Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links Spring Fever in the Making It may have been short-lived, but this past week’s mild weather gave me a whooping dose of spring fever after spending some time outside gardening, running in shorts, and spotting a few Robins. This morning’s snow squashed the fever, but I’m hopeful there […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links If Washing Dishes Counted as a Workout In last week’s recap, I mentioned that on Saturday I’d spent over 12 hours starting the process of taking everything out of our kitchen cabinets and drawers, washing the contents and purging items I hadn’t used in years. I spent another […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Chugging Along Until Serious Training Needs to Begin It’s that time of year when the weather isn’t always inviting to be outside. Currently it’s 13° (feels like 7°) and yesterday’s high didn’t get above a blustery 26°, even though we only got about an inch of snow from […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… From Delightful Snowy Trails to Icy Hazards After a somewhat boring week away from cardio exercise, I hit the trail and my indoor cardio equipment as I eased back into my normal routine. My first run back was on a delightfully soft pad of fresh snow and was […]
Disclaimer: This 2022 133-Mile North Key Largo to Key West Bike Tour recap contains affiliate links… Not Quite Miami to Key West In December 2019, our Dawn Patrol cycling friends participated in Bicycle Shows’ ride from Miami to Key West. Bill and I regretted skipping out on the fun and vowed to join […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… A Little Down Time Honestly, I didn’t feel particularly tired after our incredibly fun 133-mile two-day bike ride from Key Largo to Key West, Florida, but I’d promised my body some cardio rest and I’m not one to break promises. The last couple of months I dedicated a […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… From Snow to Palm Trees, From a Spin Bike to a Road Bike After months of planning (mostly on the part of our friend Chuck), our epic bike ride from Miami to Key West was upon us! We left Virginia on Thursday with snow on the ground and […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, […]
Race Day Rain Wanting to kick 2022 off with a grand start, I texted my friends to see if they wanted to join in running the New Day New Year 5K we’d last run in 2019. Everyone was game and we registered in mid-December. Unfortunately, the rain forecasted all week showed up as expected on […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Goal Setting for 2022 It has been a few years since I’ve set goals as the calendar turns from December to January. For a few years I experienced a weird pattern of late December/early January injuries which caused me to dismiss any thoughts of setting New Year’s goals. […]
Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link… The Good Old Days Now that I’ve gotten everyone’s attention with my catchy title, of course I’m a runner. I’m just a runner who has cut back drastically on my mileage as I carefully straddle running enough to keep me happy and not so much that I’ll […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… A New Distance Milestone I had hoped to reach my 4,000th mile on an outdoor road ride, but the combination of the week’s chilly weather and Christmas preparations kept me indoors. At the beginning of 2021 I had no grandiose plans to ride any particular distance and was […]
I first posted this in December 2015 and it remains one of my favorite DebRuns posts. I hope you enjoy! The basement was quiet without any noise, No banging or clanging of any gym toys. Just a few empty bottles, and a little spilled water, I nervously wondered if we had a free-loading squatter. Forgetting the season, forgetting […]
As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on 2021 and my year of running, something I’ve been doing as the year dwindles to an end each year since 2013. For whatever reason I can’t find my 2015 post so I can only assume that it’s been sucked into the great […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Missed Social Events I just happened to be out of town both weekends that the Run With Santa 5K and Frosty 5K races were held. Also, we missed the two Christmas lights rides which were held on Thursday and Friday evenings of this past week. Our plans changed […]
As a couple, Bill and I have never gone out and cut down a Christmas tree. For several years, we purchased our Christmas tree from a nursery, but eventually started buying them from our local volunteer fire department. I reasoned that the fire department would surely sell the freshest-cut trees in town. Looking back, I’m […]
2021 didn’t find me toeing the line at as many races as in most years, but you can bet that I appreciated each race that was held live after running 100% of my races virtually in 2020. In fact, I spent most of 2020 rehabbing from an injury which resulted in me walking all but […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Using My Garmin for LiveTracking My bike Garmin (affiliate link) got a great workout on Sunday, but me, not so much. Just for fun and so Bill could follow me via Garmin LiveTrack as I made the six-hour drive to the farm, I set my device on my […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Giving My Gravel Bike a Break And just like that, I think I’m done with riding gravel until the spring. My last two gravel rides haven’t been enjoyable and I ride my bikes to have fun. It’s harder to control the brakes and change gears when my fingers […]