I wish I was the kind of writer that could leave you laughing hysterically at with me – so much so that you would pee your pants. But enough about bodily fluids, there will plenty of time for that later.
Thursday was a normal day. I had a good early morning run with my MRTT peeps, I trained my clients, and I ate normal stuff. For dinner, I sauteed onions and mushrooms in olive oil, added them to my marinara sauce, and then added chicken breasts and simmered on low for over an hour. It was delicious.
Around 10 PM it hit! Even though my stomach never boiled and churned, I felt miserable. I knew that there was no way I could lie down, so I stayed up taking care of paperwork, changing the sheets in the guest room, stuff like that…..
Finally at 1 AM I decided I had to go to bed. While getting ready, the first of the real stuff hit. Alrighty then, I thought, perhaps that was it and I would start feeling better soon. I got into bed and found that I could only sleep on my back without getting extremely nauseated.
I woke up at 2:45 and barely made it to the bathroom in time, and I learned several lessons during the following hour…..
- Don’t take time to get a band to pull your hair into a ponytail when you’re about to redistribute red sauce into the toilet, or in my case on the light cream colored rug in front of it.
- The human body is capable of many explosive things all at once, and never ignore what’s going on behind you while worrying about what’s going on in front of you.
- Set a bucket next to the toilet so you can multitask.
- When sudden illness hits, we are all reduced to nothing more than animals and the body will do whatever it has to get rid of the attacking virus.
- Vomiting violently is a great core workout.
- It is possible for every fiber of your body to ache, even your teeth.
- It can take over an hour to clean up after such a show, and bleach is a wonderful thing.
- There are some things that even I won’t take a selfie in front of (although the mere thought of it made me smile).
I slept most of Friday, and when I got up I Googled WebMD to see what I should be eating, if anything. Gatorade was my life savor, and became one of the few things I wanted yesterday. It wasn’t until I forced myself to eat a banana with a tiny bit of peanut butter on it, and a yogurt, that I started to get a little bit of energy back.

All I could think of was thank goodness my 24-hour bug didn’t hit during a race!
- Questions:
- Has the sudden onset of a virus kept you home from an event?
- What is your remedy for a stomach bug?
- Are you racing this weekend?
oh no I hope you are feeling better today! Were you going to run CB?
Thank goodness I wasn’t signed up for either the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler or the Loudoun Half! Many of my MRTT friends are running those two races, but I hadn’t registered for either. I’m feeling much better today, but without much of an appetite I’m not eating as much as I would need to be properly fueled for a race.
Aww, hope you are feeling better!
Thanks, Jennifer! I’m back to about 80% today, and so thankful!
Oh no! I’ve had a 24 bug before and it really sucks! Hope you are feeling much better!!
Thanks, Courtney! I’m on the mend!
Oh no…hope you’re feeling fully recovered today. I always feel weak for a few days after I’m sick like that.
Gatorade always tastes sooo good afterwards!
Thanks! I’m getting there, and think I should be back to normal by tomorrow.
Uh oh! There seems to be a big stomach thing going around. I’m glad I haven’t gotten it, and hopefully didn’t just jinx myself by saying that. Glad you’re feeling better now!
Before getting sick I hadn’t heard of the current stomach bug, but now people are coming out of the woodwork telling me about it. Glad it’s behind me, and hope you don’t get it!
Oh my. That sounds awful. It’s been a while since I’ve had a nasty virus (knock on wood). I hope you are getting your strength back!
Thanks – I’m feeling pretty much back to normal now, except for my appetite.
Ugh – I’ve heard that there is a nasty bug going around – sorry you had to deal with it!
Hope you are feeling much better today!!!
Thanks, I am!
Yikes! I had one of those after I ate some scallops a year or so ago. I went to bed feeling alright, and then woke up, ninja jumped over my husband, and immediately started getting sick. Have not eaten scallops since!
I can imagine that getting sick after eating something with a strong odor like scallops would make it especially difficult to stomach being around them again. Food poisoning is a scary thing!
Thank goodness this is behind you — losing weight like that isn’t worth it! Glad you are feeling better.
Actually it wasn’t five pounds, but it was a catchy title for my post; however, if my appetite doesn’t come back soon, my words might speak the truth after all.