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Running Along Route 12, Without Getting Killed

Fitting our long run in while on vacation at the beach is never a problem.  Deciding just where to run it is… Yesterday we decided to try running along Route 12 so we would have a consistent running surface, and a change in scenery.  Running along the shore at low tide is beautiful, but the […]


Running On The Outer Banks

If you follow me on Instagram, you’re well aware that Bill and I drove down to the Outer Banks on Wednesday.  Bill’s parents built the beach house in 1987, and we now own it with his siblings. We left our home early in the morning and arrived in Duck around 1 PM.  Our first stop […]


Five Favorite Race Memories

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Running Up To A Very Important Weekend (July 28 – August 3)

I had a solid running week until I got to Saturday, and as planned, I took Saturday and Sunday off for a very special reason.  Funny thing is, I ran on my own wedding day.  I don’t remember how far I ran, but I definitely remember going for an early morning run! Monday I started […]


What’s New?  I’m Glad You Asked!

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Enjoying The Outdoors (July 21 – 27)

As I’m gearing up for three big fall races, I’ve bumped up my training, and in doing so, I’m enjoying being outdoors as much as possible. Monday I stuck with my promise to myself and lifted weights on Monday morning early before my first client arrived.  I was also able to sneak in a 4.65 […]


Possibly The Best New Piece Of Running Gear, EVER!

My friend Erin just added the most amazing piece of equipment to her running gear collection, a selfie stick…  Yes, I said it, a selfie stick… complete with a Bluetooth remote control. For months, our MRTT group and I have been posting group-run selfies that Erin is kind enough to take.  I let her think […]


Where I Stand On My 2014 Goals

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Mourning The Loss Of The Marathon

I ran my last marathon on November 12, 2011.  At the time, I didn’t realize that my marathon career was pretty much over… I know that I could run another marathon, but seriously, how many do I need to run?  I have 40 under my belt and shouldn’t I just be happy with that?  I […]


What Goes In, Must Come Out

I’m linking up again this month with Amanda at The Lady Okie and Becka at Sunshine To The Square Inch for their Runner’s Tell All monthly linkup.  Be sure to pop over to their blogs to see what they have to say on today’s topic, and to see who else is linking up. This month, […]


Another Good Week… If You Like To Run (July 14 – 20)

Last week was another good week for running, and since everyone seemed to enjoy last week’s workout recap, I’m going to make it a weekly event! Monday I almost always rest from cardio on Mondays, but try to get a good weight lifting session and core workout completed on my non-cardio day.  After about 30 […]


Friday Five:  Friday Favorites

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Ragnar/Pacers Mini-Relay Recap

Today’s post was written by my fun and crazy Moms RUN This Town friend, Erin.  She and Amanda ran in the Ragnar/Pacers Mini-Relay (sponsored by Brooks Running) on Saturday evening and I’m seriously regretting not letting them talk me into joining them!  Without further ado, here’s Erin’s recap… A few weeks ago, Pacers (a DC […]


May I Borrow You For Ten Seconds?

Last summer, I connected with Laura from Write The Happy Ending after learning that she was training to run the Thunder Road Half Marathon blindfolded to honor her sister Taylor, and to bring attention to Batten Disease, the fatal rare disease that afflicts her sister. I was so touched by Taylor’s story that in August, […]


Friday Five:  Fitness Snapshots

It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Each week Courtney, Cynthia, and Mar either suggest a theme for that week’s Friday Five Linkup, or leave it up to individual bloggers to come up with their own Free Friday […]


Letting Your Children Soar

I wasn’t the mother that put a mirror under my baby’s nose to make sure he was breathing.  In fact, I was a very relaxed new mom and I’m not sure why, but I think it had to do with faith. I had faith that the good Lord above was looking over my family; and […]


Must Be Monday…

Notice anything different about the look of my blog? I’m considering myself lucky, very lucky…  This morning I updated my theme and this is what I got.  It’s never a good thing to see those two words, “Fatal error.” Fortunately, I always backup my website before updating anything.  A quick Goggle search showed that other […]