I am so excited to team up with Road ID to give away a $35 e-coupon to one of my lucky readers…  It’s like Christmas in July!  And guess what, Road ID was so generous that they gave me two $35 e-coupons!  That’s right, if you don’t win this e-coupon, you’ll have a chance to win again soon!


I have been a fan of Road ID since I saw an ad in the back of a Runner’s World Magazine many years ago.  I liked the concept and it just made sense, since I spend a lot of hours out on the running trails, sometimes alone.


The reason I chose Road ID for a giveaway is because it is a product that Bill and I have been using for years; and wouldn’t consider going out on a run without!  Our Road ID’s are shoe tags, but today many other products are available.


Kicking back in my Asics GT-2ooo’s and Road ID

Several years ago Santa my parents put Road ID’s in Bill’s, my brother’s, and my Christmas stockings.  My mom always makes sure everyone is safe in our family, and that’s kind of the way Road ID got started.


From their website:  Here are just a few reasons why you should make Road ID part of your gear:

  1. If you can’t speak for yourself, Road ID will speak for you.
  2. Road ID enables First Responders to immediately contact family members and friends.
  3. Road ID enables family members to provide additional details about your health or give consent for potentially life saving procedures.
  4. Road ID enables hospital staff to locate vital medical records.
  5. Road ID can communicate medical conditions or allergy information to medical staff.
  6. Road ID can prevent serious delays in treatment by saving crucial time during the “golden hour” of medical treatment.
  7. It’s far better to have Road ID and not need it than to need Road ID and not have it. It’s not just a piece of gear, it’s peace of mind.
  8. Accidents happen far more than you think they do. Each year approximately 450,000 of us are taken to hospitals unconscious and without identification.
  9. Road ID looks good on and makes a statement about your athletic lifestyle – not to mention that studies would probably prove that people that wear Road ID are considerably smarter than those that don’t.
  10. Road ID can save your Life. Period.

Rules to enter my Road ID giveaway:

  1. Winners will be selected by Rafflecopter on Sunday, July 7, and announced on Monday, July 8.
  2. You are allowed to enter every day during this period.  The more times and ways you enter, the greater your chances of winning.
  3. Once the winner is announced, that person will have until Friday, July 12 to claim the prize.  If the winner fails to claim their prize, another winner will be chosen.
  4. Relatives of Deb Runs are not eligible to win.



  • Questions:
  • Do you or a family member use Road ID?
  • Does your mom give you gifts to keep you safe?
  • Leave a comment telling me how incredibly excited you are to enter to receive a $35 Road ID e-coupon.