My Cruiser friend, Beth, ran in the Paris Marathon on April 7. I told her that I would love to publish her race review on my blog, if she would write it up and send me photos to go along with it. Here is the review, written by Beth and her husband Tom… Finally! After […]
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Category: Racing
Last night I got the BEST. NEWS. EVER! Julie called to tell me that there will be a Hokie Half Marathon on September 15. I think I will start packing now. I’m THAT excited! I only have a maroon VT running shirt so I think I need to buy a white or orange one to […]
Last Monday I planned to write about the winners of the men’s and women’s divisions of the 117th Boston Marathon, but that didn’t happen. Since they won the Super Bowl of our sport, I want to recognize these two amazing runners. They started with over 23,000 other runners in Hopkinton on a near perfect race […]
The Boston Marathon is the granddaddy of them all. It is the race that so many of us work incredibly hard to qualify for. Our dreams come true as we ride the bus to Hopkinton and then set out for our 26.2-mile run back to Boston. Today was the perfect day to run a […]
On Tuesday I posted Boston Marathon Quiz and Postcards from Adidas with the following quiz, just for fun! I know you haven’t been able to sleep all week, while waiting for the answers! Questions: Were you a good test taker in school? – Not really What do you have fun planned today? Did you race […]
Even though I’m not running Boston this year, I’m very excited that it’s Boston week, or at least that’s what I’m calling it! I thought I’d start you off with a little quiz to get you in the mood for the race! I’ll post the answers on Sunday. In 1997, Adidas gave out a very […]
Today was a gorgeous day for the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler in D.C. Congrats to all of the Cruisers who completed it! Bill and I have run it many times in the past, but didn’t today. Here I am in my second Cherry Blossom race back in 1999. You can see that there is scaffolding around […]
The Cruisers have a list of running and racing rules somewhere in facebook land. When facebook switched over its groups to a new format about two years ago, we lost all of our very organized silly rules that we had added over the years and organized in our notes section. Facebook decided theses notes would […]
Today was a huge day for the Cruisers!!! First I want to give a shout-out to Vamshi, Amanda, and Kim for their great performances at the Rock ‘N’ Roll USA Half-Marathon in D.C. this morning! All three Cruisers did great, and two set a new PR! Back home, Bill and I met Beth on the […]
Today I thought it might be fun to take a run down memory lane… Except for a baby picture my parents have of me running toward them on my first birthday and a high school yearbook picture that I can’t find, this is the first photograph that I have of me running. I ran lots […]
Woot woooo! We had seven Cruisers come out of hibernation this morning to join in on the endless fun of our Saturday group long run; or is it their looming spring races that got them out this morning? To make up for the wind, we were treated to snow showers during much of our run! […]