Today’s post is an encore production from last Veteran’s Day…
Today is Veteran’s Day, a day to honor those who have served our country in the armed forces. If you have served in one of the branches of our military, thank you! Today I want to talk about one of my army heroes…

When I was in the eighth grade, I had to interview someone I admired and write a report about their story. I chose Papaw. I referred to him as “Grandfather” in the report because my teacher said reports should be formal and I was afraid she would take points off for me referring to him as “Papaw.” I got an A, and more importantly to me, I got to read the report to my class and tell them what a great man my papaw was!
On April 29, 1895, my grandfather was born in a small community named Olympia. At the age of 21 Grandfather was drafted by the United States Army. About a year later he was sent to France. On July 15, 1918, three months later, the Germans shelled them all night and most of the next day. There were only 75 out of 150 men that weren’t wounded or killed. My grandfather was sent to take some men to the hospital and on his way he was shot in the head. An American man found Grandfather and took him to the hospital. Grandfather had to share a bed* with a man who had gotten shot in the foot. Grandfather said that when he would turn over or hit the man’s foot that the man would yell, “Foot!” My grandfather would then say, “Hole in my head!”
After Grandfather got out of the hospital he had to cook for the fighting men because he wasn’t strong enough to fight. After the war Grandfather was discharged from the Army with the other Americans that were sent to France to fight in World War I.
*The hospital was so crowded with wounded soldiers, that the injured had to share hospital cots. It’s humbling to think what our veterans have done for us.
I did not mention in my story that my papaw had to play dead so he wouldn’t get shot a second time as the enemy walked around kicking at the soldiers to make sure they had been killed. Years later after Papaw’s hair had turned white, I always scrambled up on his lap right after he’d gotten a fresh crew cut to look for the bullet trench in the top of his head. The scar ran from the front to the back and actually was a hollowed out trench the length of the top of his head. It was an amazing sight to a little kid!
As much as I loved my papaw, my favorite veteran was my dad…
- Questions:
- Who is/was your favorite veteran?
- Are you a veteran?
Love this post!!!
My favorite veteran was my Poppa and of course, my husband still is my favorite!!!
Thank you to your Poppa and husband for serving our country!
My dad who served in WWII and died on July 4th when I was 25 years old.
Forgot to say that was the sweetest story about your Papaw!!
Aw, thanks. And I’m so sorry that you lost your dad at such a young age, and to lose him on July 4th…
Wow cool story! Thanks for sharing
This is a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing!
If I had to just pick one (totally unfair as I come from a huge family of veterans), I would have to say my maternal grandfather, William August Schultz, a PBY navigator during WW2 is my favorite veteran. And I also have the Army to thank for the strong woman I have become.
Thank you and your family for serving our country!
Thank you to your dad and papaw! I love the fact he had a trench in his head. That’s amazing. He was very lucky!
Isn’t Papaw’s story amazing!
What a great post, wow, thanks for sharing this! 🙂
I don’t know if I know any veterans.. That probably sounds so stupid, but the military isn’t a huge deal in Norway (of course we care about them and all, but it’s the same way as it is to Americans)..
Ps, you’re nominated
Aww, thank you for the Liebster nomination! I’ll pop over and check it out. 🙂