Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be hot chocolate. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It had been three years since I’d run in our local turkey trot. I missed my Thanksgiving morning staple in 2019 while in Charlotte meeting our future daughter-in-law’s parents; however, our family participated in their local Turkey Dash so we started the morning off just like at home. […]
Dear Running, I wasn’t looking for you; it just happened. I had wanted to try out for the basketball team, or to be a cheerleader; however to both, my parents said, “No.” It wasn’t until my older brother got his driver’s license and joined the track team, that Mom and Dad said I could try out for […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Trotting Together Not only did Thanksgiving morning bring me together with local running friends at our annual turkey trot, but I got to “run” with my blogging friends. Kim was kind enough to collect photos from our various runs, races, and workouts and compile them into this fun […]
As sad as I am that our youngest son and our newest daughter-in-law won’t be with us this year for Thanksgiving, I’m happy that they are enjoying Thanksgiving in Florida with her family. Our oldest son, our daughter-in-law, and our grandson will be arriving this afternoon for Thanksgiving dinner after an earlier dinner with her […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… 4000 Is the New 2021 At the beginning of the year, I joined a Strava challenge to ride 2021 miles during the year and easily met that goal during the summer. Last week I realized that I’m closing in on 4,000 miles and set that as my new […]
Picking My Worst Race Last week I talked about lessons learned at my best race so it’s only appropriate that I give my worst race equal time. There have been some doozies and it was a challenge choosing my worst race… If forced to choose, I’d pick the 2010 Steamtown Marathon because I hit the […]
Eight years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself… Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays! At my age I celebrate […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Cyclists Do Meetups Just Like Runners I’ve learned pretty quickly that the cycling community is every bit as nice as the running community despite what I thought as a runner when I occasionally got yelled at by rude cyclists on the W&OD Trail, but as with any group […]
This post is an encore production… Today is Veteran’s Day, a day to honor those who have served our country in the armed forces. If you have served in one of the branches of our military, thank you! Today I want to focus on one of my army heroes… My grandfather was born in […]
Picking My Best Race When thinking about my best race, my mind immediately traveled back to my marathons. I’ve run 148 races, 40 of which were marathons, and despite not running a marathon in ten years, I skim over all the other races and land on the 1999 Steamtown Marathon as my best race. What’s […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Still Figuring out Dressing for Cold Weather Cycling After getting far too cold on two of my bike rides this past week, it’s obvious that I’m still figuring out what to wear when cycling in cooler temps. I don’t have a lot of experience with cold weather riding […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, […]
Four Generations Together My oldest son and I took Baby Bean to the farm to visit my mom Tuesday through Thursday. Needless to say, Mom was thrilled to meet her great-grandson and I got precious pictures of her holding him plus a wonderful four generations photo. The normal drive to the farm is about six […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Gravel Fun Consistent with my past of always wanting to push myself to the next level of fun, I met a new goal this past week. When I mastered the marathon, I ran a 50-mile ultra, and after riding a metric century, I rode a century. Yesterday, I […]
Short Segmented Trail Detours Signs along the W&OD Trail have been warning us for months that Dominion Electric would be making critical repairs to the aging electrical lines running along the W&OD Trail. Additionally, nearby residents received letters letting us know of the infrastructure improvements coming our way. During the early part of the […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… W&OD Trail Closure As work continues by Dominion Electric on the aging electrical lines running along the W&OD Trail, rather than continuing to detour traffic for short distances from the paved trail onto the parallel gravel horse trail, both will be closed this coming week between Loudoun County […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… New Format, Who Dis A few years ago I recapped each week by events, grouping my runs together, my strength training workouts together, etc. Eventually, I changed to my current day-of-the-week format and now find myself at a quandary and playing around with the format once again. I […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… About the Race From the Kickoff to Kinnick 5K (K2K) website… “Kickoff to Kinnick was created in 2014 to provide support for the University of Iowa Dance Marathon. Each year the amazing students of the University of Iowa dance for 24 hours to raise funds to support children […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Waving to the Children Back in late September 2017, ESPN College GameDay came to Blacksburg before our primetime game against Clemson, the reigning National Champions. It’s always fun to be in the crowd for College GameDay and this was our third opportunity to watch the show live while […]