Today’s run was one of those runs. One of those runs I’ll remember forever…..
I’ll remember it because it was so sweet. So sweet because I hadn’t really gone for a run in about five weeks. There’s a saying that goes: distance makes the heart grow fonder; as a runner, I say: “Injury makes the comeback sweeter.”

I went for a six-mile run on December 20th, and finished the last mile with pain in my right calf. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just a minor calf injury, but inflammation that had found its way back to my lower back and pressure was being put on my sciatic nerve.
The pain moved around on my right leg, and I didn’t try to run again until I took my new Yaktrax Run out for a test spin a couple of weeks later. After half a mile, I had to stop and walk home.
I’ve spent the last five weeks rehabbing with lots of core work, spinning on my stationary bike to keep my cardio fitness level up, taking the occasional Advil, and decompressing my spine on my Teeter HangUps.
I’ve felt pretty good the last few days, and when I woke to about an inch of snow this morning, I decided I had to get outside. Since my Cruiser friend Shawn is a teacher and didn’t have school today, she was able to meet me for a run/walk.
I strapped on my Yaktrax like a giddy teenager getting ready for her first date, and hit the trail. I walked on the cloud of snow toward Shawn’s house and met her half-way. We walked for a mile, and then decided to try running.
I felt great! We ran for about a mile, then took a walk break, then ran some more.

Shawn and I covered four miles and probably ran about 2.5 of those miles. We took it easy, and I kept a close check on how my back and legs felt. We didn’t break any speed records, but it’s never felt so good to be outside running!

As soon as I got home from my run, and while I was still warmed-up, I hung upside down to stretch my back out again.

Here’s hoping I’ll be back on the trail again in a few days for another run/walk as I get back into the swing of things. Baby steps will be needed, but I’m willing to do what it takes to get back out on the trail with my friends.
- Questions:
- What’s the longest you’ve been side-lined from a run due to an injury?
- How often do you run?
- Have you tried an inversion board? ~ My doctor said he only recommends it to about 25% of his patients, and that my type of injury responds best to it.
So glad you are back out there! I wasn’t sidelined from injury but just came back after 6 weeks off from being sick! I had to literally start from ground zero though because I did absolutely NOTHING.
Glad you’re feeling better!
As someone who has been laid off too many times, I can completely appreciate this! I’m so glad you got out and that it felt good. Here’s to nothing by forward progress from here!
Thanks, Amanda! I plan to enter back slowly so I don’t re-injure myself in the process!
love this – i’m so glad you are getting back out there! hoping for a speedy recovery, friend!
Thanks, Courtney!
That’s absolutely wonderful! I was once sidelined about 10 weeks for an ankle stress fracture. I did a lot of elliptical and spinning. That inversion board looks interesting. I have a lower back pain sometimes. Maybe that would help.
I’ve been spinning like crazy, but can’t use my elliptical. My doctor told me the twisting motion wasn’t good for my back when it’s acting up.
I’ve not been able to run for the past month either. It’s so frustrating isn’t it? I just keeping thinking about all of the spring races I will have to miss again. Hope your back is feeling better. I’ve not tried an inversion board-interesting
How are you feeling, Deborah? Do you think you’ll be able to start running anytime soon?
Hooray for being able to run again!!! You’re right – those early runs back are always great!!
6 months is the longest I’ve been side-lined – that was a long brutal time for me and my family:)
Six months – that must have been awful! The longest for me was three months when I initially injured my back three years ago.
I was so happy for you when I saw your IG post. Glad you were able to get out there Deb!
Thanks so much, Jennifer!
I knew this day would come! I commend you for that balance of perseverance and patience. Those two don’t usually get along so well. You’re on the right track. I’m proud of you.
Thanks, Eli. My heart is happiest when I can include running in my day.
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. That first good run back is always awesome.
Thanks, Courtney!
Hooray! I know how good it felt to get out there for a run of any length. Glad you are on the mend and glad you have the mental strength to take it slow so you don’t end up on the injured reserve list again. I think the longest I’ve been away from activity, due to injury, was probably either when I tore my meniscus in my knee and had to have surgery or when I had a stress fracture in my shin, both in high school. It’s no fun to miss out! Welcome back
Thanks, Meagan! I’ve got to be injury free so you can take me on a run at Pandapas Pond!
Being injured stinks, but your mindset about it all is great! I hope you can ease back into it with no returning injury!
Thanks, Melissa! That’s the key – returning to running without causing another injury by returning too quickly.
[…] Source: […]
[…] January 2015, I wrote about working my way back from an injury where I stated, “Injury makes the comeback sweeter.” Apparently that resonated […]