While celebrating American Heart Month during the month of February, I’ve talked about the importance of physical activity in relationship to heart health… • It’s February: Are You Taking Care of Your Heart Heart? • Keeping Your Heart Healthy • Chor’obics: Turning Chores into Aerobic Workouts Today, I’ll break down the five components of an […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Unintentional Third and Fourth Wheels We watched Pablo over the Valentine weekend while his humans moved from near DC out to the suburbs and much closer to us – insert happy dance! We took Pablo to his new home on Sunday afternoon after they got settled and it […]
Minimum Aerobic Recommendations for a Healthier Heart Cardio (aerobic) exercises are activities that increase your heart and breathing rate over an extended period of time. The American Heart Association recommends we get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderately intensive cardio exercise each week. When spread out over the week, as little as 30 minutes […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Valentine’s Day Celebrations Yesterday while cycling with my blogging friends we talked about Valentine’s Day plans. Bill and I have never been big to celebrate the holiday, even when we were dating. My feeling is I’d rather he surprise me with flowers just because rather than because he’s […]
American Heart Month February is National Heart Month and during this month we’ll see advertisements on TV, in magazines, and online reminding us of the warning signs of a heart attack. While many symptoms are the same for both men and women, there are a few warning signs that are much more common for women […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… From Bleh to Let’s Do This I don’t know why, but I started out the week in a funky, bleh mood. Fortunately, by Tuesday I had given myself an attitude adjustment and the rest of the week was better. As much as I love snow, I’m the type […]
It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you please join me? I’ll go first… If we were having coffee….. I’d remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea (hot chocolate is the only hot […]
American Heart Month February is American Heart Month and an excellent time to take stock of your heart health. To help make the necessary adjustments to get you on the right track to better health, the American Heart Association (AHA) has set up recommendations for physical activity and has laid it all out clearly in […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… So Great to Have Options One of the things I’ve loved watching during the pandemic with everyone being stuck at home is how clever people are becoming with creating new workout spaces. Early on it was nearly impossible to find dumbbells, exercise tubes, etc. as gyms were forced […]
~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes… It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and life in general faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Easing Back in Might be the Key I ran twice this past week – walking/running as the mood struck Pablo on Monday and steady running on Friday. On Monday I felt completely normal and I felt great on Friday until my speed picked up when I quit paying […]
A Hidden Treasure For years I had driven past Red Rock Wilderness Overlook Regional Park on the back-way to the Leesburg Costco and with each trip, I made a mental note to stop someday and check it out. Little did I know that here was a hidden treasure of trails waiting to be explored. While […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Giving my Weekly RunDown Infographic an Update As things have changed over the last year, I thought it was time to update my weekly infographic. It was time to give cycling its own section and time to downgrade my weekly running goal from three to two times per […]
Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link for the posture corrector I purchased and in no way received any compensation… Starting to Slump A few years, ago a friend commented on my great posture and it surprised me. It was a compliment I’d never before received, and quite frankly, prior to the comliment I […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Opting Outside Given the chance, I will always opt to take my cardio workout outside. Both icy conditions and excessive wind will send me to the basement, but whenever possible I prefer the great outdoors. This week was great for running outside, but I haven’t tested myself on […]
Disclaimer: This recap fo the Virtual 2021 New Year’s Day 5K contains affiliate links… Starting 2021 Off Right With a Race With 2020 being somewhat of a bust of a year for my running and racing, I began looking at local races I could run on New Year’s Day. I found two races, one […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… It’s Finally 2021, Can I Get an Amen? The day that we’ve all be waiting for – the last day of 2020 – finally arrived! Do I feel differently? Of course not, but even though many good things happened to my family in 2020, a lot of people […]
It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you please join me? I’ll go first… If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that, gift wise, one of the biggest hits of Christmas was this sketch […]
As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on the crazy year called 2020 and my year of running, something I’ve been doing as the year dwindles to an end each year since 2013. For whatever reason I can’t find my 2015 post so I can only assume that it’s been […]
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links… Giving Myself Grace This week was all about preparing for a festive time with our immediate family as we celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all while adapting to changes to our usual holiday traditions due to the pandemic. And in order to do […]