While in Southern Utah, Bill’s bucket list included spending time taking pictures during sunset at Dead Horse Point State Park. As I mentioned yesterday, we spent a portion of the afternoon walking around the park scouting it out before returning to take pictures during sunset.

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


There’s A Biker Working Very Hard

On our trip to Dead Horse Point earlier in the afternoon, we noticed a biker riding on the long, straight stretch of US-313 toward the park. He was on a long gradual climb and the midday sun must have been brutal in the 95° heat. What was most striking was the amount of gear he had strapped to his bike. That, and the white leggings he was wearing under black shorts.


There’s That Biker Again!

After spending a few hours scouting out the point, we decided to return to Arches National Park for a little more exploring. As we drove back down the highway, we were surprised to see the same biker still making his way toward the parks.


A Rush To Return In Time For Sunset

Our time at Arches was well spent; however, with plans to take pictures from Dead Horse Point at sunset, we rushed into Moab to grab a quick dinner with hopes of getting back to the point before it was too late.


We Made It In Time To Catch The Sunset

It was around 8:15 PM when we rolled back into the park with plenty of time to spare before the sun started dipping behind the barren red rocks. We were surprised that there weren’t very many people at the primary overlook fighting for the perfect spot, and Bill easily secured prime real estate to set up his tripod.

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


When the sun first started to cast it’s evening glow, I used my GoPro (affiliate link) to take a few panoramic videos and it wasn’t until later that I realized I captured the gentleman reclining on the rocks.

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Did You Ride A Bike Here?

As Bill was just beginning to snap pictures, a gentleman wearing a bike helmet walked over and stood beside him. Bill glanced over and asked, “Did you ride your bike here?” The gentleman replied that indeed he biked to the park. Bill immediately noticed the white pants and realized that this was the same person we’d seen twice before making the long haul up US-313.


Kamran On Bike

We engaged in conversation and exchanged introductions, and learned that the gentleman’s name is Kamran – Kamran on Bike (kinda like Deb Runs). 😉

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Having seen him riding up US-313 toward the park earlier in the day, we suspected he was on a long journey. When Bill asked where he’d started his ride, his reply was astonishing – Kamran was en route from the southern tip of Argentina to Alaska!

He had originally hoped to make the trek in 1-1/2 years, but he was already at 2-1/2 years and only in Southern Utah. Rather than taking the most direct westerly route, he’d decided to see more of the United States and a few friends along the way. I follow along on his blog and on July 21, Kamran crossed the border into Canada.

He was fascinating to talk to and before we knew it, the other tourists gathered to watch the sunset at Dead Horse Point, moved toward us to join in on the fascinating conversation.

While we talked, we exchanged social media information. You can follow Kamran by clicking on these links:

Dead Horse Point At Sunset


Bill asked to see his bike which was parked just behind the overlook where we were standing. Kamran rides a Stevens bicycle which is German made. He estimated that with its bags it weights approximately 130-140 pounds.

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Notice the plastic bag hanging on his handlebar. While we were chatting, another tourist had walked to her car and gathered fruit and snacks to give to Kamran.

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Intermingled with our conversations with Kamran, I took pictures of the Colorado River snaking its way through the rocks as the sun continued to lower in the sky…

Sunset at Dead Horse Point

Sunset at Dead Horse Point

Sunset at Dead Horse Point

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Saying Goodbye

We stuck around until the sky was nearly dark and said our goodbyes. Kamran was going to stick around a little longer and watch the night sky using his PhotoPills night sky app.

As the sun was setting over southern Utah, little did we know that the Caps had just won the Stanley Cup! It wasn’t until about ten minutes later as we were leaving the park and once again had cell reception that our phones were flooded with texts from our sons and notifications from ESPN telling us of the good news!

Sunset at Dead Horse Point


Final Thoughts On Dead Horse Point State Park

I’m so glad we made the decision to visit the park during the daylight hours and at sunset. Watching the colors change across the desert as the sun lowered in the sky was a beautiful sight. The vast openness is so different from where we live in Virginia and made the sunset all the more spectacular.


  • Questions:
  • Have you visited Dead Horse Point State Park? If so, at sunset?
  • Where you live, do you get a better view of the sunrise or sunset?
  • Which is your favorite National Park?


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