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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Justifying Another Bike When we bought our beach cruisers earlier this summer I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t use it enough to justify owning another bike. This past week proved to me that buying bikes was a good investment and we’ll save money over the long […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Reston Century Goal Met The week started with the Reston Century and in addition to having fun and not getting injured, I had one goal for riding this year’s Reston Century and that was to increase my average speed to above last year’s 15.1 MPH. I finished at […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Stalking the Weather When we stepped out for our Sunday morning walk we noted how perfect the weather would be for riding the Reston Century scheduled one week from that day. At 6 AM it had been 63° and clear with low humidity. The high for the day […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Apple Versus Garmin When my husband and I took our walk along the shaded trail on Sunday, we were surprised at how different our paces were on his Apple watch (affiliate link) versus my Garmin (affiliate link).  At times our paces were 2 minutes apart even though we […]


It’s Been a Week It’s been a fun and frightening week, read on…   Overview of the Week Before discussing each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…   Sunday Walking: 5K • Average pace: 14:32 • Start time: 10:13 AM • Location: […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…     It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, […]


Training for My Next Century The Reston Century is three weeks from today. I rode 100 miles on June 21, so the distance doesn’t concern me. The 5,705 feet of elevation gain; however, does – I know I can do it, it just might not be pretty. Prior to last year’s Reston Century we went […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Garmin, Don’t You Know Who I Am? I ride back-to-back days on the weekends often, but with a new heart rate monitor (affiliate link) linked to my bike Garmin (affiliate link), it spit out a little bit more information than this self-described cardio junkie wanted to see. Possibly […]


Teaching the Next Generation of Gardeners Don’t ask me why, but I was looking forward to my Monday afternoon gardening project so much so that I woke up several times Sunday night thinking about it. I had promised to help my neighbors with the project – removing the extremely well attached fence from around their […]


Brag Time: Remembering the Good Ole Days of Marathoning

Blogging Specifically to Recap Races After my 2010 Boston Marathon, I wrote up a recap in a notes file on my Facebook. A couple of years later, I started blogging specifically to recap races. By the time I started my blog, though, my marathon days were behind me. I had so many fabulous memories from […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Broadening My Cardio Interests When I started this blog almost ten years ago, my two main fitness activities were running and lifting weights. I only walked to get from here to there, I rarely did yoga (not that I’m doing much of it now), and I certainly wasn’t […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Rebuilding a USA Jersey for Independence Day Weekend Two years ago when Bill and I joined our friends for an Independence Day ride, I was bummed that I didn’t have a red, white, and blue cycling kit to wear. I had quite the collection of shorts, skirts, tanks, […]


Taking Advantage of the Longest Day of the Year This time of year, I love that it’s already daylight as I make my way out of our bedroom at 5 or 5:30 AM and I don’t need to use my phone’s flashlight to guide the way. I’m not sure why, but this year I was […]


Running Less, Cycling More I have a draft blog post entitled “How to Know When It’s Time to Trade in the Running Shoes for Cycling Shoes.” I started it a couple of years ago during a pity party while sidelined with my ongoing back issue caused by minor disc herniations that love to act up […]


Advanced Blogging Over My Pay Grade Totally unrelated to my workouts, and feel free to skip ahead, WordPress notified me a few weeks ago that I was running an old PHP version (scripting language – yes, I had to look it up) which would no longer be supported in July. Updating it myself seemed overwhelming […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Memorial Day Weekend I tend to work most holidays like Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. The gyms where I worked were always open and quite busy with people who had the day off so we were always scheduled to work. When I opened my own business […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links…     It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, […]


Weekly RunDown: May 22 – 28 / Finding the Right Balance

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Figuring Things Out A busy week kept me off of my bike so I wasn’t able to give my knee a try after Saturday’s little flare-up during the Tour de Madison. I ran Tuesday morning, but that didn’t go as well as hoped and after about a mile […]


Giving My Back a Little Rest I intentionally didn’t run this past week because my lower back/SI joint area had been feeling a little wonky from sitting on a little stool or crosslegged on the floor for 15 hours over the weekend installing hardware on our kitchen cabinets. I’d worn a back brace for support, […]


Whirlwind Week Honestly, I don’t even know where this week went. I had a couple of new clients which always takes a little extra time, but seriously, that doesn’t explain the whirlwind week. I wrapped up my spring flower planting and completed a huge indoor project, relieved to  have both behind me. And while I […]