You know it’s going to be a good run when your pre-run texts start like this…

Erin and rarely get to run together anymore so when we do, we make sure to keep it fun. We opted to run a little later on Saturday morning due to the cold temperatures in the forecast (17°/feels like 9°) and that put us out on the trail after a light padding of snow had fallen and with light bursts of occasional snow.
There’s something magical about running on even the smallest layer of snow. My joints appreciate the softer surface and my eyes enjoy the change to the usual shades of brown typical of winters in Virginia. Running while it’s snowing – that just adds to the magic!
For the most part, a layer of fluffy snow on dry pavement doesn’t impact traction so I opted not to wear my Yaktrax (affiliate link), instead depending on my Saucony Peregrine trail shoes (affiliate link). Our footing was great until we hit the bridge and when my foot slipped slightly we were both sent into a fit of laughter at how funny it would be for my GoPro (affiliate link) to catch me falling on my behind.
While stopped to play around with the GoPro, some friends running by asked if we were okay. Physically we were, but one would have to question why we were willing to stop and get so cold just to get a few good pictures. Even with wearing three layers of gloves/mittens my fingers never warmed up and having to take my gloves off to change the battery in my GoPro didn’t help…

Once finished with our run, we did the obligatory post-run jumpie (jump shot selfie). According to Erin, the best quote of the day came when I said, “We need to do our jump shot in front of this barn because the red one will clash with our outfits.”

Here’s how the rest of my non-snow covered week of workouts went down…
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Have you gotten any snow yet this year where you live?
- Do you enjoy running in the snow?
- How was your week? Did you reach your weekly workout goals?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Such fun running in the snow! It was just starting when we were finishing so that was a fun way to finish our long run Saturday. 🙂
So glad you got to enjoy the snow for at least part of your run!
So fun! Love all the photos I need to get on the gopro more often!
Yes, you definitely need to start enjoying your GoPro!
No snow but chilly! Good for you for getting out in the snow. I never liked running in snow because it was slick.
We were lucky because this snow wasn’t slippery except for on the bridges, and once we realized that it was no problem.
We go so much snow this weekend for Virginia Beach and still are recovering from it. I haven’t left my condo in two days. Still not ready to go out for a run since it is still so cold here and will start to freeze.
I heard that you guys had the possibility of getting a foot of snow! How much did you end up getting?
I don’t mind the snow too much as long as it isn’t too cold nor slippery. Yes, I am picky!
Nothing wrong with being picky! We like what we like! 🙂
Snow. Much. Fun!!!!
Snow much! xoxo
Ironically, the little snow we got last week (not even an inch) is gone The temps, though, have been brutally LOW, and always feel a lot colder without snow. So, no snow-running for me…yet…
I don’t think it even made it into the 20’s here today and it’s supposed to be in the low 60’s by the end of the week. Crazy weather!
I love how excited you were about running in the snow!!!
Here in the Virginia suburbs of DC we just don’t get a lot of snow so every time we get some, I’m pretty happy! Of course, I’m not hoping for another 30-inch snowfall like we had in late January of last year.
Great job on all of your workouts for the week! Running friends are awesome! I’ve never run in the snow before! I bet it would be a nice break for my joints. Have a great week!
Thanks, Katie! Running in the snow is really fun as long as it’s not slippery. Unfortunately, it’s rare that it isn’t slippery. We were lucky that the snow had just fallen on a very cold surface so it was fine (except for the bridges). Once snow has a chance to melt in the sun and refreeze, it can be treacherous.
I am not sure how you are running in the snow?! LOL I saw all kinds of posts about folks running but I could barely stay upright walking. I like to see snow once each winter and then I anxiously wait for it to melt 🙂
We didn’t have any ice (only snow) so it was fine. It wasn’t the least bit slippery except on the two bridges we crossed. There’s a parallel gravel horse trail to the paved trail we were running on and using it was my “Plan B” if the trail had been dangerously slippery. Hope you get the melt you want soon. It’s supposed to get up into the 50’s by the end of the week here. 🙂
The reason I wore my Yaktrax yesterday was you never know what’s hiding underneath. Not that Yaktrax are much good on ice. Maybe it was a placebo effect, but it did give me peace of mind. It’s the first time I’ve worn them in 5 years, because it’s the first time I’m training for a spring half again!
Running with friends? Priceless!
For us, the snow had just fallen on dry pavement so we knew that it should be fine. Our “plan B” was to run on the gravel horse trail which runs parallel to the paved trail.
And of course I agree with what you say about running with friends! 🙂
We had a light coating of snow but I didn’t wear my YakTrax (I rarely ever do) and I was fine.
You just have to watch for ice.
Just be safe I did not jump LOL
Looking back on it, we must have been very confident of our footing to have risked the jump shot! LOL
You always have such an inspiring group to run with! How cool, your GoPro pictures do come out so nice wth the snow in the background and the bright colors just pop!
All our weather made for a crazy weekend for sure. I was able to get out Sunday for a run but not the miles I was supposed to do. Oh well today starts a new week!
Thanks for joining us!
I knew the weather must be crazy farther south when the Disney Half was canceled… And yes, today starts a new week! 😀
Your photos look like such fun! I’ve never run in the snow as I don’t think it’s snowed here since I started running! A lot of rain and mud but no snow.
I’m about to get a Go Pro, just looking at all the different options. Any tips?
I love my GoPro Hero 4, but there are two new ones out since I got it over two years ago. I think the GoPro Session is smaller and enclosed in its own housing so you don’t need to buy a protective case. The GoPro Hero 5 has voice control and stabilization, I believe. If I were buying mine today, I’d get one of the newer ones just because they have the latest bells and whistles. 😀
I love everything about this!
I have run in snow one time: in Savannah last year. It was amazing.
Here, in Florida, we will get temps in the 20s and 30s, and once, there were even little flakes, but not anything like what other parts of the country see. It would be really cool to have the chance to do it again.
Awww, thank you, Jenn!
We’ve really only had Saturday’s snow so far (one night we had sleet). I’m hoping for a few little snows like Saturday’s and then we can call it a winter and move on to spring. 🙂
[…] forecast of snow falling overnight turning into sleet or freezing rain. I can handle snow, in fact I LOVE running in the snow. I can handle sleet as long as I’m wearing a visor and don’t get pelted in the face. I […]
The only time I’ve run in snow (and the street was actually clear) was while in DC for spring break a few years ago. I wouldn’t mind running in the fluffy, non-slippery variety. It sure is pretty! You are the queen of jumping shots! Thanks for linking, Deb!
HaHa, thanks! I’m the queen of jump shots because I practice so often. 😉