Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is deliberate… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my four simple rules.

To think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully;
Slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved
~ Merriam-Webster
Calculated, predetermined, thought out…
Your training season starts with a deliberate plan.
You count backwards from your race date to determine how long your training cycle will be and carefully map out your calendar accordingly.
Long runs will be penciled in first and adjustments will be made when there are conflicts with family events. You do have a life. Sort of.
You find shorter races to use as dress rehearsals and work them into your plan.
You’ve determined what type of plan works for you and you either fill your calendar with runs most days of the week, or perhaps, only a few days.
You might pencil in cardio cross-training workouts, time with a trainer, and even a few massages.
You make deliberate decisions each day of training.
You wake up extra early the first day of training and can’t wait to lace up your running shoes.
You’re out the door and running exactly as you planned – not too fast, not too slow. You nail your pace.
Training goes great for several weeks.
And then one day it doesn’t…
Your wheels fall off and you walk home discouraged.
You have a pity party.
You question why you’re even running this stupid race.
The next day, your run goes great. Or it doesn’t.
You are deliberate in your search for answers.
If your run goes as planned, you rejoice. If it doesn’t, you assume the worse.
You scour the internet for answers.
You foam roll and apply ice like crazy.
You look for quick fixes on the internet.
You ask your friends if they know of a miracle doctor who can fix you and let you run while you heal.
You consider deferring the race until next year. But you don’t.
You make smart and deliberate adjustments as necessary.
You cross over that little bump in your training and come out the other side stronger.
You realize stuff happens.
You learn that one, or two, or six bad runs isn’t the end of a training cycle, and that missing two weeks of running isn’t the end of the world.
You regain focus, thankful for a second chance.
You celebrate every run with a renewed appreciation of what your body can do.
Your taper is deliberate, tried, and true.
Suddenly it’s almost race day.
You cut back on your running and allow your body to rest.
You start stalking the weather ten days out knowing that the forecast will change ten times before race day.
You eat what you’ve practiced and know works best for your body.
You compare last-minute notes with friends who are running the same race.
You lay out your clothes, bib, fuel, and race bag the night before.
You relax with confidence that you worked hard and your training will get you across the finish line.
Race day has a deliberate plan all its own.
You arrive at your race venue early.
You take care of business at the porta potty, and then warm up.
You find your spot in the starting corrals and nervously shake your legs.
You focus.
You envision yourself triumphantly crossing the finish line.
You know you’ve got this. The guns goes off.
Your post-race analysis is deliberate, providing valuable insight into your next race.
You rock that race. Or you don’t.
You go out to celebrate, or you go home and eat a container of ice cream.
You reevaluate your training, your race execution, and even things out of your control like the weather.
You learn from any mistakes you made.
You file that knowledge away for your next race.
And finally, you devise a deliberate plan for how to improve your next training cycle.
Yes, every step is deliberate in the journey to success…
Are you deliberate with your training?
Grab My Button!

Next Month’s Wednesday Word: Technical
I think I both deliberate and cavalier with my running and training. I am a schedule oriented person for sure but sometimes you just have to wing it right
I am mostly deliberate in my race choices and planning, but if someone suggests a race at the last minute and it sounds fun, I’m in (as long as I’m trained for that distance)!
I am most definitely deliberate!
It’s almost as though you’ve run a race . . . or several hundred. 🙂
Found your site very interesting. Admire your followers. All of my deliberate urges go in directions other then running or exercise. Inspiring to hear about and from those of you who can and do.
Thank you, and it’s never too late to start a fitness routine. Taking 30-minute walks is a great start.
I’d say I am deliberate for the most part. I know what works for me. But on the other hand, I do just love to run and sometimes I just do that.
That sounds like a healthy mix, and I’d say I’m very similar with my approach.
[…] Wednesday – Every Step Is Deliberate In The Journey To Success […]