Happy National Hug A Runner Day! Whether we’ve covered miles together on the trail, or have just sent virtual hugs each others way before a big race or after a devastating injury, I’m including you in my circle of running friends and sending a hug your way! xoxo
There are, of course, running friends who deserve a special recognition and hug today…
Susan, this hug’s for you! You’ve been my longest running friend and probably know me better than anyone else, and if your knees still let you run and you still lived around the corner, I’m sure we’d be covering our neighborhood trails with chatty miles at least twice a week! xoxo

Beth, this hug’s for you! You and I have undoubtedly covered more miles and run more marathons together than anyone else. Yes, I’m stalking your Philly Marathon results as I type and see that you’ve passed the 30K point. Run, Beth, run! You’ve got this! xoxo

Amanda, this hug’s for you! You went from training for your first marathon totally alone to joining the Cruisers. From there you took the reins of a struggling MRTT chapter and have brought it to 1,151 members strong! The influence you’ve had in the running community is amazing! xoxo

Jessica, this hug’s for you! Your daughter captured why I do what I do with a single snap of her camera shutter. Your determination for training for and running your first 5K shows what one can do when they put their mind to it. You represent so many other runners I’ve worked with and you make my job fun! xoxo

Jerome, this hug’s for you! Thank you for being the rabbit just ahead of me in so many of my races. The joy I felt after running a half marathon PR is clear in the photo below, but the joy and encouragement I hear in your voice as you cheer me across the finish line is what makes me push as hard as I can even though I want to pass out! xoxo

Erin, this hug’s for you! Without a doubt you’ve brought out a fun side of me that was just waiting for all those shenanigans! I have loved every single mile we’ve run and raced together and look forward to many more! xoxo

Joseph and Daniel, this hug’s for you! From riding your bikes and scooters along side of me when I needed to go for a run and your dad wasn’t home, to coming to cheer for me at marathons when you could have been home playing with friends, you supported your mom’s crazy running habit when you were little. As adults, it’s been a pleasure watching you both become runners. Joseph, I loved running many miles along side of you as you completed your first 45-mile ultra; and Daniel, it was a pleasure joining you for your first half marathon and then being teammates for Ragnar DC. xoxo
Thank you both also, for bringing beautiful running girls into our family. Julie, you’ve added fun to our Thanksgiving morning race by making it a costumed event! Jess, I’ve been stalking your Philly Marathon results all morning and see that you just finished. Congrats on your 3:58:50 marathon and huge PR!

Babe, this hug’s for you! What can I say? You supported me early on when I needed to log training miles by watching the boys. You brought the kids to cheer me on at marathons, and you even let me take off for overnight trips with my guy running friends for multiple marathons and even an ultra. You stayed home and held down the fort until the day you caught the running bug and became my favorite running buddy! xoxo

My new Fitbit died yesterday during my run (I’m not giving it a hug) so it didn’t record my steps as I continuing to winterize putting all of our patio furniture away, cutting back frost-bitten plants, and battening down the deck before the big wind and sleet storm came through. Here’s how this past week of working out went down – with a few missed steps…
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Who’s your favorite runner? Have you hugged that runner today?
- Who has logged the most miles with you?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

What a great post! I may have got teary when you were thanking your sons!
Awww, thank you!
Ah so fun! You know I love this. Yes girls on the run race today brr quite chilly out there. have a great week. Virtual hug 🙂
Thanks, Deborah! Right back atcha’!
Happy Hug a Runner Day to you!! What a fun post!
Thank you, Wendy! Happy belated Hug a Runner Day to you, too!
You are one of my favorite runners too!!! Cannot wait to get back out and log some fun-filled miles with you!! xoxoxo
I’m so glad we got to run together today, and can’t wait for Thursday’s shenanigans! xoxo
What a wonderful post, celebrating so many amazing (runner) friends! I have to give a shout-out to my friend, Barb (you’ve seen her in a few (or several)pics. We did just hug last night (almost midnight) when we parted ways after a whirlwind trip to Tulsa OK for Route 66 (it was an 8-hour car ride there, and then another 8 hours back after the race). We’ve logged many miles together the past few years, training and racing 😉
Having running friends like Barb sure do make destination races a lot more fun, don’t they?
What a sweet post! The person who logged the most miles with me…can no longer run. She and I went to all the local (and not so local) races together for several years. We were known as “Holly and Kim”. I’m grateful we still get together for coffee talk and that she has found a new passion: golf! Thanks for linking, Deb! A big virtual hug to you!
It’s great that you and Kim can still get together; and that she has a new sport to enjoy. I’m sending a virtual hug right back atcha’!