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Fancy Tights, Sunrises, And Brussels Sprouts

While training clients on Monday morning I watched the cover on our deck table and chairs billow up like a hot air balloon; to the point I was afraid the protective cover would tear. With wind gusts forecast to get up to 80 MPH, I wasn’t at all surprised to see this happen. It wasn’t until later […]


Runfessions: Embarrassing And Otherwise

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  I am going to shamelessly promote my new Race Linkup here on Runfessions. Our next installment goes live this coming Monday, the last Monday of the month. Won’t you join us by linking up a post with your […]


Sneak Peak Of The Real Runners Virtual Summit

  On February 20th, my friend and fellow MRTT mama, Katie Heddleston’s ten-day Real Runners Virtual Summit will commence and I’m pleased to let you know that I was asked by Katie to join in as one of her twenty-three real runner speakers. During my interview, I spoke with Katie about running longevity and how my running has changed as I’ve […]


No Ice, No Group Run, No Bueno

That’s it, I’m done! I will never trust the weather forecast again – until the next time we have snow in the forecast… Let’s back it up a little. I canceled my Cruisers run set for Saturday morning after the ominous forecast of snow falling overnight turning into sleet or freezing rain. I can handle snow, in fact […]


You know it’s going to be a good run when your pre-run texts start like this…   Erin and rarely get to run together anymore so when we do, we make sure to keep it fun. We opted to run a little later on Saturday morning due to the cold temperatures in the forecast (17°/feels like […]


A New Year, A New Me

In last week’s Weekly Wrap I talked about the need to take some time off from my workouts to recover from melanoma surgery. This week I got fantastic news from my surgeon that my pathology report came back with all clear margins. I can now close that chapter and look forward to many pre-sunrise runs and […]


When You’re Not Allowed To Workout

Earlier today I posted Christmas wishes from my family to yours, but in case you missed it, Merry Christmas!   On Monday I had surgery to remove a melanoma from my left check. With an incision from my cheekbone to my jawbone (my hair and a flesh colored bandage are covering it in the picture above), […]


Adapting To The Weather

It’s that time of year again when you can’t necessarily depend on the weather cooperating… This week was all about being flexible and adapting my runs to the demands of winter approaching the mid-Atlantic region. Monday and Tuesday started the week off without causing any workout headaches, but the weather forecast for Thursday morning was dreadful enough […]



There are races, and then there are crazy fun races – today’s Jingle Bell Jog was the latter. I’ll give it the full credit it deserves in a recap on Thursday, but today’s weekly wrap couldn’t go by without mentioning it. Mentioning it, because it was yet another opportunity for me to get some shenanigans on with […]


Back To Waking Up The Running Trail

This past week was busy with work, leaf cleanup, Christmas shopping, and a few unexpected curve balls thrown in here and there. The good news is that I got pretty much all of my Christmas decorating done last weekend, so that’s not hanging over my head! I pulled my lazy bones out of bed on […]


Hugging My Favorite Runners

Happy National Hug A Runner Day! Whether we’ve covered miles together on the trail, or have just sent virtual hugs each others way before a big race or after a devastating injury, I’m including you in my circle of running friends and sending a hug your way! xoxo There are, of course, running friends who […]


Farm Running And Blacksburg Fun

I had so much fun last week visiting my mom on the farm; and while out of town, I kept true to my workouts and healthy eating even with the fun size Mounds candy bars my mom had waiting for me and the birthday brownie she served Thursday night. The weather was fantastic so it was […]


Another Week, Another Trip

Yesterday morning I raced in a local 5K (recap to be posted Tuesday), drove home long enough to shower, and then hopped back into my packed SUV and headed to Southwest Virginia to visit my mom for the week. We have big plans to do a few fall gardening chores, go Christmas shopping, and perhaps, even […]


Grateful For Every Step

I sit here today scrolling through social media as my running friends finish the 41st Marine Corps Marathon and I can’t help but be a little nostalgic for days gone by… I ran the MCM ten times and it holds the honor of being my very first marathon. Yesterday, I shared my ten favorite memories from […]


On The Road Again; This Time To Southwestern Virginia

After a crazy two weeks of travel, I spent the weekend up to my eyeballs in laundry, wedding fun, and finally spending a relaxing Sunday afternoon with my husband and our visiting-sons while watching football and DVD’s from when our sons were little. It was perfect! So perfect, that I made the decision to let […]


Hanging Out With A Bunch Of Fitness Professionals – Club Industry Show Recap

On Tuesday morning I flew to Chicago for the Club Industry Show being held at the Hyatt Regency. For convenience, I stayed in the Hyatt which also had the dual benefit of being an easy walk to my son and daughter-in-law’s building. After school each day – my son is a second year MBA student at […]


As I transferred my workouts from my log to my infographic for this past week, I paused to look closely and decided to take a moment to talk a little about how I fit so much activity into my days. My goal is always to inspire and show that I am very active and hope to be […]


Five Words Of Wisdom For My Marathoning Friends

Five Words Of Wisdom For My Marathoning Friends – Those who know me well, know that I really, really miss running marathons. They also know that there’s nothing I love more than lending the occasional bit of unsolicited advice and encouragement. My wish is that everyone who chooses to run a marathon has a fantastic experience. Running […]


Wrapping Up That Race I Ran Two Weeks Ago…

You might have seen this earlier this week on my Personal Fit Fitness Facebook, but if you didn’t, it’s a fun look at what a Ragnar Relay is really like. A special shout out and thanks goes to my husband Bill for all of the hard work he did pulling this video together and to my […]


A Year’s Worth Of Runfessions

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   I runfess:  I do not wear underwear under my running shorts that have built-in underwear, but learned that some people do.  I runfess:  I am not looking forward to the colder weather. As much as I love snow, and […]