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Amanda’s Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap

I love reading race reports and always offer for our Cruisers to write a recap for Deb Runs after their race.  Two weeks ago Amanda ran the 38th Marine Corps Marathon and took me up on my offer.  Without further ado, I’ll turn it over to Amanda to take you along on her very first […]


Chilly Cruiser Run

It was 29 degrees when we drove to meet the Cruisers for our weekly group run.  I didn’t see any frost on the pumpkins, but I saw frost on the  bridge railings. Since the temps were supposed to warm up quickly and I was planning to run twelve miles and would be out for a […]


Race Etiquette

Back in early October, I made a promise to write several posts giving you a variety of running tips you could use for your upcoming marathons.  I wrote the following “Race Preparation” articles: The Week Leading Up To Your Race, The Last Two Days Before The Race, Race Items Check List, and Race Recovery.  Unfortunately, […]


A Few Things I Love About Fall

My mom told me that autumn was my dad’s favorite season, and I can’t believe that I never knew that.  I love fall, but can’t say that it’s my favorite season.  I always like the season that we’re in; although, I prefer winter when it’s snowing.  Here are some of the things that I love […]


Hello…  Randomness!

Last weekend Sue over at This Mama Runs for Cupcakes ran her first marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon.  Afterward, she wrote your typical recap of the race; however, on Friday she wrote the best race recap that I’ve ever read.  If you don’t read any other race recap ever again, read this one, The REAL […]


New York City Marathon Race Recap

As promised in early October, I was able to convince my Cruiser bestie Beth that my readers would love to relive her 2011 New York City Marathon race experience with her in celebration of today’s running of the marathon.  Without further ado, here is Beth’s forth guest post on Deb Runs. Today is the 43rd […]


Running Hills On A Beautiful Fall Day

Last Saturday while Bill and I were still at my parents’ house we woke up at 8:30 AM to 22 degrees.  Mom checked her little weather station for the overnight low and it had gotten down to 17 degrees!  We waited around until 11:30 to go on our run, and by then the temperature had […]


Halloween Traditions And More

Can I just say that my favorite Halloween tradition comes after trick-or-treating?  My favorite little Indiana Jones stops by my house every year after he collects his loot and we trade candy.  One Mounds equals as much candy as he wants from my basket.  One 3Muskateers equals three candy choices.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t gotten any […]


Moji 360 Massager Review

You all know that I love my foam rollers, even if I don’t remember to use them every day.  And yes, I’m getting better about using them regularly!  Remember back in July when I wrote Rolling It Out, a “how to” on rolling out trigger points?  At the time I told you about (and how […]


Oh Geez, Am I Sore!

While out of town with my family last week, I ran almost every day.  It was a way for me to clear my head, to think about my dad, and to honor him by doing something that he was always so supportive of.  The first morning that I was home, I went for an early […]


Marine Corps Marathon Recaps For 2009, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998, And 1997

Today is the 38th running of the Marine Corps Marathon, and I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of my friends running in this terrific race a fun and successful day. I’ve run this race ten times over the years and it holds a special place in my heart as my very first […]


Goodbye For Now, Dad

Last Thursday I wrote Just What the Doctor Ordered, and talked about my stressful trip to Tennessee to help care for a loved one. I didn’t mention that I left sobbing. I didn’t have that feeling in my gut, that feeling that I’d never see him alive again, but I was afraid of what might […]


Oral I.V. Product Review

In late August I received the opportunity to try Oral I.V. and write a review of it on my blog.  I received two packages of vials (eight vials total) at no charge and all I had to do was try it and tell you what I think…  Easier said, than done. Firstly, I am a […]


Just What The Doctor Ordered

After a very stressful six days in Tennessee spent mostly in a hospital helping care for a loved one, I returned home yesterday afternoon to my very own copy of The Mother of all Meltdowns that I had won on Work In Sweats Mama’s blog.  Not only had Nicole (one of the authors) signed my […]


Race Recovery

Last week I talked about The Week Leading Up To Your Race and The Last Two Days Before Your Race, so I thought that today I would talk about Race Recovery. As soon as you finish your race, grab a water bottle and keep walking around to let your legs cool down.  If it’s a […]


2010, 2007, 2006, 2005, And 1999 Steamtown Marathon Recaps

Today is the 18th Annual running of the Steamtown Marathon in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Good luck to any of my readers who are running this great race today! I decided to run my first Steamtown Marathon in 1999 after reading that Runner’s World listed it as one of the nation’s top ten fastest marathons. Take a look […]


Race Preparation:  Race Items Check List

Back in April I wrote What’s All That Stuff You’re Carrying?  Since fall is racing season, and I’m spending the week talking about race preparation, I’m re-posting it today with a few minor changes and additions. I’m sure you never leave your house without your phone, but I’ll remind you anyway to take it (and […]


Race Preparation:  The Last Two Days Before Your Race

Yesterday I talked about The Week Leading Up To Your Race, and promised that today I’d get into the topics of carbo-loading, dressing for the race, and the importance of sleep before the race. Let’s start with carbo-loading and whether it’s a myth, or if there’s truth behind the science of it.  Carbohydrates (such as […]