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Race Preparation:  Race Items Check List

Back in April I wrote What’s All That Stuff You’re Carrying?  Since fall is racing season, and I’m spending the week talking about race preparation, I’m re-posting it today with a few minor changes and additions. I’m sure you never leave your house without your phone, but I’ll remind you anyway to take it (and […]


I’m Just Another Mother Runner

Last night Cruisers Kim, Amanda, and I attended A Mother Runner Party in Gaithersburg, MD.  We weren’t sure how much time to allow to drive over, but as soon as we saw how bad the local traffic was we decided to skip dinner, and drive straight to Maryland.  We arrived and headed to the door […]



Back on April 17 I wrote the following post.  Enjoy… I AM A RUNNER I love waking up early and watching the sun rise during my run I AM A RUNNER I smile when I see my friend running toward me for our run together I AM A RUNNER I get excited when I get […]


It’s A Runner Thing

We’re a quirky bunch, we runners…  We do odd little things and don’t think twice about it, yet our non-running friends think we’re nuts.  When I tell my friends something about a one of my runs and they don’t understand, I say, “Never mind, it’s a runner thing.”  So buckle your seat belts, sit back, […]


Wanted!  Quirky Running Stories

Before I get into the details of the Cruisers’ morning run, I need some help from you guys.  I’ve been working on a post called “It’s A Runner Thing” for a little while and I’d like to publish it this week.  I have been collecting photos and comments from friends about odd and quirky things […]


What’s All That Stuff You’re Carrying?

I’m getting quite a kick out of looking at my “Marathon Check List” that I used to hand out to my running group just a few years ago.  The first thing that I noticed was “single use camera.”  Do they even make those anymore?  So right off the top, I’ll remind you to take your […]


Mother’s Day = BEST. RUN. EVER

Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mom and to all of my mom readers out there! Before I talk about my special day today, I have huge news to share with you from last evening!  Joseph went out on a long run yesterday afternoon… a 26.2-mile run to be exact!  Bill and I walked to […]



I AM A RUNNER I love waking up early and watching the sun rise during my run I AM A RUNNER I smile when I see my friend running toward me for our run together I AM A RUNNER I get excited when I get new running shoes I AM A RUNNER I love to […]