Last Wednesday I wrote Embracing The Weather where I talked about enjoying Virginia’s four distinct seasons. The very next day I read Kristen’s post about winter running and her thoughts on some related questions on Run Away With Me. Kristen had gotten the idea from Karen at Just Me & My Running Shoes; and well, […]
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Author: Deb Runs
When my alarm went off at 6:15 Saturday morning, I was in such a deep sleep that I didn’t hear it for a couple of minutes. The snuggly-warm draw of my bed was almost too much for me, but I had people to meet and miles to run so after hitting the snooze alarm twice, […]
Every so often these fun little awards circulate in the blogosphere and give bloggers an opportunity to acknowledge other writers from their blogging community. It’s a great way for bloggers to introduce their readers to some of the blogs they enjoy, and it’s a great way for readers to learn a little more about the […]
I ran yesterday. I ran, but I waited until the mercury climbed from two degrees to a balmy fifteen. During my run I actually daydreamed about the beach… I never do that. You see, I’m happy in the moment. I like that we have four distinct seasons in Virginia, and I embrace them all. Come […]
I’ll admit it, I was a wimp! After trying to find a time that the Cruisers could meet to run yesterday morning without freezing our behinds off and breaking our necks on the ice, I canceled our run. Friday evening I started feeling icky and that made it even easier to cancel… I woke up […]
Thursday afternoon brought us the biggest snowflakes I’ve ever seen! I have a tendency to get overly excited about that kind of things, but seriously, even my clients couldn’t get over how big and beautiful the snowflakes were. Around 9 PM it stopped snowing and I decided to take a walk around our house and […]
Cori over at Olive To Run posed many important questions yesterday in her Would You Rather Running Style Survey #7. I couldn’t help but jump at the chance to answer her pressing questions! 1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm? Even though I enjoy running in a warm summer rain, I […]
Without goals we stumble through life without a plan… Keeping my 2014 goals in mind, I’ve been playing around with my 2014 race scheduled. So without further ado, here are the races I plan to run this year! February – Run Your Heart Out 5K March – Reston 10-Miler April – Hungry Mother Half Marathon […]
Let me be the first to wish you a… Bill and I decided to ring out the old year with a night-time run through our neighborhood so we could enjoy all of the beautiful Christmas lights one more time before people started taking their decorations down during the next few days. We donned our headlamps […]
To celebrate this last day of 2013, I’ve put together the year in pictures… Unfortunately, I’m not starting off very well since didn’t start blogging until January 31st, and until then didn’t feel the need to photograph every moment of my life. Believe it or not, I have no running pictures from January! On this […]
Before I tell you about “Book Night,” I have to follow up on wedding dress shopping with Julie, her mom, and sister on Saturday. We went to two different bridal stores, had lunch, and in general had a great time! Oh yeah, and Julie found the perfect wedding dress! Once Julie picked out her dress […]
In my spare time yesterday morning, I got my “Race Results” tab completed on my blog. Now all of my races are organized by distance and in chronological order. We runners are very nerdy like that and love to have everything laid out and easy to look at. If you even have a smidgen of […]
Warning: This post contains thousands of fatty calories, so pull a seat up to our dining room table and let’s talk Christmas food… I like coconut milk, and I love anything that combines mint and chocolate, so how could I pass this up at Harris Teeter when I shopped for our Christmas spread? At only […]
I’ll rely on Pinterest today to help me wish you a very Merry Christmas! And with a little help from YouTube… Merry Christmas! Questions: Are you going to be with family today? If you don’t celebrate Christmas, what do you usually do on December 25 since most businesses are closed? Did you […]
Just for fun, I’m going to take you on a quick tour of our main Christmas tree. I suppose you could say there are a few themes going on here and of course running is one of the big ones! I worked on this stuffed Santa during my lunch break for weeks as a surprise […]
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas… inside at least! The temps got into the high-60’s this weekend so all of our snow has melted and after tomorrow’s relatively warm rain, it’s supposed to be dry through the week. That means no white Christmas this year! Inside is another matter, though! I got pretty […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… and the busiest! In addition to preparing for our own Christmas celebration that I like to think would make Martha Stewart envious, Bill and I have been attending various holiday parties. Last Thursday night we attended a work party thrown by a friend of Bill’s. I’ve gotten […]
As I’ve mentioned before, I grew up on a dairy farm. The wooded acreage was mostly made up of deciduous trees, but there were evergreens sprinkled throughout. Every Christmas, my dad took my brother and me with him to find the perfect tree. Sometimes my mom came with us, but usually she stayed home and […]
As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on 2013 and my year of running… Best Race Experience… There were so many great race experiences this year, but I’ve got to say that the Hokie Half Marathon was my favorite for many reasons. Any excuse that Bill and I have […]
Back in August I found Laura’s blog Write The Happy Ending and was instantly drawn to her and her sister Taylor. I wrote about their journey on Taylor’s 15th birthday, after I went on a 6.2-mile run in honor of Taylor. Laura’s love and devotion to her sister and her determination to bring awareness and […]