I can confidently announce that spring has hit Virginia! I know that because this weekend I uncovered our deck furniture, pulled our little nicknacks out of the garden shed, and had our mulch spread. Our bright green grass has been cut twice already, the early flowering fruit trees and redbuds are blooming, and what spring bulbs the deer and squirrels haven’t eaten have popped and are in full bloom! And with such a spring in my step, I’m quite positive Mother Nature won’t change her mind and send another round of winter our way. 😉

Tuesday I decided not to get up a zero dark thirty to run with my friends, and instead, just go for a solo run later in the day. For a multitude of reasons, my run never happened and I decided to head out for a bike ride instead. I ended up riding 18 miles and really enjoyed myself. While out, I bumped into two of my Cruiser friends, separately, and I pretended to be very ashamed of being caught on a bike!

Wednesday morning I managed to drag myself out of bed to meet two of my friends for a run on a new course they’ve mapped out. While it was a lovely run with fantastic company, I’m not sure I’m comfortable running it again. The majority of it is through wide open residential streets with absolutely no place for emergency bathroom stops – if you get my drift. Fortunately, my tummy and colon were quite cooperative and I didn’t embarrass myself…

We skipped our Thursday morning run due to the crazy and scary weather forecast, and thankfully, I never attempted to head out to run between storms or I might have gotten caught in quite the predicament. After the first round of storms passed and the sun tried to peep through the clouds, I considered heading out, but luckily I’d just eaten lunch so I waited. In a mater of minutes the sky turned black and it starting hailing. Little did I know that we were under a tornado watch/warning (not sure which), as I stood in my kitchen doorway taking pictures of the hail bouncing around on the upper deck.

With crazy winds on Friday, I kept my run indoors on my treadmill and actually did a little foam rolling afterward. I’ve got to get better at foam rolling!

Saturday morning Bill decided to drive east for the start of his bike ride and I tagged along to run home. We started out together for about five minutes before he headed off for a 46-mile ride. I can’t even imagine… I ran home and then tacked a little more distance on in my neighborhood to wrap it up at seven miles. I was thrilled to finally get my average pace down to under 10:00 minute/miles (barely, at 9:57) for the first time since my injury. In early February I was easily running 8:30’s with the girls and now it’s a huge victory (Wednesday’s Word) to run a sub-10…

Switching gears slightly, I’ve recently discovered tequila lime salmon at Whole Foods. It is delicious and makes the perfect Friday dinner during Lent, although; Bill and I have salmon most Friday nights anyway. Oh, and rumor has it that we might be getting a Trader Joe’s in our neck of the woods!

On the blog this week, I’ll be talking about ways to survive your long runs now that everyone is starting to think about their fall marathons and scheming on their training plans. Also, I’m hoping to wrap up another fun little post I’ve had on the back burner for a while. Stay tuned for that one!
In case you missed it, last week I posted my monthly Wednesday Word linkup using April’s word prompt victory for Victories Everyday Runners Can Embrace.
Back to my workouts, overall it was a pretty good week and here’s how my workouts went down…
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Do you like salmon?
- Are you good at foam rolling?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Love the photos of the flowers – so pretty! We had decent weather this weekend and no rain, so it was a total win in my book!
I’m getting better about foam rolling. It hurts but I know its necessary.
I ran a 10K race today in Central Park!
Your 10K in Central Park sounds fun! I’ve never run there, but with my son moving to northern NJ that just might have to change! 😀
In answer to your questions…yes, I raced (both days…a 5K on Saturday, and 85 flights of stairs on Sunday). I’m getting better at foam rolling. And, ugh, I do not like salmon unless it’s heavily battered and fried in a vat of butter…and then, I tend to scrape off the crusty coating and leave the actual meat on my plate…
HaHa! That’s how I am with my mom’s fried oysters – I eat the crusty breading off and leave those slimy little critters on my plate!
I don’t have a trader joes or a whole foods in our city, but I do love the look of that Salmon. I have it about 3-4 times a month too. I love it! We had storms in our area too this past week. One thing I don’t like about Spring is all the storms it brings. I’ve had tornados hit not too far from me and it always makes me nervous!
No racing for me this past weekend and I didn’t quite know what to do with myself. I did get some much needed house work done today!
Generally (and luckily) our tornados are much smaller and less destructive than in the south. Stay safe down there!
No flowers yet but spring temps are coming tomorrow I hear. I love Trader Joes but don;t get there often enough.
I don’t get to Trader Joes very often because it’s about a 25-30 minute drive away. That’s why I’m really hoping the rumors are true!
We had crazy weather here on Thursday as well with tornado warnings. Luckily no hail. I did manage a short run before the storm. But it didn’t last because the sun came out a little later and it was beautiful.Fall marathon training? Heck I do not want to think that far in advance yet. I just finished a spring one and want to enjoy running without a plan for awhile!
I agree; running without a plan is so relaxing and less stressful when not worrying about hitting certain paces. 🙂
The weather was gorgeous this weekend! I hope to get some flowers in next weekend!
Oh fun! I haven’t started thinking about planting my flowers, but will soon.
Seems like we did hit all 4 seasons here again this week! Hoping it stays warm and sunny this week. Hope you have a good one
You called that one – it’s been gorgeous this week!
No races for me last weekend. My first race of the year isn’t until May7! I’m so ready for spring weather. We’re finally getting some nice weather here in Northern Kentucky. Tornado warnings make me a nervous wreck!
I really like your weekly run-down infographic!
Thank you! I found the infographic template for free and adjusted it meet my needs.
Hope you’ve had a great week!
Hooray for Spring!! That pollen though….. washed my truck on Wednesday (even knowing there was a storm a’comin’ on Thursday) and by Friday, it was green again. As for Thursday’s storm, we had the same tornado watch but all we got was wind. Well, wait, we might have gotten 25 drops of rain and one rumble of thunder in the distance but that was it. Definitely didn’t get hail! You got a lot!!
Love salmon!! Was just at our Whole Foods but I missed the salmon. Had my eye on all the Siggi’s and Perfect Bars! haha (no new flavors yet, though. small town probs….)
Definitely check out the salmon next time you’re in Whole Foods. I picked up a really good lemon butter salmon in the Chicago Whole Foods, but they don’t have it in my local Virginia store.
I LOVE salmon. I’m happy you are enjoying your bike. 18 miles is a solid ride. But, I suspect you’ll soon be joining your husband for 46. I feel you on the victorious sub 10 pace. Thanks for linking, Deb.
I am really loving my bike and quite surprising myself!
You had quite a busy week Deb! Last year I started messing around with foam rolling and have a nice one at home, but I have such a hard time forcing myself to do it. Maybe it’s because I haven’t experienced much of a noticeable difference from rolling versus stretching. Also, I am a huge fan of salmon! We recently got a Whole Foods, so I’ll have to go search for that tasty fish. Is it fresh or frozen?
The tequila lime salmon I purchased was fresh. If your Whole Foods has lemon butter salmon, try it, too. I got it in Chicago last fall and it was delicious, but unfortunately, my local WF doesn’t carry it.