Today I had lunch with my coach, mentor, and friend Miles. We met years ago when I worked at The Health Club of Reston. Miles came to the gym during lunch to workout, and I would hang on his every word telling me about his marathon training. One day Miles told me that he had just qualified for Boston and I was awestruck! At the time, Joseph was a baby and my running was limited to about five miles after I put him to bed…
Several years later when I decided to train for my first marathon, Miles became my coach. He gave me an 18-week marathon training schedule that had me running 50-miles per week. As I mentioned on Saturday in my post, Love To Hate Speed Work, Miles invited me to join his Wednesday lunchtime all-guys group that met at a local high school track to do speed work. Other than meeting the guys on Wednesdays, I ran all of my other training runs alone. When my big day came, Miles and another friend, Ed, joined me at mile 12 and paced me for 14 miles… reminding me to take my GU, grabbing water for me at the water stations, and keeping me focused on my goal of finishing my first marathon (and within my goal time).
The following spring after I had run the Marine Corps Marathon, the JFK 50-Miler, and the Boston Marathon, I was offered a job as a coach of the National Aids Marathon Training Program. Miles was my mentor as I took on my first coaching job. Many years later we still bounce running and coaching ideas off of each other.
At Jackson’s I ordered a delicious Roasted Chicken Salad with baby spinach, walnuts, apples, avocado, bacon, white cheddar cheese, and pomerey mustard vinaigrette dressing. It came with a deviled egg with pecans on the side. Bonus!
After lunch we walked around Reston Town Center for a little while and I snapped this picture of Miles in front of the fountain. BTW, that’s Mercury on top of the fountain. I wanted a picture of Miles with Mercury, because I thought Mercury was the Roman god of athletes/runners. Wrong… He was the god of commerce, trade, and financial gain; but he does have a winged hat and feet and I’m sure that would make him a very fast runner!
After a little research, Bill and I have learned that the Roman god Mercury, who originated from the Etruscans, is closely associated with the Greek god of athletes and runners. Woot woo! I WAS right! Sort of….
While at RTC, I stopped in at Athleta to see what kind of trouble I could get into. I came prepared with my credentials and signed up for their personal training program to receive a professional discount of 30% off when I shop at their store. Score!
Soooo………… of course I had to purchase a new skirt and this cute little coral top for work. Don’t you just love the recycled plastic shopping bags they use!
You hear me talk about running on the W&OD Trail every Saturday. It also runs right by Reston Town Center. I took this picture so you can see how the horse’s gravel bridal path runs parallel to the asphalt trail. I really am lucky to have such a fabulous running trail!
- Questions:
- Who did you think was the Greek/Roman god of athletes/runners?
- Have you ever shopped at Athleta?
- Tell me about where you run.
I haven’t shopped at Athleta. I’m toying with the idea of using birthday money to buy a running skort from them online. I’m also considering buying something at our local running store instead. We’ll see!
That salad looks really good. I’m glad you got to spend some QT with an old friend. 🙂
I wore my Athleta running skort yesterday and really liked it. Yay for birthday money! 🙂
Oooh…Athleta is a dangerous place for me! Especially since their emails are always sent in the “middle of the night” for those in the US – aka, “during my afternoon lull/super-distractable-time” for me in Singapore!
And we spent about 5 weeks last winter touring around Greece and Italy, puzzling out the differences and comparisons of the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. Finally, we found a handy reference guide at a museum, which I promptly snapped a photo of and used for the rest of our trip!
Photo = genius!
I need a fun coach/ need to become one. That’s my goal- running coach and health coach. Any insight into going about doing that? I’ve found a 6-week online course through Dr. Sears (loved his baby nutrition books) for health coaching, don’t know where to start with running coaching! S.O.S Debbie!
Have you checked into Road Runners Club of America’s certification courses? It might be a good place to start.
Your salad looks good! I’ve been to Reston Town Center before! We had a tournament at Herdon High School one time and I’m pretty sure we went to the Reston Town Center to eat lunch at Potbelly. That’s a sweet discount at Athleta! I wish running clothes were my work clothes 🙂
I am such a fashion klutz that I’m very lucky that I get to work in workout clothes! 🙂
[…] never run the New York City Marathon, but my friends Beth and Miles have. I’ll beg, whine, and throw myself on the floor ask nicely to see if Beth will do a […]
[…] October of 1999, my friends Ed, Todd, Miles, and I met in Maryland on a beautiful sunny morning to drive to Scranton for the race. While […]
[…] and age group winners. One year I was able to present an age group trophy to my good friend Miles (unfortunately I don’t have a picture from that year). At the time we were gym […]
[…] I even had a chance to run my first marathon, Miles was brainwashing trying to convince me to run in the JFK 50-Miler with him and his friends; and in […]
[…] Rail Trail Marathon in Sparks Glencoe, Maryland (somewhere near Baltimore), I’m recapping Miles‘ and my 1998 […]
[…] Miles, I never would have guessed 27 years ago when we first met at the gym that we would still be close […]
[…] to my friend Miles, I had ambitious goals when I started training for my first Marine Corps Marathon. With his […]
[…] after I saw Daniel, I saw my friend Miles. He and Daniel were standing just a few yards from each other, but hadn’t seen each […]
[…] never appreciated such a person until my first long run with my friend and mentor, Miles. We met for weekly track workouts leading up to my first marathon, but it wasn’t until our […]
[…] funny thing that happened back in 1999. During a meteor shower (I believe the Leonids), my friend Miles and three of our other running friends drove about two hours out into the Virginia […]
[…] inspirational runner: When I think of running and inspiration, I think of my friend Miles. Miles has probably gotten more people to the starting line of a race than Brooks and Asics […]
[…] Back then I couldn’t Google training plans to see what I liked, so I depended on my friend Miles to give me a xeroxed copy of the New York Road Runners Club’s New York City Marathon Training […]
[…] the most inspirational runner to just one person, but last year I honored my well-deserving friend Miles with the distinction. As an active person in my local MRTT chapter, I see so many women deserving […]
[…] post-race frozen pizza and loaded back into Jerome’s SUV, and along with Joe and Sienna, met Miles and his friends at a little cafe in Potomac for lunch. After an hour or so of marveling at what a […]
[…] of having any particular thoughts about the Boston Marathon was in 1989 when my new acquaintance Miles told me that he had qualified for Boston. Even though I didn’t know a lot about the race, I […]
[…] to run my very first marathon as a birthday present to myself. When I shared my plan with my friend Miles, he immediately invited me to join him and his buddies for weekly track workouts. A few weeks into […]
[…] we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that my friend Miles‘ friend Jeannie Rice set a world record for her age group in a recent 5K. She ran the Labor […]
[…] having coffee….. I’d ask if you remember me telling you last month about my friend Miles‘ 70-year-old friend Jeannie Rice setting a world record for her age group at the Labor Day […]
[…] Bill and I registered for the Bike New York Five Boro Tour scheduled for May 5th. Our friends Miles and Paul have been doing this ride (along with several other of our running friends) for several […]
[…] inspirational runner: I’ve not met this runner, but Jeannie Rice trains with my friend Miles during the winter while snow-birding in Naples, Florida. Jeannie set two world records during 2018, […]
[…] of our teammates were asked if they knew Miles. I already knew that Miles is a legend in several Maryland and Florida running circles, but […]