I wonder how long they usually last?
I’m not sure what the life expectancy of a dishwasher is; ours was twelve years old…
So very glad you are safe there wasn’t much damage other than the dishwasher. That is super scary!
Thanks, Susan!
oh my that is so scary! I always turn my dishwasher on at night but I may think twice about that now. I always worried about the dryer catching fire but not the dishwasher. Glad everything is ok!
Same here. I never even thought about the dishwasher catching on fire.
Holy crap! I’m so glad all is well (well, except for the naughty dishwasher). What has startled me out of bed recently? Our dog…barking when he heard the faint bark of a dog somewhere outside (he has bionic hearing).
Thanks, Kim!
Whoa, that is definitely a scary thing to wake up too! So thankful that everything turned out okay! That was so nice of you to invite them to your holiday cookout!
Thanks, Kimberly! Unfortunately, none of the firefighters took us up on the offer to attend our barbecue, so I see a huge plate of brownies being dropped off at the fire station soon. 😉
Oh, wow, that is so scary! I’m glad the only damage was to the dishwasher! I hope you’re back to running soon?
Thank you, Coco! I ran three pain-free easy miles this morning – on the day I finally have my chiropractor appointment!
That’s kind of scary! I always set my dishwasher on delay! We have had a few CO detector scares–our furnace is kind of funky but nothing more than that.
We’ve had CO scares as well. It’s always something, but at least it wasn’t any worse!
I confess I also leave my dishwasher on at nighttime…and also my washing machine. Oops, will think twice now when I do this.
Glad to know that everyone is safe.
Your photo really captured the action of the firefighters, love it. At least they really take each case very seriously.
The firefighters were amazing!
That definitely sounds like a frightening experience even if it was just only the dishwasher. We also have carbon monoxide detectors and have woken up to those going off in the morning.
I had a race on Sunday. Great weather and I loved it!
I would think that a blaring CO detector going off in the middle of the night would be quite frightening!
It’s not uncommon for me to start my dishwasher when I go to bed and I’m notorious about running the dryer. Makes me think twice! I’m glad it was nothing serious. Love the pic of all the fireman. We took the same pic yesterday. How many men does it take to get a corn hole beanbag out of the pool. 4 is the answer. Thanks for linking, Deb.
I bet your corn hole beanbag will never be the same after nearly drowning. 😉
Yikes! Glad you (and your home) are safe. How scary and disorientating that must’ve been.
Thanks, Courtney!
Wow, I’m glad you and Bill were okay!
Thanks, Jenny!
Wow, scary! I usually set my dishwasher on delay too! Glad it was mostly okay (except the cost of a new dishwasher)!
Thanks, Debbie; we were lucky!
Oh my, that is really scary! Gosh, I always run my dishwasher after we go to bed so that it doesn’t interfere with our TV watching! lol I will definitely reconsider that in the future.
So glad it was just a dishwasher and not the house! Glad you guys went on to have a wonderful Memorial Day celebration.
Hope that SI begins to cooperate soon and you are back out hitting the pavement soon 🙂
Thanks, Teresa. It was scary, but it all ended well.
I saw my chiropractor this afternoon and got good news that it’s a soft tissue issue and will hopefully continue to heal quickly. 🙂
Wow that is so scary!! I always set my dishwasher to go on at night! Glad you guys didn’t have too much damage!
Thanks, Lauren!
I guess I shouldn’t complain that my dishwasher doesn’t have a delay function – how scary! Glad the damage was limited to one appliance.
We had a birthday, graduation, and anniversary celebration on Memorial Day weekend – but no cookouts!
We had our big graduation celebration this weekend in Chicago – our oldest just got his MBA from the University of Chicago. 😀
Wow that’s crazy! I’m so glad you were ok!!!
Thanks, Liz, it was so freaky.