I have always loved Thanksgiving, a time to be thankful for my many blessings. Thanksgiving is… A time to reflect and be grateful A time to gather with family A time to enjoy fall’s bounty A time to relax before the pressure of the upcoming holiday season hits This year our Thanksgiving will be very different […]
Our final stop on day six (June 27th) of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, was to check out Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam. It was more of a quick stop than our visit back in 1983 we we took the full tour of the 710-foot tall structure and even walked […]
Smoked Gouda and Bacon Macaroni and Cheese I was super busy this past week with work, but had a huge hole in my schedule mid-day on Wednesday. I took advantage of the extra time to make my famous Smoke Gouda and Bacon Macaroni and Cheese to put in the freezer for Thanksgiving. I can take […]
We spent June 27th, day six of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, exploring several attractions in the vicinity of Page, Arizona, one of which was Lower Antelope Canyon. It was the only day our family split up, and while Bill, Daniel, Jess, and I drove the 154 miles to Arizona, Jospeh and […]
On day six (June 27th) of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, our family split up for the first time. While Bill, Daniel, Jess, and I drove 152 miles to Arizona to check out Horseshoe Bend, Jospeh and Julie chose to stay closer to our Airbnb in Washington, Utah for some local hiking. […]
My Birthday Week Contrary to how my friend Craig thinks I celebrated my birthday by barhopping and clubbing every night this past week (make that month), I kept it low-keyed. 😂😂😂 I worked a normal day and even opted to cook dinner on my actual birthday rather than going out. I met my good friend […]
Six years ago I wrote my first birthday letter to myself and have decided to update it each year. Here’s my original post with my age updated in the first paragraph and the addition of this year’s note to myself… Today is my birthday, and I absolutely love birthdays! At my age I celebrate […]
We spent June 26th, day five of our family vacation to Utah, Nevada, and Arizona, exploring Bryce Canyon National Park. Of Utah’s Mighty 5 – Zion, Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce Canyon, and Capitol Reef – Bryce Canyon is by far my favorite. There’s just a special place in my heart for those cute hoodoos. Bill and […]
It’s my Birthday Week Daniel, Jess, and Pablo came over for the weekend to help me celebrate my birthday a little early. Pablo picked out my card… They gave me the best gift – a Nationals World Series Champions t-shirt and a Fight Finished towel! Now that’s true love – giving your mom the […]
Seven Days, Seven Bitmojis I promise that after today I’ll stop talking about the Nationals winning the World Series, but when you’re a sports fan in the DC area, you’re not used to having a winning team. One exception was the Capitals winning the Stanley Cup in 2018, but prior to that we’d been dry […]
It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you please join me? I’ll go first… If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that the Washington Nationals won the World Series and I have never been […]
Even though we spent the longest amount of time at our forth and final hike on day four (June 25th) of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, it wasn’t really a hike at all. I would have been more than happy to walk to the observation deck at Coral Pink Sand Dunes, take […]
On Saturday morning, Bill and I drove to Brunswick, Maryland for The Bike Lane Fall C&O Canal Trail Ride and joined about forty other cyclists who showed up for this very casual ride which was hosted by The Bike Lane. We rode along the C&O Canal towpath at our own paces to Shepherdstown, West Virginia […]
A Fun Day Hanging with Kim in Arlington A couple of weeks ago, Kim emailed asking if I had any availability to meet her on Friday before the Marine Corps Marathon. She would be arriving several hours before she could check into her Airbnb and had plenty of time to kill. Luckily for me, my […]
Six Years Already? It was six years ago tonight that my mom called with the heartbreaking news that my dad had just passed away after being the picture of health until an unexpected bout with pneumonia. During the whirlwind days that followed his death, I wrote this tribute to him. Some days it seems like […]
The third of four hikes on day four (June 25th) of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, wasn’t much more than an in-and-out of our car, been-there-seen-that sort of jaunt. We had decided to stay in Southern Utah for the day and the Kanab / Grand Staircase Escalante region provided plenty of opportunities […]
On, June 25th, day four of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, we drove to the Grand Staircase Escalante region. Our first stop was to gather information from the Kanab Visitor Center park rangers who made several recommendations of short hikes in the surrounding area. Following their recommendations, we headed to Dinosaur Tracks […]
Could It Have Been the Flossing? As I mentioned in last week’s rundown, my right leg/lower back/right SI joint started feeling a little wonky within the first mile of my Saturday morning five-mile run. Instead of listening to my body and either slowing to a walk or stopping altogether, I chose to grit it out […]
On day four (June 25th) of our family vacation to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada, we drove to the Grand Staircase Escalante region. With the help of the park rangers at the Kanab Visitors Center, we picked Dinosaur Tracks as our first hike of the day. From our Airbnb in Washington, Utah, Dinosaur Tracks was only […]
The seeds for running the Marine Corps Half Marathon in Camp Lejeune, NC were sewn back in February when my Cruiser friend Beth told me about last year’s race being canceled after Hurricane Florence ravaged the area. As a result, Beth’s registration was deferred and she invited me to join her for this year’s race. The […]